Senior Member
Until some years ago, i was the biggest advocate of 'Messi play for all' 'Messi FC', etc position.
But by now it's futile to not recognize that Messi is part of the problem as well..
The flip side of the argument 'messi drops deep to do the things other players cannot do' is that Messi WANTS TO drop deep into area that he is ineffective, and he keeps doing that irrespective of whether there are CMs that can very well pick him out with a pass in a more advanced position close to the box.
Notice how close to Busquets he gets some times!
Everyone is looking for Messi to create. True. Do we know if that is happening because the other players do not want to create, or rather because Messi WANTS it to be that way??
It's delusion to calm ourselves with the argument that he gets that far back simply because he does not receive the ball.
See in your first graph how Messi dropping deep from the RW position messes up the structure of the buildup. There are tweaks that can mitigate the effects: for example the Right interior storming to the RW position (which Vidal does sometimes, that's why Setien is playing him), but still if you don't have wider forwards or wingers to be dangerous with balls to run in behind, and with the ability to dribble and shoot (Vidal cannot do that) then it's ineffective.
In general, to compensate Messi's tendency to drop deep, only two solutions are possible:
1) Messi as false-9, like under Pep, to form a diamond with the mid. This can only work without Suarez or a striker, but with TWO wingers to give width who can also dribble and finish off chances. Players like coutinho, suarez, Griezman or midfielders like Roberto, Vidal, who have occasionally found themselves there, are ineffective for that job.
The only two player in our squad atm that can do that are Fati and Dembele (who is injured most of the time)
2)a 4-2-3-1 system with Messi in the hole. That also requires two winger and a striker, with more passing options for Messi.
But, it's vulnerable defensively and it involves no Busquets (or the third midfielder) and less control.
In any case what we have seen under EV and under Setien is trying to compromise Messi's wishes (starting from RW, dropping deep) with the Old Guard priviledge (Suarez still starting), and with ineffective signings (Griezman can only play Messi's position), and it will never work.
Setien is clever, he sees the shortcomings. Can he change them? I doubt. It's unfortunate, and i hate it to say: the players, including Messi, have too much power to impose their wishes against the proper functioning of the whole.
Apart from mere observation, the above fact is confirmed by Messi himself! In his interviews the last couple of years, he has said time and time again how he sees himself as a creator in the mid, and not as a goalscorer or attacker.
Van Gaal's interview last summer (which gave him all kind of shit because he spoke against Messi) is really eye-opening.
We should stop rationalizing and explaining away Messi's own part of responsibility, just because he is Messi.
I agree. Another issue/ obstacle is that we cannot break down the modern defence setup. I do not really know who came up with this style, but Simeone was the first one that I saw using it. The old defence setup was about either chasing the ball or marking players, which was quite easy to exploit by quick passes/players' movements. However, now, managers assign a piece of the field to each player to defend regardless of where the ball is. One way to overcome this setup is by crossing the ball (all types high low from different angles). We, unfortunately, only use one type from only one angle (Alba to Messi). Zidane was successful with his approach by instructing his fullbacks to cross the ball to the point where RMFC barely struggled against AM in the CL. LFC doing the same, it is quite effective.
The deep block is very old strategy. Mourinho did that in 2010, and even before that people were doing it.
Barca, even in the golden days, had trouble with deep block.
Crossing is a way to fight a deep block, but not the best, especially for a team that does not base its game on crosses and does not have good crosseres or headerers of the ball.
Another way, that has worked for Barca in the past, is to have 2 elite creators occypying half-spaces between the center and the flanks, and overloading the box with players. It worked some times with Messi, Iniesta in the past occupying the right and the left half-space, with the full-backs occuping the flanks, and 3-4 of perdo/villa/eto etc being in the box.
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