Ozil is a great winger and an extraordinary attacking mid fielder, so would be a great sub for all three positions. Di Maria? Not so much!! He can only cover wings, he's no option to rotate with Isco.
I am not sure about the other reasons... I am not judging the move to get rid of Ozil instead of Di Maria either. But the reason is definitely not be the one you gave
The Ozil reasons are all clear.. we said it so many times , most pundits did ,even goal shit come came to the same conclusion ... how many times do we have to repeat it ? I know discussion RM is easier than looking at your club transfer affairs

but seriously this is too much
- Ozil is a crap winger , he is great in the center ( the feck you were watching the last 3 years !! ... play the wings Estel ) he is a great AM BUT BUT BUT
1- He lacks stamina which makes him disappear in so many games
2-doesn't go back to help the defense except rarely (Di Maria do all the time ) Mou used him as a transition to CR when we are lunching a counter attack
3-don't want to sit on the bench especially this year is :
4- A world cup year
5-According to Jose sporting report leaked last month on the Madrid and Spanish press he & Benzema has big issue from competing for a place with other playerand it affect their performance greatly (look at Benzema form when Higuain was injured and after he came back or Ozil early last season when Modric arrived until he saw Mou not using Modric often and when he did he used him in the deeper midfield role ) ..
6- sitting on the bench as a sub when his country had Goetze , Kroos , Draxler etc means losing his national team spot
7- Contract renewal , Ozil requested extra 2 million , club refused (Now we pay 52 % tax so 2 million = 4 Million extra ) and the renewal stalled
8 - Di Maria is mush faster , much more versatile and doesn't have issues sitting on the bench...
9- When Carlo asked the midfield to come back and help the defense after Betis game.. Di Maria & Isco did just that.. Ozil didn't bother in the Granada game and Carlo pulled him out after 60 minutes he didn't even act professionally and went straight to the shower not to his team mates .. (I think we all saw the video /game )
10 - You will never get 50 Million Euro for a bench player , we all know that .. it was a great deal for Ozil , the club , our finance .. all in all great decision tactically , personally , financially for all involved
(FYI Di Maria can play better all 3 position AM-LM-RM and CM - Of course Ozil is a superior AM no doubt but that's Isco's now )