Quique Setien


Senior Member
Should I even bother to insert some logic here?

Barca and EV played 5 matches without Messi.
Bilbao 1:0
Osasuna 2:2
Granada 2:0, played in the 2nd half, hald time 1:0.
Suarez got injured in the first half of the first round against Bilbao, so Barca played without Messi for 5 rounds and without Messi-Suarez for 3 rounds.

Barca won 7 out of 18 points in the first 5 rounds.
And EV won 33 points in the next 14 matches.
10 wins, 3 draws, 1 defeat.
Which is 2.36 points per game or 89.5 points estimated over 38 rounds.

So, with Messi, EV's team wasn't that bad results wise even in this season.

So, EV with Messi was heading towards a 89.5 point season.
While Setien with Messi was heading towards a 84 point season.

What a shock.

Haha I like the bit below... Barca when drop points and EV when win them.

Barca won 7 out of 18 points in the first 5 rounds.
And EV won 33 points in the next 14 matches.


6racies Xavi
:lol: :lol:

This EV v Setien argument is counter-productive. Both are different flavors of shit.

The bigger issue is why we haven't been able to attract A level managers since Pep left. Is it the board? Is it the seniors? Some combination of the two?

It's like all you need to coach Barca is to have some Barca DNA speak a bit of spanish and you are good to go. Ofc , sometimes those dumb gambles work out like Lucho but most of the time they don't. These appointments would have looked worse if it weren't for Messi , Iniesta etc.
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
BBZ should really like Setien given how similar he is to Valverde.

Overall, if Setien resigns after the CL, his best contribution would be believing in Puig, something that EV didn't do. EV paved the way for Fati into the first team, however. Rebuilding is the most important thing right now, and investing minutes in players like Puig, Fati, Pedri, Trincao, Araujo is what we should be doing.


Well-known member
I'll never understand what kind of fucked up football version of stockholm syndrome makes a fan like Valverde :lol:

Season was bound to be a pain to get through, let's just accept that instead of hypothetical point totals. Adding up these points doesn't make any sense anyway, one game more or less makes too much of a difference in these circumstances. Let's say Setien and the squad somehow don't pull off the miracle of losing to Osasuna and the theoretical point total suddenly goes up by 6...talk about variance.

There was no way to save this season. They made everything wrong last summer. It was painfully obvious big changes were needed after the last season, what did happen? Valverde stayed. All amigos stayed. Misfit Griezmann signed. Only reinforcement for defense was Firpo. Biggest change for the team dynamic was probably Rakitic being benched for a while with Roberto playing midfield, that was it. So no surprise everything got worse once again.

Season was lost when they started it with Valverde + same squad again, and here we argue about 40 or 42 or 45 points. The same problems would be here regardless and they definitely would be here with Valverde as well so who cares, let's look forward.
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Senior Member
What's the final chart supposed to show? Other than highlighting Messi has been meh at best in the CL?

All these charts are also only comparing the EV 19/20 autumn, where everyone and their mother knew the season was unlikely to end well for him and he overstayed his welcome. So no use showing Setien improved the numbers. Even Pimienta would probably have marginally better numbers. Kinda like OGS had better numbers than Mourinho and remained pretty shit until they got Fernandes from Sporting.

Sure, Setien is probably better stylistically, but none of this really proves much other than that the team is playing just about at its ceiling, no matter who it is leading the pack.

Guess it serves as some comfort for Setienistas that he's having a better 19/20 than the predecessor who would have been sacked by any normal board rather than the clowns leading yours club.

1) The last charts show how many more chances Setien's tactics provided to Messi compared to EV's tactics.
Messi was saving EV' ass time and time again with outstanding finishing (making small chances into goals), something he did not do for Setien.
Consider if Messi under Setien was only at his xG (rather than below) Barca would have recouped maybe 6 points that would make the title race completely different at the end.

2) I never used any argument about 'style' and 'stylistical' improvement. I am talking about effectiveness. And effectiveness nowadays is measured by sophisticated football analytics, and not simply points accumulated

3) 'New coach' push is mainly a psychological factor, and usually it gets demonstrated in the surface and not in the underlying numbers.
Same with OGS. His underlying numbers for a long time were identical to Mou's . His players were finishing better, making minimal chances into goals, that they wouldnt make with Mou.
When the 'grace period' ended, results went were their expected results were

4) Totally agree that under normal board EV should have gone long time before.
I am not a Setienista. I rather wanna be fair to everyone, Setien included
Agree with the people above that Setien Vs EV is counterproductive given that board and players are to blame for what is happening now.
But this whole discussion got started by Valverdistas who wanna rewrite history to fit their narrative

Should I even bother to insert some logic here?

Barca and EV played 5 matches without Messi.
Bilbao 1:0
Osasuna 2:2
Granada 2:0, played in the 2nd half, hald time 1:0.
Suarez got injured in the first half of the first round against Bilbao, so Barca played without Messi for 5 rounds and without Messi-Suarez for 3 rounds.

Barca won 7 out of 18 points in the first 5 rounds.
And EV won 33 points in the next 14 matches.
10 wins, 3 draws, 1 defeat.
Which is 2.36 points per game or 89.5 points estimated over 38 rounds.

So, with Messi, EV's team wasn't that bad results wise even in this season.

So, EV with Messi was heading towards a 89.5 point season.
While Setien with Messi was heading towards a 84 point season.

What a shock.

Barca without Messi = not EV's fault.
Barca with Messi = EV's credit

That's great logic..

By the way, point projection says nothing if is not backed with analytics that support it.
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Senior Member
This EV v Setien argument is counter-productive. Both are different flavors of shit.

The bigger issue is why we haven't been able to attract A level managers since Pep left. Is it the board? Is it the seniors? Some combination of the two?

EV and Setien are guilty of being ordinary managers. We need someone who is great. Not just good, but great. That is what Valverde and Setien clearly weren't.

Yea, problems are weak board + nasty veterans.


Senior Member
I am certain we would have won the title if EV stayed.

Many of us were very upset at his sacking as we knew anyone hired would be a panic hire and we would just have a 90% chance of being even worse.

I am also certain EV would not have lost to Real Madrid, don't forget had we won we would have wrapped up the season and demoralised Madrid.

Basically I am predicting another UCL humiliation under Setien, early elections will be called and either Font, Rosell, or Laporta are elected and we are back to square 1.

We are in this mess because we fired Valverde now even Messi is unhappy! This has been a disaster
I am certain we would have won the title if EV stayed.

Many of us were very upset at his sacking as we knew anyone hired would be a panic hire and we would just have a 90% chance of being even worse.

I am also certain EV would not have lost to Real Madrid, don't forget had we won we would have wrapped up the season and demoralised Madrid.

Basically I am predicting another UCL humiliation under Setien, early elections will be called and either Font, Rosell, or Laporta are elected and we are back to square 1.

We are in this mess because we fired Valverde now even Messi is unhappy! This has been a disaster

We drew 0-0 with RM and lost to Atletico in Supercopa under EV this season.


Senior Member
Oh yes, good old would've-s and could've-s from EV camp. :lol: Most of us saw a trophy-less season on the horizon early on.
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President of FC Barcelona
As if Barca weren't on a historically bad run with Valverde after the first half of the season. This revisionism is disgusting.

Bartomeu should have fired him after the Copa del Rey final loss.

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