Penal Madrid


New member
The RM fan post that makes you smile after this robo.

Note : sarcasm on managingmadrid is in italic


Hahahaha! Surely missing some brain cells.

Blaugrana Bull

There was no disrespect behavior at all. Not RM's fault that Rayo collects a stupid red and bends over in the 2nd half. They did not taunt Rayo or their fans but just kept playing and were able to score 10.
This is not youth football between 6 year old kids where the ref stops the game 10 minutes earlier because one team loses 20:0 or something. Both teams come to compete and if one team is not ready to give 100% it is certainly not the other team's fault.


^ Agreed. Bagging loads of goals is not in itself disrespectful. This is a professional sport after all. Bagging loads of goals and doing lots of silly celebrations after them, on the other hand, can rightfully be seen as offensive.


You're welcome
^ Agreed. Bagging loads of goals is not in itself disrespectful. This is a professional sport after all. Bagging loads of goals and doing lots of silly celebrations after them, on the other hand, can rightfully be seen as offensive.

But they didn't celebrate overtly. People are even wondering why Ronaldo didn't do his traditional celebration.


New member
What utter BS that its somehow disrespectful to score goals in a game where players are sent off. Regardless if they were correctly sent off or not, it is professional football and as long as there is time on the clock, Real should score as many as they so please. In addition, Paco could've just parked a bus and went defensive, but he insisted on attacking and showed the rest of the league (again) that he is incapable to adapt in game tactics and is rather hard-headed.


Active member
What utter BS that its somehow disrespectful to score goals in a game where players are sent off. Regardless if they were correctly sent off or not, it is professional football and as long as there is time on the clock, Real should score as many as they so please. In addition, Paco could've just parked a bus and went defensive, but he insisted on attacking and showed the rest of the league (again) that he is incapable to adapt in game tactics and is rather hard-headed.

As a Brazilian who was actually at the 7-1 Germany game, I agree. There were similar sentiments then as well. As long as there is game time, the other team should just go for it.


IMO, true respect to your opponent is to keep going even when you are thrashing them. Anything else and you'd be patronizing them.


On a side note, if I'm playing FIFA against somebody, and it's say 6-2, going for 10-2 would seem disrespectful :p


On a side note, if I'm playing FIFA against somebody, and it's say 6-2, going for 10-2 would seem disrespectful :p

Only if it's your friend. If it's some rando online, all bets are off. Make 'em watch the celebrations too, if they did so first.


You're welcome
In the Netherlands when playing Fifa if you are leading by a goal difference of three the game is automatically won and you have humiliated your opponent.
This is very common here and referred to as the 'Jantje'.


In the Netherlands when playing Fifa if you are leading by a goal difference of three the game is automatically won and you have humiliated your opponent.
This is very common here and referred to as the 'Jantje'.

You mean like a sort of gentlemen's agreement, where the losing party just quits at -3 differential?


Senior Member
On a side note, if I'm playing FIFA against somebody, and it's say 6-2, going for 10-2 would seem disrespectful :p

Nah, in fifa, the disrespectful thing to do when you are leading is to pass the ball between your backline, not scoring goal.

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