Pedro Rodriguez


Culé de Celestial Empire
Cant have been a problem with the money what was the difference like 5 million euros? 2 months of Rooneys salary, probably indecisive or he turned us down ages ago. Cant say not disappointed looked nailed on, come home to reports of this and Mane :rolleyes:

Perhaps LvG (how he treated Valdes etc.) was the reason why he turned you guys down, Cesc/London/winning club was why he decided to join Chelsea.


New member
Barcelona is the most beautiful city I've been to in Europe, but if I had to decide which city to live in out of the ones mentioned, it'd be London.

I've lived a few years in London and I wouldn't go back there. A cramped, stressful place with horrible weather (good food tho!). If you don't have money don't even bother. But I guess Pedro will get paid better than I did there, so he might have a better experience :)


New member
Perhaps LvG (how he treated Valdes etc.) was the reason why he turned you guys down, Cesc/London/winning club was why he decided to join Chelsea.

Can definitely see the draw of London though who actually knows what happened with Valdes even in the recent pedro articles today they talk about unfair treatment and dont go into any detail, the situation would be a bit different with Pedro who would of likely been a starter Valdes had to compete with De gea, wouldn't you want to play football even in under 21's to be ready for that chance? thats the only reason i heard of falling out.

I would say we have as much chance as winning something over the next couple years as Chelsea do but im inclined to wait a year see how haha i hope so anyway, the platform is there to build on just takes time the money being spent has to pay off at some point too under a competent manager.


Speaking of Valdes, Why is he still attending our games despite being publicly humiliated by LVG? maybe he's too cheap to pass up on free tickets..

Because he has problems with Van Gaal but not the club maybe? Or you are Van Gaal FC now?


Barcelona is a great city to live from what i heard. I myself am planning to go there, maybe if i am going for MBA.


President of FC Barcelona
Speaking of Valdes, Why is he still attending our games despite being publicly humiliated by LVG? maybe he's too cheap to pass up on free tickets..

You a couple of years from now on I can see you guys being absolutely furious with Van Gaal and whatever he did in his term with you guys. The shit is about to go down, the question is just when....


Blue Blooded Aussie
Tonnes of rumours flying around. Apparently Pedro spoke to Valdes, spoke to Cesc blah blah. Either way United done fucked up here, but we all know...



Well-known member
Hamburg is one of the most beatiful city in europe. I think its nore beatiful than Barcelona, but Barcelona have the weather

Im planning on visiting Düsseldorf in a few months when Klitschko fights, maybe I should visit Hamburg as well. Could have gone to hsv vs Bayern last year but thought it would be a waste of money since the city seems like a regular average harbor city. But now you make me wonder if its actually awesome:p


As someone who has lived in London for the last 4 years, if you can put up with the weather it's the best city in the world imho. Has something for everyone, history, culture, and is the financial capital of Europe/arguably the world.

I really wish he was going to Arsenal rather than Scumsea though.

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