Mikayil Faye


Well-known member
15 million is too low and everyone and his dog is going for fucking 25 million. We overpaid for bums like Ferran and still pay outrageous salaries.
Who pays Inigo so much money? Noone.
We should have given Faye preseason at least. We still have do many bums here and so many bad tranafers. Ferran, Roque for starters. Over 100 million spent on those two and that too when we are broke.
Fuck that prick Xavi.


Well-known member
15 million is too low and everyone and his dog is going for fucking 25 million. We overpaid for bums like Ferran and still pay outrageous salaries.
Who pays Inigo so much money? Noone.
We should have given Faye preseason at least. We still have do many bums here and so many bad tranafers. Ferran, Roque for starters. Over 100 million spent on those two and that too when we are broke.
Fuck that prick Xavi.

Only because of that prick Xavi, the club has Cubarsi and Fermin now, as well as Lamine Yamal with one year starter experience. But what's that worth, right.

Torres was a desperate winter transfer on short notice, so we reach the CL placements after falling to the 9th place. Winter transfers are usually overpriced, but the club had no choice, because it wouldn't have survived without the CL money and Torres helped reaching the CL.

Inigo came as a Captain from Bilbao. He costs the club 9m/y, because he had no fee or hand money. Please show me a player with his experience and skillset that costs less than €9m/y.
Further, no one could have foreseen Cubarsi rising that fast. Without him, you'd be the first one blaming the club for not accepting Bilbao's captain with no fee if we'd been missing a central defender this season.

And to "give Faye a preseason". If he had failed in preseason and the club would have sold him on short notice for even less than €15m, you would be the first one blaming the club not accepting the €15m + buyback now. Before we know the buyback clause, we don't know if these 15m are bad or not. But it's always easier to insult first.
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Senior Member
In Portugal, they explain that Porto is not willing to go beyond an amount that would be between five and eight million euros fixed and that at most it could reach, with variables, up to ten million euros .


Senior Member
There is no point of selling him.

We will end up with selling Araujo in my opinion.
Faye, Inigo, Christensen, Kounde and Cubarsi are decent to cover season.

We don't get anything with 5 mil from Porto.


Active member
There is no point of selling him.

We will end up with selling Araujo in my opinion.
Faye, Inigo, Christensen, Kounde and Cubarsi are decent to cover season.

We don't get anything with 5 mil from Porto.
keeping Inigo and Kounde/Garcia and selling Araujo will be one of the daftest decisions in world football.
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