Mikayil Faye


Senior Member
He isn't though
Guys like Yoro, Cubarsi and Hato are top CB prospects, Faye is far behind the pack.
This season he was neither the top CB prospect in Barca (Cubarsi) nor the best one (Mbacke) and while fairly young he has significant killer holes in his game.
The thing is, the path for a first team within a club like Barca is brutal, so while I am not ruling out him making it to top level, I am questioning how quick he can do it here. When you are already in a big club the clock is ticking.
Sort like Todibo with us or even more glaring examples of Salah or KDB who went to Chelsea too soon.

Nah bro, you're wrong on this.

He is 100% a top CB prospect, he could have his pick of any club in the world right now, just like those 3, because he isn't playing for the first team is more of a stylistic issue re Xavi than a quality issue, if someone like flick was in Charge, we would be talking about Faye as a senior team player & not Cubarsi, not yet at least.

I haven't seen many Barca B games, but on the Internet every raves about his performers with the B team, you're the only one I hear, saying Fall was better.

This might be another Balde issue for you TBH, a couple of "errors" doesn't change that fact that he's excellent.

This was you re cubarsi when he first got promoted

"He should go back to B team, he doesn't belong to furst team now. Not close"

We'll take your opinion on all matters re defenders with a grain of salt, given your tracker regard with defenders.

Might be added Faye to that list soon.


Senior Member
Nah bro, you're wrong on this.

He is 100% a top CB prospect, he could have his pick of any club in the world right now, just like those 3, because he isn't playing for the first team is more of a stylistic issue re Xavi than a quality issue, if someone like flick was in Charge, we would be talking about Faye as a senior team player & not Cubarsi, not yet at least.

I haven't seen many Barca B games, but on the Internet every raves about his performers with the B team, you're the only one I hear, saying Fall was better.

This might be another Balde issue for you TBH, a couple of "errors" doesn't change that fact that he's excellent.

This was you re cubarsi when he first got promoted

"He should go back to B team, he doesn't belong to furst team now. Not close"

We'll take your opinion on all matters re defenders with a grain of salt, given your tracker regard with defenders.

Might be added Faye to that list soon.

I am not the only one pointing to those things though, you will see many of those who watches Barca B consistently talking about Fall being the better player, both on reddit or twitter, so no I am not alone.
You are mixing opinions of those who watches with hype, Fall has no hype because he is older and isn't owned by Barca.

Same thing on Faye being mistake prone and non existent in aerial challenges, like yesterday.

I was wrong about Balde, but I was more concerned about his attack rather than defense, because he barely had an attacking output, and that last season it was an issue again, remains to be seen whether he was hitting a sophomore wall or just a bad year.
With Cubarsi the jury is still on him too, and from the start I admitted I am at the minority.

Faye doesn't have every club going after him, he has French league and Porto after him, it seems we are willing to sell him even when he was Deco's bet, and with Marquez watching him day in and day out.
And now rumour is Flick will try him as LB this off-season, and if he succeeds he will stay. Not as a CB


Senior Member
I am not the only one pointing to those things though, you will see many of those who watches Barca B consistently talking about Fall being the better player, both on reddit or twitter, so no I am not alone.
You are mixing opinions of those who watches with hype, Fall has no hype because he is older and isn't owned by Barca.

Same thing on Faye being mistake prone and non existent in aerial challenges, like yesterday.

I was wrong about Balde, but I was more concerned about his attack rather than defense, because he barely had an attacking output, and that last season it was an issue again, remains to be seen whether he was hitting a sophomore wall or just a bad year.
With Cubarsi the jury is still on him too, and from the start I admitted I am at the minority.

Faye doesn't have every club going after him, he has French league and Porto after him, it seems we are willing to sell him even when he was Deco's bet, and with Marquez watching him day in and day out.
And now rumour is Flick will try him as LB this off-season, and if he succeeds he will stay. Not as a CB

Rumors of LB, I don't listen to much sports has to say, if he stays and makes it, it will be at CB. I guarantee it, like a guaranteed balde, quote me on that.

The club is listening to offers because of our finances and it's a easy 15M to make given how well we are covered in that position, it doesn't speak to his quality.

Marquez has said out of his own mouth, how much he rates faye and the potential he has, he just needs to work on his composure or something to that effect were his words.

He's a strong,fast,left footed CB, with good passing range, if given the opportunity he'll most likely succeed here.

Your eye for choosing defenders just isn't well fine tuned yet, 80% chance Faye is a success at the highest level in football.

We should just give the kid a chance and see were it takes us, can't be worse than Martinez, but if we sell with a good buyback, I'd be okay with that too.


Active member
I am not the only one pointing to those things though, you will see many of those who watches Barca B consistently talking about Fall being the better player, both on reddit or twitter, so no I am not alone.
You are mixing opinions of those who watches with hype, Fall has no hype because he is older and isn't owned by Barca.

Same thing on Faye being mistake prone and non existent in aerial challenges, like yesterday.

I was wrong about Balde, but I was more concerned about his attack rather than defense, because he barely had an attacking output, and that last season it was an issue again, remains to be seen whether he was hitting a sophomore wall or just a bad year.
With Cubarsi the jury is still on him too, and from the start I admitted I am at the minority.

