Pep Guardiola


New member
Can't see him wanting to coach City. Pep's got a little more class than that. Could see Mourinho doing it tho.

I love how you use the double standard.

People whining how City made football about money, ignoring that the 'Clubs FULL of History' have not been nuking and luring talents from the small clubs since the dawn of paid football. People need to get over with this money destroys football, it is true, but blaming it on City won't solve anything, labelling them classes won't solve anything either. If you want to tackle those problems, then you should seek other clubs who have been doing it for years.

You are probably right about the part that he probably would not want to do that job, but why would he want to do Chelsea? do I sense a Russian is better than the Arab kind of thing? and you mention Mourinho being 'classes' and take the job of City, but wasn't he who guided Chelsea? what would that make Pep if he joined Chelsea?

For the sake of football I'd love see him at City and have the full freedom and financial means to form a squad he has in mind.

Don't think he necessarily does want the Chelsea job (and for the record I don't like them either, for the same reason I don't like City), but I am perhaps a minority in doubting much (most?) of what's said in the English and large parts of the Spanish media especially regarding transfers.

The football being about money discussion is one for a different time and place and yes, I suspect we'd disagree on things there.

Would love to hear you views on where you'd like him to coach (apart from coming back at Barca), if you'd like him to coach again. If you got time, would also like to hear the reasoning why certain clubs are preferred over others, without the obvious 'full of history' argument.

I didn't mention the English media, I myself don't like rumours either, but that was irrelevant to what I said or wish.

You just got owned, Woobie.

Owned like a Thomas Jefferson slave.


@Flavia: For me it was of relevance in the sense that I tend to agree with what was said in the quote, as I don't vote nor do I believe in politics at all. I found (from my point of view) appropriate to mention that him calling himself pessimistic might be linked to the fact he does not believe in God , as he seems to struggle to accept the imperfection of human beings, and since God is generally regarded as perfect, he might have found it easier to accept the imperfection of humans.

I also noticed that some of you seem offended that fact that I mentioned this, if someone felt offended, I apologize. But if Pep, lets say was a theist, I don't think somebody would catch feelings, but it's like whatever. It's not like I said anything bad about his views (nor did I glorify it for that matter), but somehow I do get the impression that you think I did.

I still have no idea how did you relate his pessimism to not believing in God. If being pessimistic means not believing in God then half of this forum must be Satanists due to their incredible pessimism/insecurity level they show before every Barca/Real match.


barça amor d mi alma
I am an optimist , big time. But I don't believe in GOD factor unless you are talking about god particle . #Higgsboson

Yugo Count Dante

New member
I still have no idea how did you relate his pessimism to not believing in God. If being pessimistic means not believing in God then half of this forum must be Satanists due to their incredible pessimism/insecurity level they show before every Barca/Real match.
It was a response to the quote, in my response I did not claim that one who is pessimistic has not to believe in God (and vice versa for that matter). I don't feel like explaining it all in depth, it was said from my own perspective. Not to mention that the term pessimism has many levels, a lot of people use the term for the hell of it. Some people are pessimistic just in some interest in their lives, while some are pessimistic about everything. In sense every human being has been/is pessimistic about something.

'For me it was of relevance in the sense that I tend to agree with what was said in the quote, as I don't vote nor do I believe in politics at all. I found (from my point of view) appropriate to mention that him calling himself pessimistic might be linked to the fact he does not believe in God , as he seems to struggle to accept the imperfection of human beings, and since God is generally regarded as perfect, he might have found it easier to accept the imperfection of humans.'

'The quote begins with 'I am a pessimist' he then goes on to explain why, where he explicitly mentions his concern about the imperfection of humans beings (and the impact of them). He seems to struggle with his observation (or should I say perception) that some human beings to be imperfect.'

'Human beings seem too good, too well-made, too intelligent to have fallen as low as we have.' What is said here gives a lot of room for explanations and should certainly inspire people to think beyond the usual 'it is the way it is'.
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New member
How can you not believe in politics? Politics is the science of government.

You don't believe in the science of government? Please expand, I'm quite intrigued.


Nah, didn't get owned. Just don't think City is a club he'd be interested in coaching. I don't drink the Sky kool-aid and think the English league is all that great.


