Pedro Rodriguez


New member
I will not judge Pedro for invisible 30 minutes against a really strong opponent like Valencia.

It's unfair, because AT THIS MOMENT it's way above his league.

No way he could make a impact in a match like that. Only three forwards can and all of them are starters.


I will not judge Pedro for invisible 30 minutes against a really strong opponent like Valencia.

It's unfair, because AT THIS MOMENT it's way above his league.

No way he could make a impact in a match like that. Only three forwards can and all of them are starters.

Judge him for the past several seasons.

There was a time where Pedro would start against teams better than Valencia and make them his bitch. Lol.


New member
I have always been a big fan of Pedro as a player and as a person but he is really past it. He had a bit of a renaissance last season but ever since the 2010-11 season the arrow has only pointed one way and that's down. Sadly. I would still be inclined to keep him onboard if he is willing to accept his current role on the long run (I doubt this) but I also feel that we could do better.
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Chief Of Footballing Matters
Reading this thread makes me wonder if people respect me :keita:

To keep this post on topic though I will say that although hes not starter material for us he is still a really good player. If I remember correctly, he had similar numbers to Alexis last season and look at how well he has done for Arsenal. Pedro could easily walk into teams like Liverpool and boss it. The problem I think he is having lately is that our front 3 are being asked to take games by the scruff of the neck and win them for us and that is something Pedro cannot do like each of MSN can despite Pedro's other qualities.

Edit: Only post today from this thread that hasn't been moved to troll/off topic :coffee:
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Senior Member
had some bad passes here and there but his pass in the final moments to Messi was really awesome. Shame Messi didn't score that one .


Senior Member
had some bad passes here and there but his pass in the final moments to Messi was really awesome. Shame Messi didn't score that one .

Yup, mixed bag. That great long ball layoff to Messi, and a nice one-touch heel at the top of the box a few minutes earlier as part of a group move.

Messi had a chance to square in the box to open Pedro earlier, but was too frustrated and greedy for a goal and tried to round his marker instead.


Previously known as Mehssi
Yup, mixed bag. That great long ball layoff to Messi, and a nice one-touch heel at the top of the box a few minutes earlier as part of a group move.

Messi had a chance to square in the box to open Pedro earlier, but was too frustrated and greedy for a goal and tried to round his marker instead.

He had a couple good moves, other than that OK performance.

He always leave that ONE assist or good skill for his fans here to go bonkers ^^

And of course Messi's fault, he already opened Pedro against Valencia and Pedro missed it, but yeah, Messi's fault obviously.


Senior Member
He had a couple good moves, other than that OK performance.

Yup, same as catalinutzR80 and I said above.

He always leave that ONE assist or good skill for his fans here to go bonkers ^^

:unsure: :shrug: :unsure: Bonkers to the podium please...Bonkers to the there a Bonkers in the house?

And of course Messi's fault

Yup. Understandable, given his frustration, but the wrong choice.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Did some good running, but all it takes to neutralize him is a serious defender actually paying attention to him then it's curtains. Be nice if we had an in form forward to come in off the bench at this stage of the season. I see Pedro as a liability going forward.


New member
Barça was on cruising mode when he went to the pitch, so is difficult to rate him.

But I think he managed to do his part.

If Messi scored after his heel pass, we would be here praising him on insane levels.

That would be a back pass that actually worth it.


Not starting. This could have been a prime opportunity to rest one of our death trident but I guess Lucho rates Pedro about as highly as the average Barca fan does nowadays.


Staff member
Not starting. This could have been a prime opportunity to rest one of our death trident but I guess Lucho rates Pedro about as highly as the average Barca fan does nowadays.

Average Barca fan actually still rates Pedro. New fanboys/gloryhunters are another matter.
He's still good enough to have a backup role here.


New member
He definitely is good enough. If he's willing to stay and be the first choice off the bench, i can't see us getting someone better.

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