Senior Member
I just think it's a dumb comment from Depay. Fair enough if he said, "oh, I may not be the nicest guy on the pitch, but I'll definitely put in the effort and fight to help the team." The fact that he used Suarez as a comparison is dumb as hell. Suarez didn't score all those goals and won those titles because he was the nicest guy, he scored those goals and won those titles because he was super talented.
i may be the only one in here that understands what you are trying to say.

yeah, depay's comparison was a bit off because there is nothing similar between their style of play. suarez bullied defenders in his prime and was a dirty bastard when he thought it would help him. suarez also had more drive and aggression. depay just isn't that kind of player. maybe only sporadically.
i think a stupid journalist asked him about his bad boy persona outside the pitch(is he really a bad boy?) and depay thought that comparing himself to a barcelona legend would suit the conversation. what is more funny is that suarez is as vanilla as someone can be outside the pitch. no monster parties, no cheating on his wife, a family man through and through.