Pep Guardiola



Guardiola: "Referee decisive in Osasuna loss? I can't control that, the images are there, they say more than words. We can only play."

:mantear: he is the best of us cules


New member
No Ryan_Cule!
He needs to stay at the bench some times..
He was poor versus Osasuna.. We all admire Messi, but you can see that playing each and every shitty game has a bad impact on him, because he is 'absent' in some games..
We can afford so..
alexis plays better centrally, and we have pedro, cuenca, tello to dominate the flank..

Messi was poor by his stantards..and to say we have Pedro when he's missing in action since the CL final.. :facepalm:
Messi should have been rested until the game against Osasuna..we can't afford to bench him when Busi is injured, Iniesta and Xavi are recovering and Cesc is tired and in risk of an injury.
Pep was mistaken when he started Masche in the midfield(the same thing he did in the CdR and it didn't work until Messi and Busi entered on the field) and Sergi instead of Jona..and then Pedro(knowing that he didn't played one good game this season and was recovering from yet another injury).

The problem is not the rotation, cauz Pep does not rotate enough, untill yesterday, when he did rotate, but by making weird things..
Nor the formation change in 3-4-3, cazu there are games it had worked splendid, and in those it didnot he reverted to 4-3-3..
The problem is a clear luck of concentration and motivation..

and injuries..injuries that forced Pep to rotate too much. Until the game against Espanyol he had different starting 11 for each game.


New member
"My idol was Guardiola. Why? What a question! Pep was the '4' par excellence, the example of the playmaker. And he had charisma"


and injuries..injuries that forced Pep to rotate too much. Until the game against Espanyol he had different starting 11 for each game.

The fact that we don't have many quality subs is also Pep's fault.His transfer policy is off.I mean for the last 3 years our attacking line-up is always different.We don't have a decent backup CB or RB for that matter or even a DM.What's the point of having 3 left full backs and only one right back.He renew Montoya's contract and won't ever start him.He signed Alexis when we already have Pedro/Quenca/Tello.He let Oriol go although he had decided to play Masch in defence and let the team with only Busi.He choose not to resign Botia and kept Fontas.Just to be clear i don't say that Montoya,Sanchez,Botia,Fontas are either good or bad players.
His decision's about the formation are also very strange.The change from 4-3-3 to 3-4-3 was NOT necessary and hast cost the team points.
I'm starting to believe that this season sth bothers him and cannot think clearly,he just seems different..


New member
psychotsek's posts since june 2011:

8th June 2011 09:13 AM
This is the fourth summer transfer period since Pepe became our coach and he really needs to proove that this is another field he can succeed...I mean with the exception of Pique and Alves all the other transfers he has been involved turned out mediocre if not bad (Chygriski,Zlatan,Keirrison,Caceres,Henrique,Maxwe ll plus the loss of both Yaya and Etoo not to mention he could have signed Ozil for cheap last sumer....) and have costed the team a gazillion of money.
With the money spent the last 3 years we could have easily bought another back up 11 wich is essential since we play 60-70 matches every year.
We have probable the best starting eleven and there is no need to change that.We need quality back up players who can help and maybe some day became starters.
Having said all that i can't really understand Pepe's obssesion with Cesc,his decision to sign another left back since we are short in right backs and central defenders and last why he chooses to sign A.Sanchez instead of let's say Cazorla or Navas..

22nd June 2011 05:39 PM
I really don't get it.We declare that our transfer budget is ''limited'' and at the same time we are ready to spend 35+ mil on Sanchez.IMO a deal like Gervinho at 15 mil > Sanchez at 35 mil but since we are going to spend a huge amount of cash why don'y we go for the ''realy'' big names like Mata,Hulk or Aguero..

24th June 2011 07:14 PM
Our frontline is pretty much perfect.If it lacks anything is muscle power.Very few players are strong,versatile and also skilled enough to actually add sth to our play style.Only Rooney and Hulk meet imo all these criteria.Problem is that Rooney would cost around 80m,Hulk maybe 40-50m when we could get Mata plus a young FW (let's say Andrian) or an experienced back up (Forlan) for less...

