Neymar - v2

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High Definition Member
I get it. So alexis is a counter attack player, needs space in front to shine a la cristiano.

Neymar is more suited to our style


Active member
This is going to be a hugh test for Neymar, he needs to grow up and toughen up, he won't be the big fish in a small pond anymore, he needs to become a team player, the abiltiy is there, I just hope that the attitude and desire is there as well


Senior Member
You're making a massive mistake to confuse talent/ability with actual success in 1st team football at a club like Barcelona...Deulofeu has done nothing in 1st team football in the time he's been given, nothing...And to suggest this coming year he'll surpass a player like Tello or Pedro who have scored, dominated and won trophies is preposterous...A little perspective, don't fall into the hyperbole vortex

Same applies to the Neymar fanboys...At least Neymar has had success against 1st team footballers but both him & Deulofeu will need to do more than rely on their talent/skill, they will need to work their ass off...and even then, success is not assured

If Deulofeu gets the same kind of treatment that Pedro got once he first came into the team, I think he will succeed. Pedro, IMO, has been a player who has been successful bc of the team, not bc of his ability. What he doesn't have in ability, he makes up for in work ethic and tactical positioning. But that only takes you so far, which is why he isn't lighting it up anymore.

Like I said, if Tito trusts Deulofeu the same way Pep trusted Pedro and really gives him a fair shot (which he should), I just think he will overall develop into a better player than both of them in time. I'm not saying he is now, but by this time next year I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't at least of the same quality while I expect him to be higher.

But you are right, without a fire and hunger to improve and develop, to do the extra training while others rest, both him and Neymar will flop. It's hard to measure this since we don't see what they do away from the pitch week in and week out. I guess we will just have to see.

I just see a lot of potential in Deu, and with effort on his part and confidence on Tito's part, I think he will really flourish.


Senior Member
P.S. don't think that I am bashing Pedro either. He is a great player and his tactical understanding especially makes him important to the team. I just think some competition for his spot will help him raise his game hopefully.

Pedro tho, as great as he is, doesn't have that ability to do something magical like Deu does, plus Deu's numbers for the B squad this season are staggering. I just think with the right attitude and environment, he will surprise a lot of people next season.


Staff member
Neymar is already under big pressure nevermind being harassed by defenders. You oughta see some of those tackles (just take a look at first minutes of Corinthians match).
Granted, it does look like there's more space, but don't you think playing with Messi will allow him some breathing space too? Also, being able to combine with world class players instead of having to drag Santos all by himself?
I don't know if Neymar will come close to Messi, Ronaldo or Ibra even but I am confident that with the right mentality he will be a very good player for Barca.


New member
Could someone please remove that smiley in the name of the thread, it's driving me crazy for some reason


Do you not think that with players like Xavi, Iniesta and Messi around him, he won't shine even more?


He will shine against Mallorca and Deportivo

Against good defenders like Bayern, we will kick ourselves in the head and ask: Why we have both this clown who can't do anything against european world class defenses


High Definition Member
He will adapt and improve to play against them. Even the best players in the World find it hard against those guys they wouldn't play for a team like bayern if they weren't good

Who's your other alternative that can "destroy" bayern then?


The Messiah
Like Bojan said earlier, you only ever see him getting fouled when he's playing in Brazil. We need another direct dribbler like Leo to create space and make chances. The weird part is Alexis is supposed to be doing that for us and he isn't. Will Tito use Neymar similarly?


High Definition Member
I think alexis is a counter attacker like di Maria and cristiano. Neymar is more suited for breaking down a bus hopefully


Senior Member
Yeah, that's a bug difference in that Neymar is a finisher. But alexis is supposed to be a dribbleR like neymar and I haven't seen it from him. I'm hoping Neymar won't arrive and be instructed to get he ball and pass it back all the time alexis style, knowing tito i have my worries....

Neymar must be allowed to dribble as that's what wil give our attack that extra spark

Neymar is a finisher, must be allowed to dribble,...ok.

But Neymar will play winger as Alexis and Pedro. As winger for Barca means not only dribble: you must also help our defence, you must have excellent defensive qualities, that means running up and down on the wing the whole match like Alexis or Pedro (or do you remember Ribery vs us ? up and down like a crazy, in front always dangerous and fantastic defensive workrate for Bayern, fantastic player!).
Alexis and Pedro do that very well, they have a very high defensive workrate:worthy:. A defensive work that we absolutely need.
We can not afford to have in front two players (Messi and Neymar) who do not work defensively.

Do you not think that with players like Xavi, Iniesta and Messi around him, he won't shine even more?

is not an assurance. There are outstanding examples such Villa, Ibra, Alexis...they don't have scored more goals than in their previous team and they not improved to be impressed, indeed....


High Definition Member
When we won the treble messi and Henry did little tracking back. As long as one of the wingers does its o problem. Remember winger first job is to create and score.m

People in bArca have it messed up that defenders should be picked for attacking qualities ahead of defensive ones and attacking players picked only for their defensive work (alexis)


Senior Member
Barcelona's first offer for Santos forward Neymar (21) was 17M. Santos aware of weak position due to contract expiring next year. [sport]

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