Let me get it straight, why in the world would you put a conspiracy quote in Pep's thread?
Often these quotes are taken out of contex in extreme ways, so it is comforting for conspirators to believe in such nonsenses. Aren't you one of those who actually believe in our world being ruled by the owerhelming wealth of well-known worldwide families (Rothschild, Rockefellers,Bilderbergs, Duponts and Kennedy's)?
It is highly believed that W. Winston once said:
As I already noticed you are the one who are into conspiracies, for that reason I would greatly appreciate your effort finding his speech's source. Authorized.
The truth about banking and monetary system is more frightening than conspiracy theories itself, as you aswell would find yourself frightened if you were in a plane which was in nobody's control - world we live in is rudderless.