Paul Pogba


Previously known as Mehssi
He once said that his childhood dream was to play for Arsenal or Barcelona.

We all know that by now hehe, also RM hates his agent (Mino Raiola) ... BUT I have a feeling he's the kind of guy to follow the money.. even though, there's definitely more place for him at Barça than RM that already has too many good midfielders


Active member
Pogba is keeping his options open, which is only smart. It would be fantastic for Barca to get a midfielder of this level who is this big and athletic. Pogba has huge upside, he'd become more Barca-like after a couple of years.


Senior Member
he wont give us defensive help. he is good but no world class material.
veratti-raki-busi, could be a midfield of dreams. pogbo-iniesta-busi? no one will dfence shit.


President of FC Barcelona
he wont give us defensive help. he is good but no world class material.
veratti-raki-busi, could be a midfield of dreams. pogbo-iniesta-busi? no one will dfence shit.

What? Pogba is gonna give us more defensive solidity and steel to our midfield. And if he comes then it should be Pogba - Busi - Rakitic


Staff member
Just because he's tall and black it doesn't mean he's great at defending.
Playing now vs. Fiorentina in Coppa Italia and I can't shake the impression he's a bit lazy. While others run he's only jogging.


Senior Member
Just because he's tall and black it doesn't mean he's great at defending.
Playing now vs. Fiorentina in Coppa Italia and I can't shake the impression he's a bit lazy. While others run he's only jogging.

He got a knock at start of game and was running it off.

Pogba is not lazy at all.


Pogba is very hardworking. He helps a looot in defending for those who have watched him regularly should tell you that


Damn Pogba is awesome and all but a Busi-Pogba combo would be lethargic as fuck.

I have watched pogba on a regular basis and i beg to differ
Pogba is fast and very very mobile far more than rakitic


Senior Member
Pogba other than first ten mins has pretty much been there every time Juventus have been on attack or defending.

He is going box to box no bother.

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