ze special one
He's actually a plenty good prospect, I seriously don't have much against his game. He's going to be good. I don't like him, because like most top tier Brazilian forward prospects he's a showboater with an attitude issue, but he should at least reach Robinho levels.
The hatred comes from, besides the hair, the hyperbole and the fact that I see him on the front cover of every football site every day and I'm sick of it. He's still young but he's not that good yet, he's coming off an unexceptional season for Santos and the Brazilian NT, and while he might have been the best player on the Libertadores winning Santos team, that team was absurdly stacked with talent. There's a reason he's in no rush to run away, those cunts at Santos are loaded.
But right now he should be compared more to a Robinho or Sanchez than a Messi or Ronaldinho.
Also, can everyone stop responding to Viva for a bit? I have a migraine and I'm not in the mood to play along.
his hair just not helping him. and i agree i see a robinho in him. comparing him to likes of messi etc isn't helping him (*cough* pele).
and viva a leave you with duckface ronaldo questioning if he will ever be remembered as an all time legend. or if history will only remember the genius of messi,xavi etc