As much as I love the Libertadores, you can't deny there are some awful defenses Santos has gone up against both this and last year.
but he still delivered against Peñarol, as well as delivering against pretty much every other good defence Santos come across.
could he have dealt with Quito in '08 or Estudiantes in '09? we'll never know I guess, but he beats what is in front of him.
like I've said, there are only two issues with Neymar: Price and Removing Villa. anyone who says anything else is hatin' (or just doesn't know any better).
now, they are two legitimate issues for sure, but if you're complaining about something else then yer wrong.
(you could perhaps add pace of play, but he's shown that he's capable of playing faster and cutting down on the ISO stuff so when put in an environment like ours there's nothing suggest he'd play as slow as he currently does sometimes).