21st September 2011 11:59 PM
Pep is the only responsible for tonight's result.His decision to play 3-4-3 cost us 2 goals and the whole first half..
Also Villa should get his sh!t together ASAP!!!
(after the game against Valencia)-this one is true

8th October 2011 10:38 AM
As someone who does't live in Spain and can't have the daily spanish media information at hand I'm interested to know has any reporter asked Pep the reasons he changed the formation to 3-4-3 (in which IMO our team struggles) and what his responce was.
(after the game against Sporting)-we didn't played badly because of the formation we used this time

16th January 2012 12:28 AM
4-3-3 >>> 3-4-3
Pedro >>> Alexis - right now this is completely false
Fabregas is not a forward
Replacing Abi will be tough

16th January 2012 02:04 PM
Our squad was built with 4-3-3 formation in mind,heck even La Masia works with this formation.The team succeded in everything in this formation and since there hasn't been a huge change in the team (ex Messi,Xavi,Iniesta,Alves,Pique leaving) there is simply NO REASON to change it..
As someone who doesn't live in Spain i'm curious has any journalist ever asked Pep about his decision to use this formation instead of 4-3-3
(after the game against Betis)

29th January 2012 01:07 AM
If liga is over (although it isn't that much of a deal) there is only one to blame and this is Pep.His persistence on the 3-4-3 formation his poor transfer decisions
(last three years he has spent about 200 mil € on players without really buying anyone with real contribution to the team exept Pique,Alves and maybe Masch).
Our team depends too much on Messi,Xavi,Iniesta and thus when they can't produce because of injuries,fatigue or just a bad day we have really big problem winning.

30th January 2012 07:12 PM
I think we are missing the greater picture here.Cesc is a good player (his stats alone proove he's great) but he was not needed this season given the price (40m!!) and the same goes to an extent for Alexis (again for the price we bought him)
The main problem imo is that after the Super succesfull season of '08-'09 we somehow engaged into a "transfer war" with Madrid sth we neither can't afford nor should we continue.
I mean our 05-06 and even 08-09 succes was built on La Masia players in addition to some smart purchases (Etoo 25m,Toure 9m,Deco 15m heck even Ronie didn't cost as much..) a policy we have completely adandoned -selective memory at its best

30th January 2012 07:32 PM
Of course Cesc >>JDS or S.Roberto even Thiago but neither does this mean he should be forced into the starting line up nor we should change our formation (3-4-3) in order for him to play.
(after the game against Villareal)-here Pep went from mistake in mistake


ze special one



New member
I wouldn't have normaly spent my time trying to respond to this nonsense, but some of the stuff you wrote is pretty funny:
The fact that we don't have many quality subs is also Pep's fault.His transfer policy is off.
I mean for the last 3 years our attacking line-up is always different.We don't have a decent backup CB or RB for that matter or even a DM.What's the point of having 3 left full backs and only one right back.He renew Montoya's contract and won't ever start him.
We have(or at least had) many quality subs at the beggining of the season.
-decent CB backup:Abidal and Mascherano
-decent RB backup:Adriano or Montoya(who is a backup and that's why Pep won't start him..that or because of the fact he has been the most important player for Barca B this season and our whole defence collapses without him)
-decent DM backup:Mascherano, Keita, JDS, Thiago
-you are aware that we have sold Maxwell, I hope

He signed Alexis when we already have Pedro/Quenca/Tello.
You were very pleased with Alexis when we signed him..I guess that in the meantime Pedro has blown you away with his performances. You also knew about Cuenca and Tello in june, when you were demanding Mata or Gervinho or Forlan.

He let Oriol go although he had decided to play Masch in defence and let the team with only Busi.
Pep didn't let Oriol go..if you would have read some of his interviews, you will see that he left because he had Busi and Masche(or even Thiago or Keita) in front of him..he should have chosen a different club for his development, but that's not on Pep.

He choose not to resign Botia and kept Fontas.Just to be clear i don't say that Montoya,Sanchez,Botia,Fontas are either good or bad players.
Right now Fontas>Botia(and yes, I know that Fontas is injured).

Just to be clear i don't say that Montoya,Sanchez,Botia,Fontas are either good or bad players.
No, you're only criticizing Pep because he chose to buy Alexis instead of Botia when our biggest problem this season was the inability to convert goalscoring chances..but I'm sure Montoya or Botia would have resolved it for us.

