Pedro Rodriguez


6racies Xavi
Does someone have a gif or video when pedro rolled the ball and took a shot that almost went in. its trick you see regularly in futsal.


Senior Member
At 11:27 first half, Pedro plays a 1-2 pass too soft with Iniesta and is intercepted- then dashes 20 meters to help Mascherano recover the ball, including a spectacular heels over head somersault, while snatching the loose ball from Mascherano's tackle away from the Cordoba attacker. Drew applause from the crowd.
Business as usual. Go Pedrito! :beer2:


Pedrito needs to score 6 to reach 100 goals for Barça. Only 19 players reached that mark.



Active member
In a team with 3 beasts its really lucky to have a guy like pedro as a backup.He accepts the bench and is loyal.Plays great for a backup.

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