Neymar - v2

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La Furia

Legion of Doooom
stop trolling for a second and reply to my post. genuinely wanna discuss this.

Which part? About Tello? Tello is giving another reason to not even think about buying Neymar, and all the talk of Villa being done makes my head hurt. We have more than enough skill guys up front, people need to stop getting greedy.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
i swear i thought we learned enough from what it is like to purchase someone out of desire not to repeat that mistake ...


Bomb Dropper
Which part? About Tello? Tello is giving another reason to not even think about buying Neymar, and all the talk of Villa being done makes my head hurt. We have more than enough skill guys up front, people need to stop getting greedy.

see but this is the thing, Neymar is blatantly better than Tello, but he is so similar.

it's not about having an abundance of skill guys. each one does something different and brings something unique to the table. but all of Tello's unique things are also performed by Neymar. so while if he came in for Villa, we'd see reduced minutes for Pedro & Cuenca, they'd still see games coz they have unique skills that Neymar doesn't possess. but Tello would just be out completely coz he has nothing we couldn't already feature with Neymar.

and this is the balance: Neymar is superior and fan-fucking-tastic, but he'd be very expensive and we have a player, in Tello, who could do a really solid job for us in that position. not as good as Neymar, sure, but very solid nonetheless. and he's a Catalan canterano!

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Tello isn't Neymar but he doesn't cost anything, won't demand the spotlight unless he earns it, and can be benched. You think Rosell would let Nike's cash cow be benched? And Villa isn't done goddamnit.

Seriously, even if you love Neymar there is absolutely no point for him at Barca. I don't think it's good for Neymar himself anyway I know the market is going to force him to a club like Barca or Madrid but the man should be going to a second rate European club and either make it his own or have a Ronaldinho-style adjustment period if he's ever going to be the golden god with a bad haircut y'all want him to be.


Bomb Dropper
Tello isn't Neymar but he doesn't cost anything, won't demand the spotlight unless he earns it, and can be benched. You think Rosell would let Nike's cash cow be benched? And Villa isn't done goddamnit.

Seriously, even if you love Neymar there is absolutely no point for him at Barca. I don't think it's good for Neymar himself anyway I know the market is going to force him to a club like Barca or Madrid but the man should be going to a second rate European club and either make it his own or have a Ronaldinho-style adjustment period if he's ever going to be the golden god with a bad haircut y'all want him to be.

this is my conflict.

I want him to play for us, because he is so good, but I don't want him to displace any canteranos.

and I want him to be the main man on a European team so people can stop dogging him that he plays in Brazil (they dog Pele with that shit too even tho back then the difference was minimal if it was anything). so really he shouldn't come here, but I want him too coz he's great and would slot in so nicely.

but like I said before, PSG or Malaga could be perfect for him. maybe even Valencia if they finally sack Unai & hire AVB.


Senior Member
the team would be better with Neymar, so yes there is a dilemma.

plus you know I have a thing for fleet-footed Brazilian dribblers.

Neymar, like you mentioned, is the polished version of Tello. The kid is 20 years old....I don't know about you but I don't see other 20 year olds doing what he does. You take away Villa's and Pedro's workrate and I'd take Neymar any day of the week, he just offers so much more. Creativity, link up play, smart runs, deadly finishing and THE ABILITY TO TAKE ON AND BEAT HIS DEFENDER. Villa is fucking harmless 1 vs 1 and I don't think I've seen Pedro beat a player this entire season. Our wingers play wide to spread out there parked bus, but when they only attract 1 defender b/c they know they are harmless....well ya, not too productive is it. Villa is world-class and he will find a way to score goals, but that doesn't mean someone else couldn't do better.

If Neymar gets out of the draining Brazilian sun and gets used to our conditioning, the sky is really the limit. Imagine Neymar with Pedro, Villa or Sanchez's workrate? Regardless of what people think (mostly due to people judging him based on his haircut, quite ignorant) Neymar is not a douche who would expect people to cater to him at Barca, going to Barca would ground him if anything. Just look at how he speaks about Messi.