His decision's about the formation are also very strange.The change from 4-3-3 to 3-4-3 was NOT necessary and hast cost the team points.
True, has cost us some points..but not as many points as the fatigue, complaincy, bad luck, individual mistakes or injuries..not to mention the referees.

I'm starting to believe that this season sth bothers him and cannot think clearly,he just seems different..
Well, you are certainly not're only purpose on this forum is to criticize Pep..and you have been far more consistent than our team in the away matches.


I really don't want to engage into any arguement but can you please make clear my mistakes cause the way i see it:

''Pedro >>> Alexis - right now this is completely false"
Pedro is recovering from injury you can't compare them right now..When we bought Alexis,and once more i don't say he is bad player this was true.Pedro was fisrt team player had already won CL La liga twice and WC scoring over 20/year while Sanchez had two good seasons in Udineze without winning any titles scoring 9 goals/year.My main complaint was his price tag hence the example of Gervinho.

"I mean our 05-06 and even 08-09 succes was built on La Masia players in addition to some smart purchases (Etoo 25m,Toure 9m,Deco 15m heck even Ronie didn't cost as much..) a policy we have completely adandoned -selective memory at its best"
I think you are wrong here and would like sth more than your destructive comment.You believe this isn't the case?Can you give examples?

And as for the rest of my comments about Pep's formation decisions you believe the change in formation was in team's favor or not?
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Decent CB back up you are right but the fact is both of them aren't really CBs
Decent DM back up only is Masch.Neither JDS Keita nor Thiago are DMs
Decent RB i don't feel Adrianno is that good and will believe you about Barca B and Montoya cause i didn't knew that.
Of course i didn't knew Quenca or Tello it's not my job after all it's the manager's job but he should know he could use them.
You judge me but i don't think you also new that Pedro would have been in bad form/injured as would Villa and Affelay.
Also i believe our main problem this year is our defence and inconsistency.
Fontas has played few matches without having a good performance.
Alexis over Botia:Funny I can't really believe someone made Pep choose..

"Well, you are certainly not're only purpose on this forum is to criticize Pep..and you have been far more consistent than our team in the away matches"

I agree with you about refs decisions,injuries and bad luck but saying that my only purpose is to critisize Pep is wrong. I'm a Barca supporter,i believe he is responsible for what might be one of the greater teams in football's history.He did all that in literally 3 years.This doesn't mean that everything he does is perfect or we should take his decesions good/bad without judging them.
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New member
psychotsek, I won't try to convince you where you are wrong when it is clear that you entered here only after bad games and criticized Pep for not buying this and that..not to mention the fact that you're not even informed enough to make this judgements.

You're complaining about the defence after out only game where we were let down by them and say that you preffered Botia instead of Alexis..well Botia has been SHIT this season, so I don't understand why would you say that we were wrong because we didn't bought him back. You're saying that Mascherano is not really a CB..well he was our best CB for about a again, have you watched Barca's games? Jonathan is playing as a DM for more than 6 months with the B team an he and Montoya were our most consistent players. Cuenca and Tello were discovered by Pep..Pep decided to keep Isaac when LE didn't liked him last year, just as he didn't liked Tello. Not to mention Eusebio who kept them on the bench. I'm sure you would have aplauded Pep in june if he wouldn't have bought Alexis and tell us that he is bringing Tello and Cuenca against RM in the Supercup.
Oh..and Adriano is a very good back-up and funny that you didn't mentioned Maxwell..then again maybe you didn't even knew that we're not having 3 LB anymore and that he was sold.

If you would have made this critics last year I'm sure all of us would have agreed..because in the second half of season we only had Pique as our only natural CB and Bojan as a replacement for Messi and Keita for Iniesta..but hey we won CL and the league, so this means we had a hell of a squad..not like this year when we are 10 pts behind RM wich means that Mascherano, Abidal, Keita, Thiago, Cesc, Alexis and Adriano are automatically bad.

La Liga this year:

Barcelona: Scored 63 Conceded 16

Real Madrid:Scored 75 Conceded 21

As you can see we definitely have a problem in defence.
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