Paul Pogba


President of FC Barcelona
Depends on how you are looking at it.

When players like Busquets or Pique have a weaker season/part of the season, then you can say: this is a loss of a form.
Because they already played 5-6-7-8 Seasons in the highest level, and one bad Season (or a few Months) is a loss of form.

Now, about Pogba, in my eyes (we have different opinions), he still had only one world-class season till now.
Further, about him, you can look at it from 2 angles:
1. if you think that he was never THAT good, even in the last Season, (I think that way).
And if you think that he had only one good season (that could be a wonder-season, it happens sometimes).
Or that he wasn't that good, and in fact his team was too strong for Seria A and he was good because of his teammates:
= well, then this is NOT a loss of form, but more or less a brighter picture of his real abilities

2. if you look at Pogba as a proven world class player, who played awesome for a few seasons already and similar stuff
= well, then for you, this is surely just a loss of form

Also, we can move away from Kovacic.
Currently, I would rather buy nobody than Pogba.
And I would much rather get some other random good midfielders than Pogba.

The only thing I'm seeing is;

"Even if Pogba has a fantastic season I'll continue to disregard everything because I simply don't like this player at all".

In that case it's worthless to have any kind of discussion with you. You're obviously entitled to your opinion like everyone of us, but that kind of bias takes a hit on your credibility when it comes to judging this player. Especially when you never acknowledged his good performances and used to criticize him for the smallest of things while hyping up other players to an extreme degree, which is ironically something you're very against, hype.

Have a good day.


Senior Member
He didn't say he'd disregard Pogba no matter what...?!

What he did say was that, in his opinion, last season was his only good season...and to some people, including himself and myself, last season wasn't as good as a season for him as some people say.

He was good, showed great talent for a 21 year old and displayed fancy dribbles with a few golazos. Some games he was invisible, much like he is right now, but he ended up scoring a screamer so everyone was like WOW HE'S AWESOME!

He's young and talented, had some good displays for the youth national team too, but he is far from this polished, proven WC player people are making him to be. His fee and wages are a joke; he's not worth more than any other young talent. He's not that special.


Senior Member
Juventus played 1:1 yesterday in Serie A. Again, a poor result.

Juve forum about Pogba from yesterday (he was on the bench and entered in the 46th Minute):
-- man, both our young guns who always show so much grinta and technique are nowhere near it, Pogba and Morata just didnt seem like they bothered, wtf??come on Pogboom!!! come back to life!!!!
-- I hope next summer someone would still be willing to pay 100m for him
-- We should've got that 80m at the start of the mercato and ran away.
-- How a player goes from a monster to an idiot over one summer. How much can we get for him if he keeps that up?
-- ...Barcelona's embargo ends this winter (and smiley in the end. Like they will "screw" us over with the deal.)
-- he should be our leader..but he always gives ball back.i dont what he is doing.
-- Would have been nice to have seen him on the pitch at the same time as Marchisio.
Again he was the man in charge of controlling the game and he just doesn't seem ready for that yet.
-- (quote: I hope next summer someone would still be willing to pay 100m for him) With a displays like he does lately I really doubt for that.He is undoubtely brilliant player but now is seen how easier was for him to shine playing alongside Pirlo,Vidal and Tevez.

We should be so glad that Barto and journalists from Sport are not watching football anymore.
Those Youtube videos from Pogba from last Season are awesome.
There is really no need to follow him this season.
We need to buy him :rolleyes:

Seriously man ,I respect your opinion but you have gone so far
You are taking people's opinion about a player in a Forum when they are losing and having one of their worst times in the league since 4 years? It will be panic time in Juve's forum for sure
There post will surely be critical .hell look at this forum when we don't win .
Messi was past his prime 1 year ago,Neymar wasn't worth the money ,Suarez can't score and is a bust ,Alves is done,Iniesta is done ,Pique was never good and looked good because of Puyol,Rakitic is a bad fit etc
I mean you made some good points about his fit b4 ,or about his price .but you are going extreme here


New member
He didn't say he'd disregard Pogba no matter what...?!

What he did say was that, in his opinion, last season was his only good season...and to some people, including himself and myself, last season wasn't as good as a season for him as some people say.

He was good, showed great talent for a 21 year old and displayed fancy dribbles with a few golazos. Some games he was invisible, much like he is right now, but he ended up scoring a screamer so everyone was like WOW HE'S AWESOME!

He's young and talented, had some good displays for the youth national team too, but he is far from this polished, proven WC player people are making him to be. His fee and wages are a joke; he's not worth more than any other young talent. He's not that special.

