Mesut Ozil


Interista Paja Patak
Pajo, tsk tsk...No one likes a Johnny come lately to come in for a laugh :rolleyes:

You can count the number of times I did that over in the Inter forum without even one finger, i.e. zero

That being said, you know little of the player to make a ridiculous claim that he has 'never been impressive at Bremen'

i am here all the time, except the last 15 days since i was on vacation...

And yes, i do know he wasnt impressive in Bremen just because my best friend is bundesliga and bayern fan, he always speeks about the quality of the players in the bundesliga, and germany. In his, and few other bundesliga fans i knows, he has been ok, but never impressive as many say..

And you michael, have you seen him to claim otherwise? Or anyone else that is so "impressed" by Ozil Last year i saw bremen for around 10 games, and he wasnt impressive in either of them. Only if in those other 20 games he was impressive where i've missed him :)

I LOL-ed about other things anyway, for his statements and his ending... Damn it's all lie and bussiness today, nothing elce... :/

That doesnt mean he wont shine or become one of the best though. i am talking about SO FAR... For example, Diego was 20x times better at bremen than Ozil, but flopped at JuBe... So, his career so far means shit, from now on, we'll see what he is capable of ;)

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
Özil was strong until the winter break, then dropped form a lot to be quite rubbish for 2-3 months. He got back to solid form at the end of the season though. Müller on the other hand was very solid throughout his 1st Bayern season - not more (although it was still a huge newcomer after playing in the 3rd league the prior season ofc, but it was Robben and Olic outshining him in the attack). It was the WC where he finally exploded. And in the match i saw on monday he was far away from that WC form - he had to play on Bayerns RW though, which is an excuse.


Interista Paja Patak
That was the Bayern fan that said Mueller was nothing special, no? ;)

nah, not the same... This one is named Martin, and he is one of the biggest fans Muller has :) The other was named bojan, he is bayern fan but critisizes almost everyone at bayern though, it is his character.. I have even heard him saying Robben is too selfish and would sell him right away :lol:

This, Martin, is objective person, so i believe him. He has good knowledge and awareness of football, especially the bundesliga, so i do believe him when he says that.. Plus, imho, Ozil hasn't shown nothing YET for the hype he got... As i said, we'll see now what happens :) Just like Di Maria case for whom i also think is overrated.

Özil was strong until the winter break, then dropped form a lot to be quite rubbish for 2-3 months. He got back to solid form at the end of the season though. Müller on the other hand was very solid throughout his 1st Bayern season - not more (although it was still a huge newcomer after playing in the 3rd league the prior season ofc, but it was Robben and Olic outshining him in the attack). It was the WC where he finally exploded. And in the match i saw on monday he was far away from that WC form - he had to play on Bayerns RW though, which is an excuse.

well, he is young, and drop in form is often for young players. No one can keep good form forever, especially not young players. We'll see how he does in few months. same for ozil..


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
Well I don't watch Werder regularly either, but he has to be at least somewhat impressive to get into the national team...I do think he's overrated but he's only 21 to be fair and that has a lot to do with the hype, he has a lot of time to become world class.


Interista Paja Patak
yeah, that's true :) I never said he is bad player or something, those things i say is for this moment, who knows what will happen in the future, he may become new Quaresma, or may become new Messi, whi knows :)

Oh, and that NT stuff, Podolski and Klose doesnt show ANYTHING in their clubs but play in first 11 at germany, and do great, so that doesnt meen anything, especially not for German NT ;)


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
haha good point...well they're not impressive anymore but they used to be...I remember when Podolski's team got relegated and he was playing in second division but he still got called up regularly lol
it paid off in the WC though, I was calling Loew crazy when he stuck by those two but they had a good tournament..

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
Well I don't watch Werder regularly either, but he has to be at least somewhat impressive to get into the national team...I do think he's overrated but he's only 21 to be fair and that has a lot to do with the hype, he has a lot of time to become world class.

Dont get fooled, Özil was the best offensive player of the first half of the 09/10 BL season. Then he got sick in December and later slightly injured (back) and lost his form. His offensive skills, i.e. touch, dribbling, passing, off-the-ball movement are imo out of the question and for anyone with a slight clue about this game more than visible. He ofc didnt invent positioning, tackling etc. and that is clearly a weakness. He might also be mentally rather weak and thus prone for inconsistency, but remember he is 21. That still doesnt deprive the fact that he is a very talented offensive player.


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Marca says barca has offered him a blank check


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Yeah, that editorial was hilarious, I read it too... What a waste of bandwidth and database registers that was...

Regarding Ozil, he seems like a Ribery-esque mercenary...

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