Rafinha Alcantara


San Claudio Bravo
I'm with Luftstalag here. Nainggolan deserves severe punishment for sure....

Only I'm not as kindhearted and forgiving as Lufts. For me to be satisfied with his punishment Nainggolan needs to be tortured most mercilessly. His funky haircut needs to be shaved off, and some chemical needs to be applied to his head so no hair can grow henceforth. Further, some manner of shrinking potion needs to be applied to him to reduce his size a considerable amount, forever cursed to roam the earth as a dwarf. Failing that, at least hire a Witch Doctor to shrink his head, if we cannot shrink his body, his head would have to suffice. Finally, as direct punishment to his misbehaving and murderous legs, Harry Potter would need to be summoned so he can apply a most devilish jinx on his legs so that they face backwards. This way, he won't ever be able to tackle anyone else since his body would be facing the would be victim, but his legs would be facing the opposite direction.

He should forever be known as the Bald and Shrunken Headed Dwarf that walks backwards.
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New member
More worried about his future than the actual lay off period. Could make him turn from breaking through to be our next iniesta to being aspas.

Get well Rafi.

I'm with Luftstalag here. Nainggolan deserves severe punishment for sure....

Only I'm not as kindhearted and forgiving as Lufts. For me to be satisfied with his punishment Nainggolan needs to be tortured most mercilessly. His funky haircut needs to be shaved off, and some chemical needs to be applied to his head so no hair can grow henceforth. Further, some manner of shrinking potion needs to be applied to him to reduce his size a considerable amount, forever cursed to roam the earth as a dwarf. Failing that, at least hire a Witch Doctor to shrink his head, if we cannot shrink his body, his head would have to suffice. Finally, as direct punishment to his misbehaving and murderous legs, Harry Potter would need to be summoned so he can apply a most devilish jinx on his legs so that they face backwards. This way, he won't ever be able to tackle anyone else since his body would be facing the would be victim, but his legs would be facing the opposite direction.

Dark dude. Intense.

I hope his wife/girlfriend cheats on him with rafinha, and rafinha sends an apology over twitter.

But first, tell us if your goat cheated on you?


New member
When you closely examine the history and reputation of this guy, you'd perhaps understand why i indicated that there was only malice on his mind. Some players are prone to the one off clumsy or reckless challenge. There are others however, who are consistently reckless and callous. Naingoolan falls into that category.

Clumsiness and recklessness are not the same as malice. He may be a dirty, reckless player, and he may have had many of those previously, but you still can't possibly know that he intended to cause harm the other player in those situations. He just doesn't think of the possible consequences when making that hard tackle. That's carelessness, not necessarily malice. Who knows, it might even be malice, but I don't see why he would feel that way, and even if he did, there's no way for you and me to know that he does. What you see is malice, what I see is a shit player who doesn't know how to tackle properly and at the right moment, and because he has seen no punishment for his bad tackles, and has no intelligence and decency in understanding that he's harming others, he continues to do the same.


Senior Member
People come up with this bite and tackle argument again. There is some truth to it but you have to understand tackle is something that is used to get the ball. Bite has no place in football. First one can go wrong and can end up messy. But the second one shouldny happen by any chance. But if people just wanted to break someone's leg he should be banned for life. But it is hard to decide that one.

No player on this planet would come forward and say they wanted to break someone's leg. In that case they could be taken to court for assault charges.

Intention shouldn't even come into consideration. Players like Nianggolan need to be punished based on their decision to conduct such reckless challenges. It's always the same ones who do it as well, they will never learn unless they are punished.

It's absolutely pathetic that Rafinha will miss the entirety of this season while Nianggolan gets away without even a slap on the wrist. It's not even a risk of playing the game, because tackles like that have no place in football.
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New member
It's not even a risk of playing the game, because tackles like that have no place in football.

A split second can be the difference between a perfectly clean tackle and a career-ending injury. Tackles are part of the game, and sometimes they go terribly wrong. When they do, the situation needs to be analyzed and those who are responsible need to be banned. Biting, however, isn't part of the game and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. It's not a question of inflicted harm, it's a question of sanity and professionalism.


Senior Member
While I do think Nainggoonan deserves some retribution, him and Suarez's ban were completely different issues. Personally, the fact that he trapped Rafinha's leg in a scissor shows malice. He got beat with skill, was mad and went in without realizing what the impact would be. Rush of blood perhaps, but his actions should be punished so he will think twice before diving in again.

The difference between this and Suarez and Chellini is that tackling is within the realm of the game, biting someone is not. I view it as barbaric, and the fact that he had done it before in the past is why he was punished so severely.

I'm absolutely gutted for Rafinha though. I'm really worried if this is an extremely unfortunate end to his career here. Especially if someone like Gundogan or Pogba comes, I don't see him being able to break through. What hurts me most is that he deserves so much better. He's worked his ass off since he's moved to the first team, the transfer ban was a glorious chance to establish himself here and do what his brother could not and he was honestly making the most of the opportunity and for it to end like this is really sad.

Football can be a cruel mistress.


Active member
Gutted for him.

And why the comparison to a tackle(which is part of football) and a bite( which was just bizzare and makes you question a grown man's mental health esp when its been done multiple times before)?
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