Pep Guardiola


Mike the Knife
Any Catalans watching TV3 at the moment - Seduïts pel Pep?...They have a nice looking program on Pep but I can't understand a lot of the dialogue :(


"I'm so happy to be here as coach of these guys but it's not an easy job. I'll continue for one more year and then we'll see. My life is decided by passion and when that's gone I'll go home and rest a little bit – and try to get that passion back. My future will be very tough – at another club, to find these type of players ... but maybe that will be a challenge for me to go to another club and find these kind of players."

Pep Guardiola


Senior Member
Fuck... All these hints seem like he's going to go after next season. I'll only approve of his leaving under one condition: To bring home another CL and League trophy.


So I was thinking we've won 4 CLs and Pep has had direct part in 75 Percent of them!
Thank you Pep! Thank you so fucking much!


New member
Pep will not stay as much as we want him to, guys. Accept it now and you'll take it easier when the moment comes. This moment will probably come in 2 or 3 years of time, when his cycle will end. Then we will have to be very, very, very precise in our choice of replacement, because we could easily fuck everything up, if we make a mistake.

Me and many of you want to see Pep as our Alex Ferguson or even Arsene Wenger (15 years already), but it's just not going to happen.


Staff member
One can hope though :)
I think he removed a huge burden from his shoulder with yesterday's win.
2009 success was unimaginable but going into that season Pep didn't have as much pressure as he had in 2010 or this year. Noone really expected him to pull it off then but now everyone expects everything from him!
Now that he repeated 2009 and proved to all and himself that he can do it I think mentally things should be easier on him.


Hi, its me..
apparently cruyff had dinner with pep and pep said it would be his last game on the barca bench.. but then.. clearly thats a load of crap after what pep said yesterday.

hope he stays for much longer, but if we manage to defend the CL next season, would be the ultimate high to go out on.


And he beat cuntinho's record of being the youngest coach with 2 CL's! Well done, Pep :D

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