Faye doesn't have every club going after him, he has French league and Porto after him, it seems we are willing to sell him even when he was Deco's bet, and with Marquez watching him day in and day out.
And now rumour is Flick will try him as LB this off-season, and if he succeeds he will stay. Not as a CB


Senior Member
Rumors of LB, I don't listen to much sports has to say, if he stays and makes it, it will be at CB. I guarantee it, like a guaranteed balde, quote me on that.

The club is listening to offers because of our finances and it's a easy 15M to make given how well we are covered in that position, it doesn't speak to his quality.

Marquez has said out of his own mouth, how much he rates faye and the potential he has, he just needs to work on his composure or something to that effect were his words.

He's a strong,fast,left footed CB, with good passing range, if given the opportunity he'll most likely succeed here.

Your eye for choosing defenders just isn't well fine tuned yet, 80% chance Faye is a success at the highest level in football.

We should just give the kid a chance and see were it takes us, can't be worse than Martinez, but if we sell with a good buyback, I'd be okay with that too.

This is the only argument of substance you are making, other than "I don't trust your opinion" but are those enough for someone to succeed?
His ball playing isn't elite by any mean, he is weak in the air, his positioning and reading of the game is below average, so again do you think that physical profile is enough for him to succeed here in time?


Active member
This is the only argument of substance you are making, other than "I don't trust your opinion" but are those enough for someone to succeed?
His ball playing isn't elite by any mean, he is weak in the air, his positioning and reading of the game is below average, so again do you think that physical profile is enough for him to succeed here in time?


Well-known member
This is the only argument of substance you are making, other than "I don't trust your opinion" but are those enough for someone to succeed?
His ball playing isn't elite by any mean, he is weak in the air, his positioning and reading of the game is below average, so again do you think that physical profile is enough for him to succeed here in time?
Positioning is something that can be improved. The same goes for playing in the air.

But the conventional Kubarsi will never become faster and more agile. Additionally, Сubarsi has similar positioning issues and is even worse in the air.

So, let's not talk about qualities that can be improved through experience, but let's talk about the natural data of Faye and Сubarsi. And here Faye is much better.


Senior Member
This is the only argument of substance you are making, other than "I don't trust your opinion" but are those enough for someone to succeed?
His ball playing isn't elite by any mean, he is weak in the air, his positioning and reading of the game is below average, so again do you think that physical profile is enough for him to succeed here in time?

Nah the first argument, that I don't trust your opinion is the most valid argument.

You've been consistently wrong about Barca B defenders, so clearly your opinion on this matter doesn't carry a lot of weight, yet you speak about him in certainties, your track record on this matter doesn't give you that privilege.

His qualities are obvious and has been mentioned by many, so I didn't need to get into those.

He isn't the perfect CB, but who is at 19, but the quality I mentioned is more than enough to say let's give him a chance, and from the games I've seen his position isn't poor, like Araujo he just replies on his pace too much, to get him out of sticky situations, I think Rafa even said the same, but you can teach positioning, you can't teach pace.


Senior Member
Positioning is something that can be improved. The same goes for playing in the air.

But the conventional Kubarsi will never become faster and more agile. Additionally, Сubarsi has similar positioning issues and is even worse in the air.

So, let's not talk about qualities that can be improved through experience, but let's talk about the natural data of Faye and Сubarsi. And here Faye is much better.

Positioning can be improved, but it is pretty rare tbh, at least in short term. Short term is key because I can't see Barca keeping Faye until he is 24 or 25 if this is what it takes for him to reach a top level.
If you read from the start, I've been one of the few critics of Cubarsi here, it is already brought in the discussion.


Senior Member
Nah the first argument, that I don't trust your opinion is the most valid argument.

You've been consistently wrong about Barca B defenders, so clearly your opinion on this matter doesn't carry a lot of weight, yet you speak about him in certainties, your track record on this matter doesn't give you that privilege.

His qualities are obvious and has been mentioned by many, so I didn't need to get into those.

He isn't the perfect CB, but who is at 19, but the quality I mentioned is more than enough to say let's give him a chance, and from the games I've seen his position isn't poor, like Araujo he just replies on his pace too much, to get him out of sticky situations, I think Rafa even said the same, but you can teach positioning, you can't teach pace.

So, why are you even quoting me if this is the case :ROFLMAO:
You could have just ignored it if this is all what you are going to say


Senior Member
So, why are you even quoting me if this is the case :ROFLMAO:
You could have just ignored it if this is all what you are going to say

Because you were being strong and wrong, needed to let the people know to take your opinion with a grain of salt re Barca defenders, lol.

On other matters, definitely your opinion is valid, but not this.

If you were the only one watching Barca B or in change of these decisions, you'd have us believe fall is better than Faye and cubarsi, when In reality he's nowhere close lol.

Like you'd have us believe whatever his name is, was a better LB than balde lol.
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Senior Member
Ok mate, keep the forum safe.
Next time remember that I was also correct for both Araujo and Todibo, so track record is actually positive


Senior Member
Ok mate, keep the forum safe.
Next time remember that I was also correct for both Araujo and Todibo, so track record is actually positive

We were all right about Araujo, doesn't say much TBH lol.

That's like saying you were right about Yamal.

We need to just give the kid a chance and see what happens, nothing is 100, but the chances are solid, he'll make it.


Well-known member
Give him solid gametime in pre season. This guy has it but he needs to be coached properly. Sick of the bums who coach our teams.
Thank God Marquez wasn't picked to coach the first team. As evidenced by the play offs he just isn't up to it. We dodged a bullet there.

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