I'm stating what I think, never claimed it to be the absolute truth, I'm just especulating from what I see from him, and I follow him closely for a while now. Taking the others I mentioned as an example, his drive is more dinho-like. Not too worried, or dedicated as Messi and cr. That's all.
IS that drive so bad? There can be diverse personalities in this world ( in the world of football). I know most here value hard work and dedication more as a whole. Ronaldinho works hard, Neymar works hard too, but it's not in there nature to be totally hard working and mechanical like Messi and CR7 along with other players that are noticed for that. Neymar as you said is more driven carelessly like Ronaldinho. They are artists in essence, it takes a while to get a good painting from them. Ronnie did all his masterpieces at Barca basically. After he left he has no more left to give. As for Neymar he still has a ton left in his closet.
This free thinking personality allows for Neymar to pull off these tricks flawlessly. It allows him to humiliate, make up new shit. But it's self destruction because you know that eventually Neymar will just run out. Now he is in a slump of form, but that is inconsistencies due to his personality. I do agree that Neymar stay in Brazil is making him complacent to the extreme and he should move so he can make better masterpieces. And I will say something unpopular. If he makes it, if he fits into the European and Barca style of play. I expect him to shit out tricks like no tomorrow.
TLDR; Neymar is quality

I do see him reaching the potential of Ronaldinho, I can see him reaching and doing tricks at Barca. IT just depends. Yeah he's overrated, but that is Brazilian media and the Internet hyping him up. Think of it as this: If Spain was hosting a World Cup and the team lost all of it's great players then they would be HYPING Deulofeu to new heights