Pep Guardiola


Senior Member
Marie speak since, I think we will struggle to win k.o competitions under Tito, as I have been saying in others trends, on the surface we look brilliant but underneath a few things aren't quite right and its not about the player as they have been excellent so far


New member
In fairness to Tito, Pep had a prime Alves, prime Puyol, healthy Abidal, prime Valdes and pre Shakira Pique at his disposal. Tito only has a retard Alves, Waka Waka Pique, "I want to experience other cultures" Valdes, 34 year old Puyol after 2 knee operations and liver transplant Abidal at his disposal. I only blame Tito for not buying a proper defender, not tactically. And yes, it will cost us in knockout competitions.


Nice avatar, by the way. Will you keep it?


Professor Balthazar
And that is actually the part of the whole thing that drives me nuts. Since the WC in 2006 we're flooded by NT/Bundesliga marketing campaigns & media-"debates" about the rise of Bundesliga ad nauseam. While the former only serves the purpose to suck NT and club gloryhunters/Modefans in to sell 'em jerseys and shit, the latter are just downright annoying.
But this astroturfing strategy actually worked:
The typical german football fan now, let's just call him Hans, is so obsessed about the domestic league and the UEFA coefficient that he perceives even watching another league as an act of treason. Hans is typically armed with a low intellect, a german NT fankit (the official one, of course) and a bottle of Oettinger. In the wild, you can usually find him at "public viewing" (yeah, we actually called it that) events bawling songs of Oliver Pocher or Mickie Krause, if he's not already chanting the completely unsuspicious "Sieg, Sieg !"... most of the time before the match has even started. Hans is ready to defend his league at all costs by using reasoning and logic that would have made Kurt Gödel kill himself.
The worst part is that Hans is not alone, and the DFB marketing scheme aims at these people while branding real football fans as criminals and hooligans.

German TV-commentators, mainstream-pundits and media folks are made of the same cloth as Hans. It's impossible to watch an international match with a german participant without being reminded every 30 seconds how for example Hammerschmiede Augsburg almost played in that stadium in the 1960s or that Uwe Seeler once upon a time used the stadium toilet. Media coverage of international tournaments usually consist of what feels like an 8-hour documentary on Holger Badstuber and Manuel Neuer eating Weisswurst. And don't even get me started on the print-press - delving into that would go way too far. In a nutshell: They all want to please the Hans, so they offer him what he ordered.

The Guardiola deal takes all this to a new level: Pictures of Guardiola in Lederhosen are funny, the bullshit media-frenzy around this deal is not: " Is the Bundesliga more attractive than La Liga, is it more prestigious than the EPL, will Bayern now sign Busquets, will Bayern now sign Neymar, will Bayern now sign Pedro, will Bayern now sign everyone build a base on the moon and play against themselves there, end the Mideast conflict and solve the world hunger problem ???"... all the fuckin time. And it hasn't even really started yet. Just wait until July.

To get back to the La Liga vs Bundesliga debate here: Don't go into the same trap as Hans and the media-frenzy fuckheads. Leagues aren't comparable. Both leagues are cool - the hype is not. Watch 'em both and enjoy it ffs.

Denny Crane!


New member
In fairness to Tito, Pep had a prime Alves, prime Puyol, healthy Abidal, prime Valdes and pre Shakira Pique at his disposal. Tito only has a retard Alves, Waka Waka Pique, "I want to experience other cultures" Valdes, 34 year old Puyol after 2 knee operations and liver transplant Abidal at his disposal. I only blame Tito for not buying a proper defender, not tactically. And yes, it will cost us in knockout competitions.
Not to mention he had to use Song-Mascherano a few times, Song and mascherano.....together!!!, It's the partnership from hell.


Professor Balthazar
I think dear Emma is what we call "Modefan", which could be translated as Fashionfan. Right now its hip and cool to be a Dortmund supporter, everywhere you go you have people who you´d think would rather watch the fashionweek livestream than a football match saying how much they love BVB. But in reality, they have no idea what they are saying and don´t know anything about football other than "DORMUND IS THE BESTTTT :wub:".

No offense but both Dortmund and Bayern supporters are pretty annoying, only that Bayern supporters take pride in their arrogance and Dortmunders think all of Germany loves them.

Of course Dortmund are cool right now, any team in any league that stands out and play attractive football are 'cool'. We should be happy that there still are teams not run by multibillionaires that can break up this hegemony. Just stop hating and enjoy.

Der Kaiser

New member
Of course Dortmund are cool right now, any team in any league that stands out and play attractive football are 'cool'. We should be happy that there still are teams not run by multibillionaires that can break up this hegemony. Just stop hating and enjoy.

Im not hating on Dortmund, just hating on bandwagoners who dont know what they´re talking about, thats all.


Professor Balthazar
Im not hating on Dortmund, just hating on bandwagoners who dont know what they´re talking about, thats all.

But the thing is, I'm also kind of a bandwagoner when it comes to Dortmund. I don't really watch Bundesliga that often, but since Dortmund play such entertaining football I've started to watch some games. In one respect, 99% of this forum are bandwagoners when it comes to Borrusia Dortmund, FC Barcelona (for a start anyway) or almost any other club for that matter. We all started to watch entertaining football with players that could do amazing stuff, then it grew on us and now we are stuck :lol: The real character of the supporter only revels itself when the team starts to loose again.

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