Pep Guardiola


Senior Member
Looking at this picture, I'm not surprised he needed a break. This happened in less than 4 years:



New member
Classy from Karanka... "La Liga has existed with and without Guardiola, his numbers are there to judge, but now it's already history"

It's all about numbers in the kingdom's capital..

Looking at this picture, I'm not surprised he needed a break. This happened in less than 4 years..

This one's good too:

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Yugo Count Dante

New member
These photos of comparisons don't mean anything, if he wasn't a coach he'd probably not look much different from now. The hair loss is genetic (look at his younger brother). And most of the photos they use of 2012 are taken out of context, as they don't represent his normal appearance. And, if there is somebody to be blamed for his stress, the media would have to be in the top 3 reasons of stress.


New member
Who cares what Mourinho's puppet, or his puppet master have to say about Guardiola. The fact that the club, its fans, many contemporaries and neutrals have been praying for Guardioala to stay show how vital Guardiola is to the club and football in general. Of course the puppet would say something like that, Mourinho recently said that his achievements demand respect. He knows all too well that he, as a human, does not deserve any respect.

No I didn't. I can't get enough of that, specially about THIS Madrid. At least if it was Fernando Redondo's Madrid maybe, that team only had some few dickheads like Guti and Roberto Carlos, but most of their players were usually fair opponents. Plus they had a gentleman as their coach. This Real Madrid deserves jackshit for all I care. Worst and ugliest team with infinite level of cuntness that I've ever saw in all these years I've been a fan of Barca.

This is definitely the lowest level I have seen a major club stoop to.


Tw Eladio Parames (personal spokesman Mourinho): "Well done, Aitor Karanka! Why paying tribute? Guardiola just left a club."

:lol: sooo bitter.


Cardenal de Catalunya
Moltes gracies, Pep, per tots els títols i els moments hem tingut. A mes, ¡gracies per a totes les victòries sobre Madrid!!!

¡Mai no t'oblidarem!


Senior Member
These photos of comparisons don't mean anything, if he wasn't a coach he'd probably not look much different from now. The hair loss is genetic (look at his younger brother). And most of the photos they use of 2012 are taken out of context, as they don't represent his normal appearance. And, if there is somebody to be blamed for his stress, the media would have to be in the top 3 reasons of stress.

Hair loss probably, but what about the greys? I think it's fair to say it's taken his toll on him. Hell, he's said as much himself.

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