Pep Guardiola


For me it's very arrogant to say even from the Spanish press, the Bundesliga is an easy league. There are 5 or 6 teams that play for the championship. All 3 CL representatives are in the second round. The English league for example can also afford only so many "stars", because all Russian and Arab oil millionaires invest their money in British clubs
The Bundesliga is definitely the healthiest league.

isnt the German press saying the same about the spanish? Yes they are. So what, let them talk.

And the typical we are the healthiest league. We know it. Why German supportes are always remind us of that!? Its annoying.
Maybe the german league doesn't get the reputation the should, but the hype in Germany is insane.All other leagues are shit beside of the german. No other league knows football tactics beside the german etc . .And calling Bayern-BVB a clasico is the real deal here:lol:
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New member

nothing but the truth.

oh, how funny! someone has to laugh .....:thumbdown:


New member
Emma do you want to know why no one takes bundesliga seriously, Because in the last ten years, The only German team that reached the quarter finals of CL and who wasn't bayern, Was schalke...........And it was just once.


Don't worry emma it's impossible to argue on a barcaforum that the bundesliga is superior than la liga, even when it is the truth.

Der Kaiser

New member
Don't worry emma it's impossible to argue on a barcaforum that the bundesliga is superior than la liga, even when it is the truth.

Its impossible to argue on ANY forum that ANY league is superior to ANY other league. I dont even know why people still try to go there.


Emma do you want to know why no one takes bundesliga seriously, Because in the last ten years, The only German team that reached the quarter finals of CL and who wasn't bayern, Was schalke...........And it was just once.

I'd say that people who don't take the Bundesliga seriously haven't taken the time to watch many Bundesliga games.

It's all a matter of personal preference, this 'best' thing. People seem to naturally prefer one over the other. And as Der Kaiser wisely noted, getting into the 'this league is better than that league' arguments is pretty pointless.


Senior Member
isnt the German press saying the same about the spanish? Yes they are. So what, let them talk.

And the typical we are the healthiest league. We know it. Why German supportes are always remind us of that!? Its annoying.
Maybe the german league doesn't get the reputation the should, but the hype in Germany is insane.All other leagues are shit beside of the german. No other league knows football tactics beside the german etc . .And calling Bayern-BVB a clasico is the real deal here:lol:

And that is actually the part of the whole thing that drives me nuts. Since the WC in 2006 we're flooded by NT/Bundesliga marketing campaigns & media-"debates" about the rise of Bundesliga ad nauseam. While the former only serves the purpose to suck NT and club gloryhunters/Modefans in to sell 'em jerseys and shit, the latter are just downright annoying.
But this astroturfing strategy actually worked:
The typical german football fan now, let's just call him Hans, is so obsessed about the domestic league and the UEFA coefficient that he perceives even watching another league as an act of treason. Hans is typically armed with a low intellect, a german NT fankit (the official one, of course) and a bottle of Oettinger. In the wild, you can usually find him at "public viewing" (yeah, we actually called it that) events bawling songs of Oliver Pocher or Mickie Krause, if he's not already chanting the completely unsuspicious "Sieg, Sieg !"... most of the time before the match has even started. Hans is ready to defend his league at all costs by using reasoning and logic that would have made Kurt Gödel kill himself.
The worst part is that Hans is not alone, and the DFB marketing scheme aims at these people while branding real football fans as criminals and hooligans.

German TV-commentators, mainstream-pundits and media folks are made of the same cloth as Hans. It's impossible to watch an international match with a german participant without being reminded every 30 seconds how for example Hammerschmiede Augsburg almost played in that stadium in the 1960s or that Uwe Seeler once upon a time used the stadium toilet. Media coverage of international tournaments usually consist of what feels like an 8-hour documentary on Holger Badstuber and Manuel Neuer eating Weisswurst. And don't even get me started on the print-press - delving into that would go way too far. In a nutshell: They all want to please the Hans, so they offer him what he ordered.

The Guardiola deal takes all this to a new level: Pictures of Guardiola in Lederhosen are funny, the bullshit media-frenzy around this deal is not: " Is the Bundesliga more attractive than La Liga, is it more prestigious than the EPL, will Bayern now sign Busquets, will Bayern now sign Neymar, will Bayern now sign Pedro, will Bayern now sign everyone build a base on the moon and play against themselves there, end the Mideast conflict and solve the world hunger problem ???"... all the fuckin time. And it hasn't even really started yet. Just wait until July.

To get back to the La Liga vs Bundesliga debate here: Don't go into the same trap as Hans and the media-frenzy fuckheads. Leagues aren't comparable. Both leagues are cool - the hype is not. Watch 'em both and enjoy it ffs.
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New member
Bundesliga doesn't really interest me, but that's my taste and my opinion. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad or give you the right to talk down to people who do like it.

Der Kaiser

New member
Bundesliga doesn't really interest me, but that's my taste and my opinion. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad or give you the right to talk down to people who do like it.

Exactly, I hardly ever watch the Premier League and don´t really care who wins it, but that doesnt mean that I don´t think its a great league. I dont like the style of football that is played there but for many people its the most enjoyable way of playing, and the atmosphere in the stadiums is really special, so theres no reason to hate on people that are having fun watching it.


