Nelson Semedo


Senior Member
Suarez in a nutshell.

and the funny thing is he gets mad when he doesn't get the ball even though he's in a terrible position due to his own making. :lol:

I notice this as well. He’s always flopping and waving his arms around like a child when he doesn’t get service.


Senior Member
Liked what he showed especially in the first half.

First two games back he's picking up where he left off from the Girona match where he got injured towards the end of the match. Think it's going to be hard for Valverde to keep Semedo as a mere RB back up if Semedo keeps it going.

God Serena

New member
I'm very happy with how he's been playing lately. Giving Roberto room to play other positions helps the team drastically.


President of FC Barcelona
He played well so everyone that tend to nitpick every small action of his haven't posted once in his thread. :thumbsup:


New member
Leganes goal was made possible because he got caught pushing way too high up, And they found acres of spaces where he was supposed to be present in the first place, Here is a quick quiz, Let's try and find semedo in this picture:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="semedo_1" border="0"></a>

Nope, That's dembele near the referee, Semedo is actually out of the frame, In replay shots you can actually see him walking during their counter-attack, And getting exposed too high up on the pitch happens a lot with semedo, If anyone actually paid close attention to him since the start of the season, But due to his amazing pace, He many times can correct his mistake, But when fails to do that, This is exactly happens.

I really like semedo, He has great flair going forward, And great speed, But that isn't enough to make him an undisputed starter, And i don't blame valverde for opting to choose Roberto over him in some matches, While SR lacks that flair semedo has during attack transition, Roberto has much better decision making, When semedo improves that aspect of his game, He then would become our regular RB


New member
Leganes goal was made possible because he got caught pushing way too high up, And they found acres of spaces where he was supposed to be present in the first place, Here is a quick quiz, Let's try and find semedo in this picture:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="semedo_1" border="0"></a>

Nope, That's dembele near the referee, Semedo is actually out of the frame, In replay shots you can actually see him walking during their counter-attack, And getting exposed too high up on the pitch happens a lot with semedo, If anyone actually paid close attention to him since the start of the season, But due to his amazing pace, He many times can correct his mistake, But when fails to do that, This is exactly happens.

I really like semedo, He has great flair going forward, And great speed, But that isn't enough to make him an undisputed starter, And i don't blame valverde for opting to choose Roberto over him in some matches, While SR lacks that flair semedo has during attack transition, Roberto has much better decision making, When semedo improves that aspect of his game, He then would become our regular RB
I did from the beginning and watched him close yesterday cause i see immense potential in this guy. Its just his defending style. Hes always close and agggressive. Thats why attackers have hard time playing him 1v1. Funny u did mention that one time where it didnt work, but not the other times where he actually won the ball for us due to his pressing.
I wont say hes perfect and still has to adjust his timing in certain situations. But i dont see it as a big deal as u do.
Antoher funny thing is ur mentioning of his fault before the goal but not Robertos amateur like behaviour before the shot....
And the last two matches showed me finally that Valverde knows he has to be our first rb anytime soon.


New member
Great game from him, he really shows his class and that he has the potential to be a very good transfer..

People can nitpick all they want, but with the playing-time he has been given he has shown a lot of quality


Well-known member
As a Barca supporter I really can't blame someone for being caught on counter. Don't play with such a high back line all the match and you won't be caught that easily high up the pitch.


New member
Leganes goal was made possible because he got caught pushing way too high up, And they found acres of spaces where he was supposed to be present in the first place, Here is a quick quiz, Let's try and find semedo in this picture:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="semedo_1" border="0"></a>

Nope, That's dembele near the referee, Semedo is actually out of the frame, In replay shots you can actually see him walking during their counter-attack, And getting exposed too high up on the pitch happens a lot with semedo, If anyone actually paid close attention to him since the start of the season, But due to his amazing pace, He many times can correct his mistake, But when fails to do that, This is exactly happens.

I really like semedo, He has great flair going forward, And great speed, But that isn't enough to make him an undisputed starter, And i don't blame valverde for opting to choose Roberto over him in some matches, While SR lacks that flair semedo has during attack transition, Roberto has much better decision making, When semedo improves that aspect of his game, He then would become our regular RB
Good job. Now it would be great if you can do the same with Roberto and find all his mistakes that led to goals or scoring chances for the opponents! Just one example: The Roma game where Roberto lost the ball countless times causing many counter attack for the opponents.
Nobody said he is perfect and never does any mistakes so what's your point here?
He had a great game yesterday and was one of the best players on the field both in defense and attack. But he did a mistake and was caught upfield how can this be allowed to happen?! This things of course never happen to Roberto or Alba.


Senior Member
That's the thing about attacking Full backs, you always run that risk of at least one of them being caught to far up field at times and they won't be able to get back quick enough to defend a counter. It's happened with Alves,Alba, Roberto etc.

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