Pep Guardiola


New member
I was never so attached to a manager as much as Pep. I wish he would never leave Barca and coach the team for next 3 decades and then he can retire.
The thought of Pep leaving us for another team depresses me.


Guardiola: "I still have an ongoing contract with Barcelona. Inter are a great club, but I'll stay with my current club for an additional season. Either way I'd never do anything without speaking to Barcelona president Sandro Rosell first."

Source: La Gazzetta dello Sport.


Staff member
Tbh. Whole this "it's not normal to stay for 5 seasons" is probably Pep's way of saying: "I'd like a new challenge in the future". Why wouldn't it be normal if everyone wants him to stay. There aren't outside factors, there's only Pep.
Granted, likes of Ferguson are rare. But Pep is special and I don't see a greater challenge than staying on and building a legacy.
If he does decide to leave I wish him all the best. But be sure that life won't stop after Pep.



Staff member
Btw. I wonder what reaction would we see if Messi decided he only wanted a year-to-year contract and being vague about his future.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
Tbh. Whole this "it's not normal to stay for 5 seasons" is probably Pep's way of saying: "I'd like a new challenge in the future". Why wouldn't it be normal if everyone wants him to stay. There aren't outside factors, there's only Pep.
Granted, likes of Ferguson are rare. But Pep is special and I don't see a greater challenge than staying on and building a legacy.
If he does decide to leave I wish him all the best. But be sure that life won't stop after Pep.


while it is terrifying to think of Barça without Pep after the past 3 seasons, this is going to happen and like you said Barça will roll on...


Tbh. Whole this "it's not normal to stay for 5 seasons" is probably Pep's way of saying: "I'd like a new challenge in the future". Why wouldn't it be normal if everyone wants him to stay. There aren't outside factors, there's only Pep.
Granted, likes of Ferguson are rare. But Pep is special and I don't see a greater challenge than staying on and building a legacy.
If he does decide to leave I wish him all the best. But be sure that life won't stop after Pep.


I think he knows that replacing this current crop of players is almost impossible while maintaining the current style of play. Maybe it's too much stress and pressure for him and he wants out.
This "one year at a time" contract bizz tells me he's not going to stay 20 years like SAF and one will leave when the time is right. IMO I can't see him being here after summer 2013. That's 2 mores years where he has the chance of beating Cryuff's league record.
After that Villanova, Villas-Boas or Lucho will take charge.


Senior Member
Guys, just think something.. Pep has grown here, in La Masia.. HE was a club legend as a player.. He really has Barca in his heart.. Why would he want to leave the club? Especially now?

The thing that he wants to prove himslef elsewhere is something that can exist in his mind, but he is only, i donw know, 40? he has so many years left to manage clubs.. Why would he want that happening right now?

I think he will leave only after great great successes (at least 5-8 more years) or (more possibly) after this team is going down and he cannot make the transition as
somenone said:
I think he knows that replacing this current crop of players is almost impossible while maintaining the current style of play. Maybe it's too much stress and pressure for him and he wants out.
and also (and most important) if the fans lose their faith to him when the trophies are not coming.. He is not stupid, he knows how big Barca is..

But believe me, he wants nothing more than to build a legacy with Barca...

Players are different.. Even Messi, who is so young, knows that he has about ten years left of good fotball.. Also the money play an importnat part in most of their lives.. So the sign contracts on different basis..

Just think of that: Why assuming that the 'one-year' staff is saying he wants out and not that he just wants to keep everyone (administration and players) alert, not considering him always granted.. If he wanted the money he could have made a 10-year contract.. If he wanted just a short-spell he would have renew for 3 years.. What if a change in administration occurs and the new stuff do not share the shame views??
He just goes step by step, keeping everyone alert..
I think this one-year business is a master policy from Pep, a psychological maestro...

Unbiased United

New member
Pep question...

Hey guys,

As someone who doesn't know as much about the day to day politics at Barca as most of you guys here do, can you help me understand something thats been puzzling me somewhat.

Again there seem to be rumours about Pep, and his future at Barca. What I can't understand is why Barca aren't trying to tie him down on a long term contract, but not only that, why Pep himself doesn't seem to fussed about staying at Barca for the long term?

Surely its an ideal situation for both parties with him as manager. In my opinion, he is an amazing manager and a great spokesman for your club, and I can't see who could possibly do better with Barca than he would (SAF aside of course! :D). On the flip side, its doubtful he will ever manage a better set of players if he does leave!....Am I missing something here?


Mr. Japes
Both Laporta and Rosell have tried to tie him down with many longer contract offers. He's rejected them all simply because he likes to work on a year-by-year basis.

I'd posit that it's because of the era he grew up in as a Barcelona fan/player. Once a coach of Madrid or Barcelona gets to three or four seasons, their time is usually up. He wants to be able to walk away when he feels the players no longer respond to him in the ways he wants.

Plus the stress of the job is clearly having ill effects on his health. He'll stay until 2012, maybe 2013. That's it.

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