Memphis Depay


Senior Member
Decent opportunity for Depay to ask for more cash... no chance club want to be seen to be gazumped again in space of a few days.

His team should be tightening screw as he will have a lot of offers on table.


Active member
Probably too many fans and board members think: "Our way is the way to go. We won with our way in 2009 and 2011. That's our style and our DNA. Why should we change? Our style is not the problem. We just need better players with our DNA and we will be on top again."

The style isn't the problem. It's the quality of managers, tactics, and choosing of rosters that are the headscratchers. Barca has always varied in their plays but the core style still remained. The style isn't the problem. IF anythign it's the adaptation to the modern game.


Senior Member
He will come, simply because he knows the coach believes in him & how well he had him playing for the national team, he's a bang on starter with koeman.

It's depay & messi (If he stays) plus one for out front 3 assuming we play a 4-3-3, if he comes.

Fati fighting it out for the last post in attack.


New member
Juventus may try a similar move with another Barcelona target, Netherlands forward Memphis Depay, 27, who is set to leave Lyon on a free transfer. (Mundo Deportivo)


Senior Member
If we lose another free agent after basically having his medicals scheduled it will become truly embarrassing. We need to speed things up with Depay. I hope we announce him this week.
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Senior Member
If we lose another free agent after basically having his medicals scheduled it will become truly embarrassing. We need to speed things up with Depay. I hope we announce him this week.

There's nothing we can do if Psg gazump us.
We all know it's done on purpose. Stupid Barto provoked them by going after players like Verratti and Marquinhos. That remontada hurt them too and since than that petty fuck Nasser has been trying to undermine us.
I wouldn't be surprised if he signs with Psg.


Senior Member
There's nothing we can do if Psg gazump us.
We all know it's done on purpose. Stupid Barto provoked them by going after players like Verratti and Marquinhos. That remontada hurt them too and since than that petty fuck Nasser has been trying to undermine us.
I wouldn't be surprised if he signs with Psg.

Nothing but cheer and thank them!


Senior Member
Nothing but cheer and thank them!

Thank them for what? Signing a good player on a free deal? Some of you here need to realize that we are broke and we can strengthen our squad only by signing players for free. Depay is a quality player we have nothing to lose if we sign him. What is the worst thing that can happen to us? We sell him next summer and earn some money???

If we fail to sign Depay we'll be left with Braithwaite for another season. In addition to that Dembele probably won't renew and who knows what can we expect from Fati. If you don't remember our attack last year was atrocious. We need to strengthen that part of our team and Depay is our only option right now.
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