The Guardiola deal takes all this to a new level: Pictures of Guardiola in Lederhosen are funny, the bullshit media-frenzy around this deal is not: " Is the Bundesliga more attractive than La Liga, is it more prestigious than the EPL, will Bayern now sign Busquets, will Bayern now sign Neymar, will Bayern now sign Pedro, will Bayern now sign everyone build a base on the moon and play against themselves there, end the Mideast conflict and solve the world hunger problem ???"... all the fuckin time. And it hasn't even really started yet. Just wait until July.

One year ago he was just a medicore Trainer for alot of germans, who only won because of the players he got @ BARCA. Now he is the best ever. And don't tell any german now that he could fail @ Munich.They will kill you.I don't say he will fail, but it is possible.

@Danny: you also got a dejavu of last years Leverkusen thread:lol:


New member
I'd say that people who don't take the Bundesliga seriously haven't taken the time to watch many Bundesliga games.

It's all a matter of personal preference, this 'best' thing. People seem to naturally prefer one over the other. And as Der Kaiser wisely noted, getting into the 'this league is better than that league' arguments is pretty pointless.
When arguing about which league is better than the other, It's really just for the sake of having fun, At least for me anyway, I can't see how they can be taken seriously, Because they are meaningless and simply pointless.
One watches the league where his favorite team plays in, You love bayern or dortmund you'll love Bundesliga, You love barca or real you'll love la liga..etc..etc..etc
Now the only exception to this rule for me, Is with EPL fans, I just love to argue with them just to make their life worse, They act as if they somehow superior to everyone JUST because they watch EPL, like some how it's a 'noble' birthright only they get to have, As if not any shmuck with a tv subscription or a few spare minutes to find links on the net can watch EPL


New member
I don't remember who said this a few months ago when Tito was announced but in terms of tactics Tito was always the brain behind Guardiola and we can see this.

Tito is better so far.
I know that you never liked Pep very much, but I can't believe that you would say that already. And though I hope that you're right(for our sake), I don't think that Tito(or anyone for that matter) would ever manage to equalize Pep's achievements at Barca, just like he won't be able to win as many trophies with Bayern.

And here's an example of something that Tito definitely didn't improve:
Goals conceided/game in La Liga:
-with Pep:0.92, 0.63, 0.55, 0.76
-with Tito: 1.15
And I'm sure we also allow more shots/game though I don't have the statistics right now..and if in La Liga this won't really matter because we score more goals than anyone, in a KO tournament could be fatal.

I'm disappointed by pep. First of all, I really hate Bayern Munich! But really i can't see him fitting in their cosmos. I always saw pep as a down to earth person and not someone who joins the self-proclaimed FC Hollywood. Hoenness, Rummenigge are such assholes who are always talk bullshit in the media and behave as if Bayern Munich is the centre of the world... and they always try to have a say in the coachs decisions...i really can't see pep will be there for a long time.

And Sandro "we are going to win 5-0 vs RM" Rosell is better? The same person who has MD and Sport in his pocket(do you know that the press from Madrid had nicer things to say about Pep last week than the one from Barcelona for example? I wonder why that is) and who's allowing the Boixois Nois to come back to Camp Nou? Or Berlusconi, Moratti, Abramovich..

And why did he sign a 3-year contract? With us he always just made one for a year!

I dont know how that makes me feel

3 year contract with Bayern and only 1 with Barca...

Why do I keep reading this when it's completely false? He only signed 1 year contracts twice..his first contract with Barca was for 2 years.
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World Champion
And here's an example of something that Tito definitely didn't improve:
Goals conceided/game in La Liga:
-with Pep:0.92, 0.63, 0.55, 0.76
-with Tito: 1.15
And I'm sure we also allow more shots/game though I don't have the statistics right now..and if in La Liga this won't really matter because we score more goals than anyone, in a KO tournament could be fatal.

In fairness to Tito, Pep had a prime Alves, prime Puyol, healthy Abidal, prime Valdes and pre Shakira Pique at his disposal. Tito only has a retard Alves, Waka Waka Pique, "I want to experience other cultures" Valdes, 34 year old Puyol after 2 knee operations and liver transplant Abidal at his disposal. I only blame Tito for not buying a proper defender, not tactically. And yes, it will cost us in knockout competitions.


New member
In fairness to Tito, Pep had a prime Alves, prime Puyol, healthy Abidal, prime Valdes and pre Shakira Pique at his disposal. Tito only has a retard Alves, Waka Waka Pique, "I want to experience other cultures" Valdes, 34 year old Puyol after 2 knee operations and liver transplant Abidal at his disposal. I only blame Tito for not buying a proper defender, not tactically. And yes, it will cost us in knockout competitions.

In theory yes..but I'm one of those that believe that when we're talking about a team's defense, we're not talking only about the CBs, FBs or the GK. For example the 0 shots that Arsenal had against us weren't exactly thanks to VV..since last season Pique has improved, Jordi is better at LB than Adriano and Adriano is a better RB than last years Dani Alves..also our best defenders(Xavi, Busquets and Pedro) are at a completely different level. And that's why I can't understand why we have a transition offense-deffense worthy of Arsenal or Bayer Leverkusen..and why Real Sociedad can have as many shots against us as Real Madrid had last year(and before Pique saw the red card).
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