We've spent 45mil + Eto on Ibra and 40mil (way to fucking much) on Villa, two players who were basically 28 years old. Buying a player like Neymar, who is great already the way he is, with that kind of's just a no brainer for me. I've always loved Villa but his overall form has disappointed me although he's gotten the job done for us at 31, post injury....I wouldn't be against cashing in and putting it towards the future. Messi and Pedro are old enough now to be considered our "experienced" forwards.
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Charlie Sheen's Protégé
the team would be better with Neymar, so yes there is a dilemma.

plus you know I have a thing for fleet-footed Brazilian dribblers.

ahhhhh ... but we don't know if the team will be better with Neymar, do we. we don't know how a spoiled child surrounded by enablers will react when he is told that he must defend, drop the showboat antics, and play football ... do we?

if he had Pedro's or MaraVilla's workrate/intensity/drive I'd be super down to have him on Barça ... but based on what I've read and seen, haven't seen it.

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ... yea.


Neymar is a no brainer, he has the potential to be up there with Dinho, C.Ronaldo etc


Neymar, like you mentioned, is the polished version of Tello. The kid is 20 years old....I don't know about you but I don't see other 20 year olds doing what he does. You take away Villa's and Pedro's workrate and I'd take Neymar any day of the week, he just offers so much more. Creativity, link up play, smart runs, deadly finishing and THE ABILITY TO TAKE ON AND BEAT HIS DEFENDER. Villa is fucking harmless 1 vs 1 and I don't think I've seen Pedro beat a player this entire season. Our wingers play wide to spread out there parked bus, but when they only attract 1 defender b/c they know they are harmless....well ya, not too productive is it. Villa is world-class and he will find a way to score goals, but that doesn't mean someone else couldn't do better.

If Neymar gets out of the draining Brazilian sun and gets used to our conditioning, the sky is really the limit. Imagine Neymar with Pedro, Villa or Sanchez's workrate? Regardless of what people think (mostly due to people judging him based on his haircut, quite ignorant) Neymar is not a douche who would expect people to cater to him at Barca, going to Barca would ground him if anything. Just look at how he speaks about Messi.

We've spent 45mil + Eto on Ibra and 40mil (way to fucking much) on Villa, two players who were basically 28 years old. Buying a player like Neymar, who is great already the way he is, with that kind of's just a no brainer for me. I've always loved Villa but his overall form has disappointed me although he's gotten the job done for us at 31, post injury....I wouldn't be against cashing in and putting it towards the future. Messi and Pedro are old enough now to be considered our "experienced" forwards.

Brilliant post. Is brilliant.

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

Buy Neymar!!!

*How much can we get for Villa btw?


Neymar, like you mentioned, is the polished version of Tello. The kid is 20 years old....I don't know about you but I don't see other 20 year olds doing what he does. You take away Villa's and Pedro's workrate and I'd take Neymar any day of the week, he just offers so much more. Creativity, link up play, smart runs, deadly finishing and THE ABILITY TO TAKE ON AND BEAT HIS DEFENDER. Villa is fucking harmless 1 vs 1 and I don't think I've seen Pedro beat a player this entire season. Our wingers play wide to spread out there parked bus, but when they only attract 1 defender b/c they know they are harmless....well ya, not too productive is it. Villa is world-class and he will find a way to score goals, but that doesn't mean someone else couldn't do better.

If Neymar gets out of the draining Brazilian sun and gets used to our conditioning, the sky is really the limit. Imagine Neymar with Pedro, Villa or Sanchez's workrate? Regardless of what people think (mostly due to people judging him based on his haircut, quite ignorant) Neymar is not a douche who would expect people to cater to him at Barca, going to Barca would ground him if anything. Just look at how he speaks about Messi.

We've spent 45mil + Eto on Ibra and 40mil (way to fucking much) on Villa, two players who were basically 28 years old. Buying a player like Neymar, who is great already the way he is, with that kind of's just a no brainer for me. I've always loved Villa but his overall form has disappointed me although he's gotten the job done for us at 31, post injury....I wouldn't be against cashing in and putting it towards the future. Messi and Pedro are old enough now to be considered our "experienced" forwards.



Barçapocalypse NOW!
Do you guys think he would link up with Messi? We have all said what we think the role of the rest of the forward line should be, but we are forgetting about the little number 10...

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
the team would be better with Neymar, so yes there is a dilemma.

You know that's not true. I know you love your Brazilian showboaters but I know you aren't a Brazil fanboy like Duc or Cooter or a glory hunter like Dalitis who think all you need to do is throw more talent out there to make everything better, such a thing as chemistry does exist.

And Neymar is going to be fucking expensive, don't give me for one second the BS that he is going to buy his way to Barca because Sport said so.
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