Dr. Raed St. Claire
You're right raed, hence I think the media have got this 4-3-3 story all wrong. If it is so, then I'd say Ozil is the one likely to lose his place instead, which no one considers due to his flying first season and add to that the stats that back up his success, assists, passes ECT. There is a lot more to Sahin's game than we have seen yet though. He has a lot of potential to develop, like Ozil, in a fast league he will struggle to play In his position for more than 60 minutes so maybe not a starter.
You'd hope to god that the it is the media who has got it all wrong and not Mourinho. I don't care about hypothetical line ups, but I am getting so curious as to what Mourinho is thinking. We have a huge squad right now and I am not sure if I like it. Only thing I know is that, 4 3 3 will always remain inferior to Barcelona's and the league is going to be won through the classicos.