Paul Pogba


New member
What I like about Pogba is that he's got speed for his size. I like him but only around 40 mill. Otherwise not worth it.


President of FC Barcelona
Where did I say that? Please stop claiming stupid things as such. This has no bearing at all on whether I want him here or not since I didn't draw any conclusions from him losing his marker and didn't even say that he was reponsible for the goal.

I'm just disproving the following statement which isn't true at all shown by the pictures.

Do you really agree with that, DonAK?

Okay then, my bad. Thought you were trying to use the lost his marker argument.

Pogba was on the side of Messi and Rakitic and was helping out Evra mark Messi, but you could argue that he there lost Rakitic even though Pirlo can be held accountable too since he was playing deeper in the midfield there and could've followed Rakitic's run too.


Best midfielder around

He was marking Rakitic but lost him in the end. The goal is not his fault alone but he could've prevented it.
He's standing very close to Messi in that second picture here. You can even see it in the picture that he is trying to follow both Messi and the ball there. Then he realized that the defence fucked up in the third picure and tried to do what he could to stop it. Also, just watch other parts of the game too. He was marking Messi the majority of the game and did really well. That's nothing even to discuss.
No DonAK, this was an actual fail from Pogba. I don't see mrpepper saying we shouldn't sign him because of that, but it was a huge mistake from him. Pirlo moved back from the box, Rakitic ran into the space and Pogba simply let him, tried to correct his mistake too, but too little too late.
edit: seems like i had missed the last few posts when writing this, sorry about that.
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High Definition Member
pogba lacks big game experience. easy to lose your normal focus etc in one f your first big games. not every player is a neymar or muller who is a big game player from day one.


New member
He's standing very close to Messi in that second picture here. You can even see it in the picture that he is trying to follow both Messi and the ball there. Then he realized that the defence fucked up in the third picure and tried to do what he could to stop it. Also, just watch other parts of the game too. He was marking Messi the majority of the game and did really well. That's nothing even to discuss.

Honestly can't see him trying to mark Messi at the first goal. Better angle:


He's much more leaning towards Rakitic. Obviously you could argue that Vidal lost Iniesta and Pirlo made a really bad decision to step forward at the moment of Neymar's pass because he initially covered the right space and left it completely free for Iniesta. But saying Pogba had no responsibility at all for the goal is not right either.


President of FC Barcelona
Yeah. He lost his concentration there. Was actually following Rakitic, but stopped to see where Messi was and lost him.


High Definition Member
Glad pirlo played. If marchisio was there he'd have been better positioned defensively and vidal would have been one of the three too. Pereyra would have caused additional problems on the counter attack.
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New member
Vidal most at fault imo. Probably why he tried to overcompensate for the rest of the match by kicking everything in sight.


San Claudio Bravo
The first goal can be blamed on 3 of the midfielders.

Firstly, we can't discount that cross from Messi to the opposite wing that completely broke Juve's defense. The defense was overloaded to the right side and with a single pass Messi switched play to the open side and started a chain of events that had Juve scrambling to recuperate positions without avail.

Then for the goal, 3 things happened:

Firstly, Vidal fell asleep and totally lost Iniesta and allowed him to make an unmarked run into the box.

Secondly, Pirlo, who was in the area Iniesta received the ball, seconds before left that area to go mark a run initiated by Messi. He was the one who left the are open for Iniesta.

Finally, yes, Pogba lost Rakitic and allowed him to shoot unmarked in the center of the box.

I think of the 3, Pogba's mistake was the least harmful. IMO Vidal losing Iniesta was the most egregious mistake, followed by Pirlo leaving the are to go mark Messi.

But really there were no unforced mistakes here. Everything that happened was caused by Barca making a great play and leaving Juve with little reaction time to stop them. The entire team there played a role in that goal one way or another. Look at Suarez hold 2 players inside the box for instance.
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President of FC Barcelona
Jump on #TeamPogba

He's coming(maybe not though lol) and there's nothing you can do about it :worthy:

Seriously I remember the exact things said about Rakitic and how Kroos was soooooooooooooo much better for us since he'd be a better fit. I rate Pogba higher than Ivan technically and he's also younger, got the higher ceiling and got room for improvement.

Let Allegri polish his skills for another season. He's already told him to cut some things out of his game and improve.

I wouldn't mind any of Pogba, Gundogan or Kovacic though.
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Senior Member
I can see it being another cesc style senario if he comes here a great player who just doesnt fit in with our style

Cesc was the guy that everyone believed he is playing our style ,has Barca DNA ,Xavi true Heir & perfect fit etc.
The problem with Cesc that we wanted him to be the next Xavi ,Cesc was more suited to barca game than Rakitic but he was never a new Xavi .there will be never a new Xavi .we brought a good player in Rakitic and we adjusted rather than chasing day dreams of new Xavi or new Iniesta
It is actually one of the reasons I would like Pogba more than Kovacic & Gundogan .with him we know we are getting different player and the change will be on team level rather than convince ourselves than putting a player to be next Iniesta/Xavi


Wild Man of Borneo
There's little doubt that he can adapt or that he's talented but for 100M+ you need to be on a whole other level as a player and be bringing quality to the team that can't possibly be found elsewhere, and I'm sorry but Pogba just isn't that.

What I can expect to happen is that he comes here and shows good qualities from the start, such as his physicality and maybe his dribbling/technique. Over time he'll probably develop a routine/role and start dishing out some reliably good performances and help improve our midfield to make us an even better team. He obviously has the potential to do that. Unfortunately, people will start jumping the gun with crap like "worth every penny" just because he proves to be a good or even great player here.

My reservation is that even if he comes good, it doesn't necessarily have to be a 100M marketing machine in Pogba for us to have a good midfield player that'll eventually go on to succeed. Real got Modric for a little over 35M and he turned out to be one of the best midfielders in Europe for them and definitely one of their most influential players. We got Rakitic for 18M and he is a key component in our treble winning team. Same goes for a lot of high quality midfielders (Thiago with Bayern, Verratti with PSG, etc.). Why is it that ONLY Pogba can be a great midfielder for us and therefore is worth breaking transfer records over? Non-Galactico midfielders can easily turn out to be successful/great transfers.

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