New member
With regards to the 'pessimism' factor that has been recently brought up on this board,I guess its just a personality trait that are relative of most Capricorns and being one myself,I can wholly relate to that.This has nothing to do with one's belief in God and quite frankly,to even suggest that lack thereof can be attributed to Pep's pessimism is bordering on ridiculousness imho!

Yugo Count Dante

New member
How can you not believe in politics? Politics is the science of government.

You don't believe in the science of government? Please expand, I'm quite intrigued.
Truth , reality is independent of the numbers of people who acknowledge it. To keep things simple I'll try to answer your question in a couple of lines.

Men made laws (i.e based on ideas, understanding, morals of that time and science) are a subject to change. A hundred years ago things considered taboo are perfectly normal now (in the western society that is, as some countries have not changed that much). We think we have good laws and ideas now, but in two hundred or three hundred years from now people will laugh at us and consider us ignorant (the average people that is), just like we tend to find it strange that (some) of the ancient people thought that the world was flat. But that was the standard of that time and one would be considered to be stupid if he though otherwise. So it is a subject of change, therefore it cannot be truth and has to be condemned. However this does not mean that there are no universal and timeless laws for men. Truth is, and always has been truth, now, hundred years later, thousand years ago.

To understand why politics are evil you just have to study it rationally, if you don't get why, then my time would be wasted as I don't think you will ever understand.

'''Critical judgment disappears altogether, for in no way can there ever be collective critical judgment....The individual can no longer judge for himself because he inescapably relates his thoughts to the entire complex of values and prejudices established by propaganda. With regard to political situations, he is given ready-made value judgments invested with the power of the truth by...the word of experts. ''

Although a lot of people want to 'change the world' end up being 'changed' (something Pep was afraid of). Most of these people are driven by emotions after their observation of the state the world is in (hunger, violence, hate .. ). Yet what they see is the surface of something. This is called hacking branches, instead of the root.

"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. "

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it"

What Pep also fails to see is that it is not the power that changes people, it is the attachment to illusion that forces the average human being to compromises their morals and ethics for this illusion. In this process we often agree with the wicked 'few', in return we get false happiness and the fraud and deceptive system we live in.

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford (1863 - 1947)

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance ... it is the illusion of knowledge. Maybe if we humbled ourselves to know little, we would reach a better level of understanding things, after all, the hardest people to teach are those who think they know everything already.

There is no shame in not knowing the shame lies in not finding out.
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yugo cule, it seems as though the moment you stopped abusing the pep face you became a very serious and concerned poster.

what happened man :pep:


New member
First of all every human should be free to choose ones way of life, it is something personal. I didn't said there was necessary difference if he did or did not believe, as it is none of my business.

@Razor: I was surprised in the sense that he works with some outspoken theists who thank the deity they believe in after they score a goal publicly in front of million people. Another thing was that I thought he would be theist considering he probably comes from a religious background, I never actually knew anything about his religious views nor did I care or was I searching to find out about his views, it just happened someone shared the interview.
i don't see what his personal views on god/religion/whatever have to do with having players that thank god after doing something good. everyone has their own views on a higher power, doesn't mean we can't all get along in this crazy world.

and coming from a religious background doesn't mean that you carry those views into adulthood. sure, some people will hold on to them as they get older but not all... and some will rebel from it, like my dad, when they are forced into it from a young age.

Yugo Count Dante

New member
i don't see what his personal views on god/religion/whatever have to do with having players that thank god after doing something good. everyone has their own views on a higher power, doesn't mean we can't all get along in this crazy world.

and coming from a religious background doesn't mean that you carry those views into adulthood. sure, some people will hold on to them as they get older but not all... and some will rebel from it, like my dad, when they are forced into it from a young age.
First of all where did you get the impression that I said that coexistence is not possible in this 'crazy world' as you call it?

Being surprised about something means something turned out to be different than that you had thought. There is no way that being surprised about something means this wasn't a possibility, unless you state so, and I never did state that Pep was 'IMPOSSIBLE' to be atheist. I stated that I was surprised... is it illegal to be surprised about this? where did you even get the impression that I beforehand categorically excluded the possibility that he could be atheist? or Buddhist or any way of life for that matter.

I highly doubt you'd find someone from Balkan who believes in politics.
What kind of over generalization is this?
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