Pep Guardiola


Ryu Hayabusa

Yes, I don't think he'll sign a new contract either. And even if he does that, it might as well be on a one-year-basis, like he did with Barca.

Btw. I'm still surprised how much the Bayern management changed in the past few years. At the time Pep signed up with Bayern, I would have expected that the management goes into meltdown-mode after results like vs Madrid or Barca, but there's absolutely no sign of that happening. They really seem to have all-embracing respect for him and his work.

I think that has to do with Killer-Kalle, who after Uli leaving, has the biggest power base within the club, and he is a huge Pep proponent/fan. IIRC, Klinsmann was also his idea, if his second signing turns out to be a failure/disaster (okay, comparing Pep to Klinsmann really isn't fair at all, but you'll get the idea), it would certainly diminish Kalle's standing.

Ryu Hayabusa

BM won the European Cup three times ('74, '75 and '76) that is bang-on in the middle of the decade. It sounds inaccurate to label those years as either "early" or "late" seventies. But that is not the point.

My point is that the feeling I get from many of the Bayern fans, is that losing to the semis against Real and Barca is somehow really strange. I totally disagree with that. I also totally disagree with your view about the quality of many Bayern players, as well as your views on previous Bayern seasons in the CL. Let me explain myself. I 've heard many Bayern fans go on and on about making the CL finals in 3 out of 4 years, and how that somehow proves that Bayern have been superior to Barca/Madrid during those seasons. IMO, your run to the 2010 final was beyond fluky. I don't have to explain anything there, but if challenged I will do so. Your run to the 2012 final was also relatively easy. Two token opponents in the Last 16 and the QFs. Your semi-final opponents was coming off an exhausting title race, and even more crucially had a title-deciding Clasico right in the middle of the two semis. The importance of fatigue in the latter stages of the CL is something I have always maintained as perhaps the most crucial factor. Even so, you only went through on penalties kicks. Still, this is held as some kind of proof over Bayern's superiority over Real Madrid, something with which I disagree with. In my mind, Real Madrid was probably better than BM during that season. BM have the advantage of not really caring about their own league too much. Be careful, I am not saying that they are not playing to win it, but that it means far less to them than it means to Barca/RM. For the Clasico pair, the thought of the other guy winning the league is vomit-inducing, hence we keep playing near-full strength (or simply fully strength) throughout the season, and crucially, even in between CL ties. That counts for a lot in my mind.

Last season, Munich did not look that impressive either. Surely one of the very best in Europe, but definitely not the hegemonic power you seem to believe you were. The possibility of defeat at the hands of Real Madrid was always at least around 50%. Once Ramos scored the first header, you were doomed. The rest was down to your extreme eagerness to get back at them asap. Something which is suicidal against a Big 3 European side. Something similar happened a few days ago as well. Bayern were lucky to be at 0-0 by the final minutes of the game, but once Messi did what Messi does (and in contradistinction to your earlier claims that he could do nothing versus Bayern/German NT) Bayern felt compelled to throw caution to the wind (being cautious was all BM did until 77') and the rest is history.

I hope you can see what I am trying to say here. While Bayern are a top 3 side (continent-wide) there is zero evidence that they have been better (or even equal) than the Clasico pair in all recent seasons outside of 12/13. Yet, Bayern fans and the German press take defeat at the hands of Barca/Real as some kind of inexcusable failure.

Semis are meant to be a close thing. Being 0-8 in three semi-final matches is what makes German media and fans raise their eyebrows, not the fact that Pep's Bayern went out against Real and Barca.


New member
Semis are meant to be a close thing. Being 0-8 in three semi-final matches is what makes German media and fans raise their eyebrows, not the fact that Pep's Bayern went out against Real and Barca.

The main reason why your last three semis are at 0-8, is that you thought (especially versus Real Madrid) you were somehow clearly superior. Even this season, going 1-0 down versus a full-strength Barca seemed like a disaster to you, hence the panicked response. Last season, I think you did not show enough respect to Real Madrid. Your players seem to be overrating their capabilities. One of the main reasons we did well this season, was because we took every single rival very seriously (except Apoel in the very first game that is :lol:, and even against such lowly opposition it almost came back to haunt us)

Louis Bloom

New member
I find it funny that people really think that Pep will join City. He will stay with Bayern, probably sign a new contract and then replace Van Gaal at Manchetser United.


New member
Pep will stay for 1 more season and then leave for the EPL.

It would not surprise me at all if he will reach the CL-semifinals again next season just to be kicked out for the third time in a row and then abandon ship after heavy criticism.

That would follow his arch rivals pattern at RM. 3 seasons and 3 CL-semifinal exits.

The only difference is that Mourinho was competing to win the league title in the best league of the world while Pep is competing for the league title in the "mighty" Bundesliga.

Ryu Hayabusa

I am not saying he will do that 100%. But it is far the most likely scenario at present imo. Pep is surely keeping his options open for next season.

Didn't need to wait long in regard to my previous remark, it seems... :p


New member
It is funny how people love to belittle other leagues and speak of their own ones as the greatest...! Remind u that Dortmund played a superb football to win the league back then, they almost won the CL ffs. Just because Bayern secured the league well in advance for a couple of years does not necessarily indicate that the league is super weak, the difference between the leagues is not as great as a lot of people would like to claim!


Active member
It is funny how people love to belittle other leagues and speak of their own ones as the greatest...! Remind u that Dortmund played a superb football to win the league back then, they almost won the CL ffs. Just because Bayern secured the league well in advance for a couple of years does not necessarily indicate that the league is super weak, the difference between the leagues is not as great as a lot of people would like to claim!

Bundesliga is not weak but bayern destroys the opponent too easily, thats the annoyance. And Bayern can make 100mio Transfer while the next can only make 20mio, thats not a competetion


New member
It is funny how people love to belittle other leagues and speak of their own ones as the greatest...! Remind u that Dortmund played a superb football to win the league back then, they almost won the CL ffs. Just because Bayern secured the league well in advance for a couple of years does not necessarily indicate that the league is super weak, the difference between the leagues is not as great as a lot of people would like to claim!

Most people pick and choose what results/statistics seem to back their point view better. The only way to objectively compare leagues is by taking as many results into account as possible. On that measure our own league takes the cake hands down.

The hype around the German league went ballistic in 12/13 and has since hit the brutal wall of reality. Not saying the BL is not a very good league, it is just not as good as many thought back then that it was or that it will be. The EPL as most of us would agree has long been the most overrated one in Europe. But if we are being honest, outside of the 2007-09 period (3 seasons, solely in the CL) English teams have been quite underwhelming in European competition since returning from their ban in the second half of the 80s.

After a great period in the 90s, the Italian league has declined substantially, but it may be staging a certain comeback since this current season, let's see how they do for the rest of the season and into the next, they may in fact be able to challenge one of BL/EPL for the last of the Top 3 positions.

La Liga is the only one that is absolutely safe for the time being, and that is despite its relative financial inferiority. If LFP finds a way to increase its revenue in the following years, then the rest of Europe will have to endure even more horrors at the hands of Spanish teams in the following years.

We La Liga fans have taken a lot of shit from all angles (EPL, Serie A, BL) in recent years (people trying to belittle our team and players the whole time) and we should never tire or shy away from ramming down their throats the brutal facts of the last few years, that totally support our case, and completely bury theirs. If any other league had our coefficient at present, the hype would reach intergalactic proportions.
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