Premier League 2022/2023

PL winner?

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Culé de Celestial Empire
Ridiculous comparison. Barca selling future rights is short-sighted but not illegal (unless La Liga or UEFA specifically specifies that selling future rights is illegal, which of course is not), what those that City was accused of were illegal activities.


Senior Member
Stripping them of their titles would be great, they would no longer have any achievements, their recent history of domestic dominance erased.

But I would want that to happen with PSG as well, Newcastle (they haven't won anything yet but it's starting)
and Chelsea since Abramovic took over

That would be football justice restored


Senior Member
Docked points is not a punishment, it's a cover-up
Relegation is a mild one as well

The real punishment that will hurt them is stripping them off of all the titles won in the years the violations occurred
That would essentially remove all their titles since Abu Dabi took over, EPLs FA cups League cups

What they did in Italy stripping Juve off of the 2005 and 2006 league titles

Juve was stripped cause match fixing

Send city down to second division, it's fair punishment. All their players will leave and probably won't return to pl


Senior Member
That said people often do need to separate cheating to get ahead from actual level. Players they have will have earned their titles and shouldn't be begrudged them. They're not doing anything morally wrong other than perhaps exploiting opportunity. Hardly a stack of Lance Armstrongs. Can be criticised on Pep grounds but hardly issue to be part of a cheating organisation.

The thing is, clubs are the ones who win titles and it is normal that cheating will be rewarded with taking titles or point deduction. That is normal regardless of what players role


Senior Member
Lol Tebas must be creaming himself.

I doubt EPL will hand them a harsh punishment. It will be along the lines of points deduction, fines and maybe something else. If they strip them of all titles EPL will look stupid. Juves stuff was directly related to what happened on the pitch, City's is not.


Senior Member
First thing that came to mind when I saw the news and the statement was when pep got mad riled up when a journalist asked him about payments from overseas haha. He got so mad he started speaking jibberish.

On a more serious note now.. just like the qatar "bribery". It takes two to tongo as they say.. the thing with corruption, it necessitates two participants.. the giver and the receiver.. the manipulative typical western discourse : omission and linguistic ellipsis of the recipient of money (the corrupt participant number 2) and the full focus, agenda-oriented, on the giver of "bribery", incidentally the Arabs, Russians and the axe of evil. How less evil is pep, and those recipients of money under the table, willingly and consciously. Pep, mancini and the players and even the companies who receive money. Those who took millions from qatar ... how come we don't hear of them , their nationalities and their representations and the ideologies to which they pertain.?

The answer is long but the short one is : selective sentencing via linguistics ellipsis. We won't mention the receivers of money, we will mention the givers a million times because we get to decide who is the evil-doers and who are not irrespective of the objective reality.

This is ladies and gentlemen how language controls the unprotected green mind.
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Senior Member
Lol Tebas must be creaming himself.

I doubt EPL will hand them a harsh punishment. It will be along the lines of points deduction, fines and maybe something else. If they strip them of all titles EPL will look stupid. Juves stuff was directly related to what happened on the pitch, City's is not.

No, it's just fair and the only punishment that can restore base integrity in the sport again.
Same should happen to Chelsea, cauz Abramovic did it first before it was cool

Juve was match fixing, but it's only a different method towards the same outcome: getting an illegitimate advantage over competitors to titles
The old way was to do it through bribing refs and fixing matches, the new way is through oil money states and their illegal financial doping/sponsorship to outspend the rest


Senior Member
No, it's just fair and the only punishment that can restore base integrity in the sport again.
Same should happen to Chelsea, cauz Abramovic did it first before it was cool

Juve was match fixing, but it's only a different method towards the same outcome: getting an illegitimate advantage over competitors to titles
The old way was to do it through bribing refs and fixing matches, the new way is through oil money states and their illegal financial doping/sponsorship to outspend the rest

Don't know much how Chelsea operated back then, but i assume they did much of the same City is being charged for now, did they just not have much oversight and rules back then compared to now?

Wouldn't mind some serious investigations into their dealings in the early 2000s, see what they can find.


previously known as Jonathan28

There is a (currently) lesser known political element at play here that may influence the direction things go in this case.
People may be pessemistic and think City will get off lightly, but in order for the football powers that be to try and prevent a government regulator coming in, they may have no choice but to make an example of and sacrifice Man City.
City are actually quite unlucky for this case to be happening in the current UK political climate, but somewhat self inflicted since they're the ones who were uncooperative and trying to stall all these years, so they can only blame themselves if the worst happens to them.
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Senior Member
Don't know much how Chelsea operated back then, but i assume they did much of the same City is being charged for now, did they just not have much oversight and rules back then compared to now?

Wouldn't mind some serious investigations into their dealings in the early 2000s, see what they can find.

There was no FFP in early 2000's though, at least that I know off.
Abramovic simply "loaned" money to the club from his institution, wasn't illegal back then.
Rules were made to regulate future businessmen and state owned clubs


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Staff member
Raul rejected the Leeds job to stay at Castilla. Must be crazy to say no to that league, especially to stay in Spain. At least it wasn't Brighton he rejected.

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