Penal Madrid


New member
real madrid are willing to pay 110m to bring luis suarez to santiago bernabeu .
If this actually happened and he moved to RM for that amount of money i think FIFA and UEFA should make a move on real madrid they're ruining football


President of FC Barcelona
Caughtoffside is as reliable as Francois Gallardo.

That being said then there were strong rumours linking him to them last summer as well and considering how desperate Flo is for La Decima, I wouldn't be suprised if he decides to break the bank to bring Suarez.


New member
How is it even possible that clubs that are in over their heads in debt are allowed to spend such ridiculous amounts of money on player transfers, all the while actually destroying competitiveness in the league? Spain. :lol:


Calma, calma
I don't want to sound racist, but Spain is one of the worst managed countries in Europe, and I think their culture of pettiness and infighting are not conducive to progress. Something similar in Italy too.

And how can it be, that the country with probably the darkest skinned people in Europe (on average), is also one of the most racist? :lol:


I don't want to sound racist, but Spain is one of the worst managed countries in Europe, and I think their culture of pettiness and infighting are not conducive to progress. Something similar in Italy too.

And how can it be, that the country with probably the darkest skinned people in Europe (on average), is also one of the most racist? :lol:

Agree. The only thing likeable about spain is the weather and Barcelona. I prefere german culture.


I don't want to sound racist, but Spain is one of the worst managed countries in Europe,

That isn't racist, it's a well known fact. Not a coincidence that countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy & Greece are struggling. Corrupt governments, management,... everything.


New member
I hate to sound like I'm generalizing (that's probably because I am), but all of those countries have one thing in common - they're southern cultures. From what I've experienced, southern cultures are much more laid back and disorganized.


Senior Member
I hate to sound like I'm generalizing (that's probably because I am), but all of those countries have one thing in common - they're southern cultures. From what I've experienced, southern cultures are much more laid back and disorganized.

Agree, but strangely from my experience many northerners envy southern way of life


no, there is something to what you are saying. and it has nothing to do with race. for one thing historical developments in southern europe like spain and italy did not lead to centralized states in the way france and eventually germany developed. both spain and italy have strong regional divisions-- catalans/basques/gallegos among others in spain and southern, conservative italy/northern industrial milan in italy-- in which people have stronger ties to local customs and hierarchies than they do to the 'national' government. basically this makes countries like these very difficult to manage as interests become nonnegotiable or downright oppositional.

oh, and i remember a study that determined that in south italian dialect the future tense is underdeveloped or even nonexistent. which speaks volumes to why there is little progress-- they lack the vocabulary to conceptualize the future


New member
I don't want to sound racist, but Spain is one of the worst managed countries in Europe, and I think their culture of pettiness and infighting are not conducive to progress. Something similar in Italy too.

And how can it be, that the country with probably the darkest skinned people in Europe (on average), is also one of the most racist? :lol:
I remember that a german politician once openly criticized spain policy with the spanish bank backing up real madrid signing ( pepe , ronaldo , bale )


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Welcome to Spain. Enjoy your stay.

We'll see what the future holds. Are they indeed finally helping the Spanish teams or is it an exception for the capital club?

Atletico played on the weekend. I don't think they even asked for it. This is not strictly Spanish, the EPL did it for Mourinho.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Barcelona and Real both requested to miss the weekends game if they made the semi final.

Atletico declined.

Atletico were declined? So they also asked?

When Barca and Real Madrid played each other in the league classico, Copa del Rey Classico and the semi finals against Bayern/Chelsea, both spanish teams got knocked the fuck out. What the Spanish federation was right having learned from their lesson. It just looks like it benefited Real the most in this case since Barcelona were already out and Atletico were knocked out of the Copa.

As for the flags, well I am not going to discuss this matter because I haven't been to a football match in Europe, so I don't know how things are dealt with and I actually don't know much about these Ultras but it is stomach churning.

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