Pedro Rodriguez


New member
Where the hell is Pedro. He should not be starting games since last year, seriously why can't our management see this? :banghead:


New member
just not good enough anymore i guess.... big workrate but not effective in his shoting nor his dribbling although he seems to be a bit more alexis style with his slipping..... he has no plan in his mind how to play during a game... this is the worst thing


New member
I think this is all down to Barca being Messi-centric in terms of goals. Gap between Messi and Barca's second goal scorer (I think it's Villa) is ridiculous, it's like our wingers completely forgot how to score goals. That's not just the job of Messi. Seriously, I think Messi needs to go right and we need to have a proper Eto'o-type of CF who can guarantee 30+ goals per season. This just doesn't work anymore.


Active member
its so funny that he is still a starter. I dont really know what people see in him. He provides nothing really nothing. He shoot one goal against real and it was upside and thats the reason why he is a starter. Pep knew that he was not good enough as a starter and benched him. But i dont think we will change we (barcelona) loves names pedro is only a name but we will take it no matter if we loose because of him...


I think this is all down to Barca being Messi-centric in terms of goals. Gap between Messi and Barca's second goal scorer (I think it's Villa) is ridiculous, it's like our wingers completely forgot how to score goals. That's not just the job of Messi. Seriously, I think Messi needs to go right and we need to have a proper Eto'o-type of CF who can guarantee 30+ goals per season. This just doesn't work anymore.

Why have a 30 goal a season striker up front when you currently have a 70 goal one?

Signing someone like Neymar would help, or push Iniesta into a central role to provide the bullets for Messi, rather than Messi dropping deep. Restrict him to the front line only in the tighter games.


Could anybody provide some stats as to how many touches of the ball he had last night? I'm sure he had the least number of touches out of any of our starting XI. I've said this before but I've been shat on royally for it but he really is not better than Alexis right now. I'm not an Alexis fanboy but I really can't understand the irrational criticism of Alexis when Pedro is just as bad. The traditional argument in favour of Pedro is that he is indispensable due to his immense work rate and understanding of our system, and that he creates width, but he hasn't been doing any of those things as of late. He has been on a decline since the start of the 2011/12 season. He is unbelievably good at becoming invisible and therefore doesn't get the stick that Alexis gets for missing those chances, but people must realise that it's better to have a player make runs to create those chances in the first place rather than having a player not go forward at all and make us narrow in attack. Cesc and Pedro are both horrid right now. I'd play Adriano on the right against Milan for sure (and Thiago in place of Cesc), at least Adriano takes on his defender, makes a run and has a shot on goal every now and then.


In fairness, Messi hardly touched the ball in the second half, and neither did Iniesta, which was even more weird.


I hope you are being sarcastic. 2 - 3 million is nothing for Barcelona, they might as well let him go for free if they get that for him.

Well, then they should indeed. Because nobody is going to pay more for a player who isn't able to dribble, to score, to get past defenders etc.


New member
Oleguer 2.0, really, he provides nothing right now beside the fact that he is from La Masia.

no way! yes he is awful right now and he should be on the bench, but dont forget that he was vital for us when we won the CL 2011..


Calma, calma
Could anybody provide some stats as to how many touches of the ball he had last night?

It's quite interesting to see who got the most touches on our team. Our 3 CMs topped it, then our 2 CBs, then our 2 attacking full-backs, then our 3 forwards and then our goalie. People keep ribbing on Messi for dropping too deep, yet he was only 8th best on our team for touches. I wouldn't look into Pedro's touches though, because even in all our dominant games (like 3-1 CL final), him and Villa have the least touches.

The most damning stat is that Cristiano Ronaldo, who came on as a substitute in the 58th minute, had more shots than our entire team put together. Embarassing.
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