Which is completely true: most of people here don't actually follow Serie A. How many are from Italy here?
Most people here watch highlights and go WOW, when in reality, game by game, Pogba has always been totally incosistent, and I can assure you that in Italy (bar Juventus tifosi) Pogba being worth those fee and wages became an everyday joke, like "Oh wow, this day is a new day, how much more is Pogba worth now compared to yesterday?".
Good player with few screamers here and there, but Verratti is miles ahead in actual consistency and he would fit 10 times better in our system.


President of FC Barcelona
Everyone knows Verratti is better. Good luck getting him unless PSG get so desperate for Pogba we can manage to convince them to sell us Verratti so we leave Pogba for them.

Don't get why people have to bring up Verratti all the time as if we'll bid 100m for him and PSG will happily sell. They don't need the money, less than anyone in the Football World, especially with FFP rendered useless.

Marco doesn't seem to be in a hurry to leave either.

Where were you when PSG told us to get lost when we tried to buy T Silva and Marquinhos from them?
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Senior Member
I think when rating him people should put the spectacular stuff he does unregularly in an interval of 5-10 matches aside for a moment and focus on what he does 99% of the rest of the time.
Does he get the simple things straight? Is he actually useful to win matches? Is he reliable and consistent? Does he come with eye and vision to pick out players for long- and through balls to get goals, and can he provide stability in possession when the opponent is pressing extremely hard?

Because as spectacular as his flamboyant skillset and his insane volley-goals are, they would'nt be what Barca would be dealing with for the majority of the time. There might be more penetrative and effective players than of him who produce less YouTube-Footage in their gameplay, but can go past players just as good with less than a McGeady-Spin.
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The Observer
Another Mino Raiola victim... it's Balotelli all over again...

the man f*cks any star he controls , he can't keep them in check ...

I'd take Mendez clients over the pizza boy anytime of the year at least he looks out for his players and advise them for the good of the club & their career


Senior Member
Another Mino Raiola victim... it's Balotelli all over again...

the man f*cks any star he controls , he can't keep them in check ...

I'd take Mendez clients over the pizza boy anytime of the year at least he looks out for his players and advise them for the good of the club & their career

While I am not sure if we can call Pogba a victim yet considering so far his career is brilliant to say at least I would agree that Mendes is way better and there is a reason he became far more popular and influential as a football agent


The Observer
I judge Raiola based on Super Mario & Zlatan career.. while the later survived due to his character & skill .. that doesn't mean he wasn't ill advised ..

Mino gets you money but not career

now add Pogba.. the way Mino wanted to milk him stopped Pogba from moving.. sometimes the agents needs to act like a father too.. advise even get a psychiatrist to see your player.. imagine if Mario was in check.. he had it all ...
If Pogba is your prime client you also need to see if Juve after Pirlo , Vidal & Tevez and with the old guards are getting older is the best option to stay..
I said earlier this year is Pogba real test... and so far not good


Senior Member
What about Hamsik & Nedved?
Also there was no way Juve allow Pogba to leave with all those players .the team also signed many talented players and couple of young players to build around this year .
I think it was wise decision to wait with Juve this season and may be even next year .Juve has good management right now and good coach too and they will probably bounce back .may be they lose scudetto this year but it was bound to happen and it isn't bad that it is happening on a transition year and for him he need to grow as a player instead of jump the ship soon


The Observer
Do you see Hamsik early rise has flourished ?? he still where he is and form didn't improve at all
Nedved would you like to call him an exception to the rule ?
Lukaku ? Van Der Wiel (from a thought after RB to bench warmer in PSG ) ... arguably only Matuidi can be a success but that means Mino can just handle players not super stars and that's the case here & with the examples i mentioned
Even if Juve has a good management... there is no way Raiola what do what's best for his clients...


Senior Member
Hamsik rejected to be moved and Raiola accepted his decision even though it was in his(Raiola)own interest to move him as agents get 3% of transfer fee or something like that .
Lukaku ?He has done good job with him .moved to big club early on and got loaned to club where he fits and flourished according to his abilities
My point is you are blaming agent for players fault ,yes the guy is a pain in the ass and there are other agents better than him but many of those players have only themselves to blame .a crazy guy like Balotelli ,a player who was just happy to stay where he is like Hamsik .a guy who wants money more than anything like Ibra and a player that people overrate him at young age like Lukaku
I mean that way we should blame Mendes for what Falcao/Quaresma/Anderson/Nani/Giovani dos Santos career downfall? or Deco non success in England?or Garay staying in Russia?or William Carvalho staying in Portugal?or Thiago Silva chasing money in PSG?or Moutinho chasing money in Monaco? or Di Maria leaving perfect situation in RM?
It is easy to blame agent for footballer decision while in fact player has the final say .Raiola is gr8 agent for a footballer .not the best but one of the top and so far he didn't do Pogba any damage .just hyping him and giving him more exposure .if that made him too expensive and out of reach for the best clubs for his career then he damaged him but that remain to be seen

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