Pedro Rodriguez


New member
In no way was this an easy pass. Defender was there too, he might have intercepted the ball. Like I said Pedro doesn't have the benefit of camera on the back of his head. Maybe he knew Suarez was coming, but he wasn't certain and he did not know his exact position and speed. He also did not know the exact positon of the CB marking Suarez. It is really easy to analyze situation in slow motion replay, but Pedro had just few moments to decide what to do with the ball on his feet and those other 2 guys closing on him from behind. He was one on one against the keeper, he made a correct decision to shoot.
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Senior Member
In no way was this an easy pass. Defender was there too, he might have intercepted the ball. Like I said Pedro doesn't have the benefit of camera on the back on his head. Maybe he knew Suarez was coming, but he wasn't certain and he did not know his exact position and speed. He also did not know the exact positon of Suarez defender. It is rally easy to analyze situation in slow motion replay, but Pedro had just few moments to decide what to do with the ball. He was one on one against the keeper, he made a correct decision to shoot.

Agreed. Unless he just stopped and looked around, there's no way he could have known where Suarez is, and even if he saw him, this would be one of those passes that people would be anguishing over if it got blocked, and everyone would be saying we try to walk it in and that he should have shot. Right intention, bad execution.


New member
Pedro opting to shoot was a good decision, passing the ball to Suarez did look like a good option in the replay but in live action you saw that it would have been very hard. After Pedro shot, Suarez continued his run and looked a lot more open than he would have been had Pedro passed (as Berney points out). The pass would have to be so perfect that shooting offers a higher chance of scoring there, the only thing Pedro should have done better was him aiming.

Had Pedro placed it half a meter further to the right and scored, people would praise him for a great goal, and this discussion would sound much more like "nah I think it's good that he finished himself, the pass would be very risky". :lol:
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New member
That used to be one of his selling points though defenders try to attack Messi/Villa then Pedro swoops in with a one touch finish and wins the game, hasnt been doing it much lately though.


And that's why, contrary to what Zangash will tell you, Suarez is better than Pedro. Suarez has a presence. Defenders don't give a flying fruitcake about Pedro.

When the fuck did I say this? :lol:

I said at one point that I prefer Pedro to Suarez purely because it means Messi can play in the center. I don't think anyone is low enough intelligence to actually say Pedro is a better player.


I said at one point that I prefer Pedro to Suarez purely because it means Messi can play in the center. I don't think anyone is low enough intelligence to actually say Pedro is a better player.

I know. I was kidding. And as we know, with the Neymar-Suarez-Messi lineup, all three interchange very often. And most of Messi's goals have been from when he switches with Suarez or Rakitic to start an attacking move from the center.

I actually agreed with a lot of what you had to say in the Deulofeu thread. I was just too tired to actually write a response.


New member
Once again, Pedro is dogshit.

I guess it's a bit tougher when the team plays in the top division, isn't it?

I believe he played better before, because he was on the left wing. Pedro can play on the right, but is much better on left, when he can cut inside.

I said at one point that I prefer Pedro to Suarez purely because it means Messi can play in the center. I don't think anyone is low enough intelligence to actually say Pedro is a better player.

Messi can play great in the centre, but I believe his best position would be AM in 4-2-3-1 behind no 9 like Suarez. So it would be not impossible to see them both playing centrally at the same time... :)
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