Pedro Rodriguez


New member
I'm sorry I'm not from wonderland like you are ... Where there is tons of butterflies and rainbows and everything is perfect. There is something call reality ... You are just in denial ..,, I assume the reality of the moment and at this very moment ... Reality tells us what I've been saying and even Pep admit it in his press conferense WE ARE WE BEHIND THE FITNESS LEVEL REQUIRED FOR THE SEASON! so how giving an opinion is failure? You want me to tell you Pedro and villa are in great shape ? I'm sorry I'm not Mourinho that after a 5-0 loss says "it is nothing" .... If you want that kind of answer you are in the wrong place mate ..... Keep dreaming if you want ... Or wake the fuck up
The best way to gain back match fitness is playing in matches. Are you saying that Pep should just bench them? That'll make them fit again?

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep


ONE MORE terrible display by Pedro.........
Look man its a fucking preseason, are you going to forget 2 phenomenal seasons by him for 3 fucking preseasons? you hate villa or pedro? ok then go support some other club.


Look man its a fucking preseason, are you going to forget 2 phenomenal seasons by him for 3 fucking preseasons? you hate villa or pedro? ok then go support some other club.
when did i say i hated pedro or villa? so now I MUST AGREE with everyone else to be a tru supporter? i must say how Pedro doing amazingly great and how villa is in incredible shape.....i have to say that just so can can feel all happy and shit? you criticize mourinho for being a hypocrite yet you are a hypocrite who won't see the truth. IM NOT saying anything that's not true. I never said i hate pedro or villa...i'm just telling it like it is...since a bunch of people here are afraid to say it so because they are afraid people will think they are not true fans. I'm saying sell him... i'm just saying he's having a terrible i lying? am i talking shit for saying what we all can see?

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