Penal Madrid


New member
maybe he just decided to drop a player because he didn't like his attitude in training, why does it have to be about politics, ego, etc, marca love a good soap opera and people get caught up in it, don't believe everything you read in that silly paper............

I haven't read Marca tonight, and rarely do.
Iker just doesn't strike me as someone who doesn't do his job properly. Why? Because I don't recall one single case of this during his entire career.
Mou, however, does strike me as a guy who will do whatever it takes to please his ego, and at the cost of his employer - whom he obviously has no love for what so ever? Damn straight he would.


The Messiah
Well for one Iker Casillas is a Madrid legend and captain of the team and Spanish NT, this isn't like in England where Rio Ferdinand can get dropped for inconsistency or poor form.

Casillas hasn't been dropped for over 10(!) years.. so ya that's obviously gonna cause a stir.

And secondly, Casillas has been no where near bad enough to get dropped.


Well-known member
Remember the story about the Marca journalist last week, maybe Casillas is being punished for it?
Casillas has not been benched in 10+ years and is Madrid/Spain legend, he is the symbol of everything that is Real as is Puyol/Xavi with us.
Throwing him under the bus for an important game you might lose while you are already behind is an extremely risky tactic if you want to motivate players or show who is boss.
Mourinho seems like a very smart man, he knows exactly what would happen, I believe he is basically cashing out on Madrid and looking for the way out cause he knows the season is going to end badly for them.
He knows the media would crucify him if he benched 'san Iker', thats why I think he just wants Perez to fire him get the 20 mil check so he can relax a bit and except an Epl job for next season.


New member
Well for one Iker Casillas is a Madrid legend and captain of the team and Spanish NT, this isn't like in England where Rio Ferdinand can get dropped for inconsistency or poor form.

Casillas hasn't been dropped for over 10(!) years.. so ya that's obviously gonna cause a stir.

And secondly, Casillas has been no where near bad enough to get dropped.

no player is bigger then the club, a single player should never overshadow the manager, mourinho is paid to pick the team that he sees fit, if fans and public think they can do a better job then why don't they just let the fans vote on team selection before each game.............

El Gato

And secondly, Casillas has been no where near bad enough to get dropped.

Oh he has. The only case you can make is that you shouldn't drop him if it's Adan who is supposed to be filling in, but as stated before, there should be no Raul-esque holy cows on any team, because it affects the performance as soon as his game drops below the level expected of them.


no player is bigger then the club, a single player should never overshadow the manager, mourinho is paid to pick the team that he sees fit, if fans and public think they can do a better job then why don't they just let the fans vote on team selection before each game.............
You're being naive. Politics is a big part of any sport. It just isnt that simple, with all that has been going on the past few months. Mourinho did this for a reason, and I doubt it was because Casillas was playing badly.


The Messiah
Thats Madrid for you! In this case Casillas is bigger than Mou and you'll see that soon enough.

If thats not the case then can't wait till Casillas jumps ship and joins us :D

Of course that wont happen, and mind you Ramos and Alonso are on the anti-mou ship too.


New member
If Casillas asks nicely, I wouldn't mind having him joining us. He could rotate with Pinto for the CdR matches.


The Messiah
Oh he has. The only case you can make is that you shouldn't drop him if it's Adan who is supposed to be filling in, but as stated before, there should be no Raul-esque holy cows on any team, because it affects the performance as soon as his game drops below the level expected of them.

I don't agree with you at all, I don't see how Casillas was poor, if anyone should be dropped its Pepe and Ramos for their sub par performances.

And surely you'd know better, this simply wasn't a dropping because of poor form, its was a clear statement of his leadership.
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New member
You're being naive. Politics is a big part of any sport. It just isnt that simple, with all that has been going on the past few months. Mourinho did this for a reason, and I doubt it was because Casillas was playing badly.

nah these drama's and soap opera's seem to be a spanish thing, particularly with Real Madrid, this kind of stuff just doesn't happen at United, if a player gets too big for his boots, like Beckham, he gets sold and the club moves on, a player being dropped would never result in United fans calling for the manager to be sacked, it is an obsurd over-reaction, it just seems like madrid fans love a good soap opera and its fuelled by the media...................


New member
no player is bigger then the club, a single player should never overshadow the manager, mourinho is paid to pick the team that he sees fit, if fans and public think they can do a better job then why don't they just let the fans vote on team selection before each game.............

Dude seems like you're preaching some theoretical nonsense. Yes surely it's true that all these lads get a 150k paycheck regularly. But if you call for professionalism than please do so for Mourinho as well. Just think about his scumbag performance as a coach, his press talks, his constant moaning and wining which hurts the team and Madrid's brand as well. Mou is not always acting in favor of his own team, that is for sure.


New member
nah these drama's and soap opera's seem to be a spanish thing, particularly with Real Madrid, this kind of stuff just doesn't happen at United, if a player gets too big for his boots, like Beckham, he gets sold and the club moves on, a player being dropped would never result in United fans calling for the manager to be sacked, it is an obsurd over-reaction, it just seems like madrid fans love a good soap opera and its fuelled by the media...................

So uhm, you don't actually think that's the SOLE reason that so many madridistas are gathering their pitchforks and torches these days? If so, well then it sure does explain a whole lot about your recent comments.


Well-known member
no player is bigger then the club, a single player should never overshadow the manager, mourinho is paid to pick the team that he sees fit, if fans and public think they can do a better job then why don't they just let the fans vote on team selection before each game.............
No manager is bigger than the club either. And h2h Casillas > Mourinho in Madrid.
Why are you defending him? do you really believe Adan is better like Mourinho says? Casillas is the one who has the clubs best interest at heart.
Mourinho is a shortterm egomaniac trainer, this is nothing like Wenger- Van Persie.
Casillas actually stands for the "royalty" Real is supposed to represent, its why they colide and also why I respect Iker alot.

Imagine a guy like Benitez coming to Barca, making us play anti-football and make us look bad to the rest of the world contrary to the image of the philosophy of the club and a Xavi starts to rebel and gets send to stands to shut him up.
Would you still feel the trainer needs to be respected and followed or that he is completely wrong and rightfully has his flaws pointed out by a legend who actually cares about the club?

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