Real Madrid (old thread)

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I am Leg End
non-Brazilians just want to dismiss Neymar as an arrogant troublemaker because he's a cocky Brazilian with dark skin.

Pato's misdemeanours are underplayed by the world media (can't speak for what the Italians say, I'm sure woobie can inform us) but you can bet if he was dark-skinned he'd be branded all sorts of things, just like Ronaldinho, Robinho, and now Neymar.

no doubt Neymar does act like a dick on the pitch, but plenty of great players do and they aren't branded as bad people because of it.

:lol: typical BS from you :lol:


Bomb Dropper
I thought my meaning was pretty clear, guess I was wrong.

people (I stress, non-Brazilians) are ready to dismiss Neymar as an arrogant troublemaker because he's a dark-skinned Brazilian. when light-skinned Brazilians act the cunt, their actions by and large are not focused on as indicative of deep character flaws. when dark-skinned lads do it, however, they are labelled as massive divas who do nothing but cause trouble. this is because of a latent racism on the part of the (non-Brazilian) media/public/whatever that assumes someone with dark or black skin is prone to possess negative attributes.

and so you get these ridiculous witch-hunts against people like Ronaldinho, Robinho and Neymar.

Ronaldinho is the worst case, for me, because it actually turned him into what they all said he was. remember 06/07? Ronaldinho was our best player and dragged an oft-injured and poorly managed squad to what should have been a league Title. but because he had put on a bit of weight and we didn't win it all, he suddenly became a lazy cancer who was at fault for everything wrong in our team (the same happened at the World Cup). in 07/08 he then became a lazy cancer, and I didn't really blame him because he couldn't win with the way the media were riding him, so why try?

:lol: typical BS from you :lol:

call it what you want, I've yet to see a white player branded with all the labels Neymar, Robinho, etc. have to live with no matter what they get up to. and there's more (Ronaldinho, Anelka, Evra, Van Hooijdonk, etc. etc. etc.)


Pato's misdemeanors are actually pretty widely covered in Italy (though to be fair the Italian press did side with him during his divorce. i think they were right though.) This includes things like trips to the notorious hotspots in Milano, weekend party trips to Paris, etc etc etc. Thing is, he seems to be not so much guilty of it now that Ronaldinho's gone. They follow him everywhere these days because he's dating Berlusconi's daughter.


In Lucho we trust!
I don't think it has anything to do with skin colour personally but I do think people here are easily led by others without even thinking about it. One guy says someone is dodgy and that is it the sheep come along and all agree without any evidence. People should really learn to think for themselves.


Active member
people dont give a shit about Pato altough he is cunt too, it´s not about the color of the skin it´s because Neymar got all the hype in this world


Improvin' Perfection!!
I don't think it has anything to do with skin colour personally but I do think people here are easily led by others without even thinking about it. One guy says someone is dodgy and that is it the sheep come along and all agree without any evidence. People should really learn to think for themselves.

that is such a ridiculous statement


Ronaldinho haters always had an agenda, and I couldn't really figure out what their agenda was. I loved Ronnie and if you're a Barca fan you have to have some fucked up prejudice to not give the guy credit for what he did for the club, true he fucked it up in the end but it doesn't cover up the fact that he was a legend but please don't link the Ronnie haters to the Neymar haters. Anyways, Neymar so far has shown he has good potential to be the ext Adriano/Robinho, he clearly has an attitude problem but what pisses me off is how quickly the guy became to be known as a world beater in the eyes of many, I hate any player who gets over hyped don't matter where he's from or what colour his skin is. I hope he goes to Real for 40 million and fucks up big time.

El Gato

What he said. I have a question mark over Neymar's temperament (and i admit, its mainly based on what i have heard about him, not what i have seen) but can honestly say the colour of his skin has never come into the reckoning. I would say that is a typical 'sheepish' trait, jumping to racism whenever convenient. FFS, its a bit arrogant and presumptious to suggest that people who criticise Neymar are doing so because of his skin colour and a bit insulting tbh

Racism is Meta's argument more or less though since he says people (non-Brazilians) tend to overhype the antics of dark-skinned Brazilians and light-skinned Brazilians' antics are allowed to pass by or are not hyped by the media as much. Same thing as you bring up, colour of skin never comes into the reckoning. If Neymar was in discussion of coming to Madrid and was a light-skinned Brazilian I would have checked and treated his attitude the same way I would for any dark-skinned Brazilian. I think I've expressed my feelings in a normal fashion, I hate to see any player play for my club and be as unprofessional as Neymar is. I never dismissed his football ability. In fact, I think he is way better prospect than Robinho football-wise, but it's up to his mental strength whether he lets the media affect his career so badly and whether he knows what to pursue (money and fame or typical star-caliber career).

Metaphysical said:
call it what you want, I've yet to see a white player branded with all the labels Neymar, Robinho, etc. have to live with no matter what they get up to. and there's more (Ronaldinho, Anelka, Evra, Van Hooijdonk, etc. etc. etc.)
It is what it is. It's more likely that a dark-skinned player goes nuts in this industry than any light-skinned player. I have no idea how corrupted a light-skinned player would have to be up there, without any racist related pressure from any direction, to become what Robinho or whoever else has.

Poor_Sunyol said:
I don't think it has anything to do with skin colour personally but I do think people here are easily led by others without even thinking about it. One guy says someone is dodgy and that is it the sheep come along and all agree without any evidence. People should really learn to think for themselves.
You and your evidence. Where is your response to my last post where I've talked about every evidence you wanted ? Stop digging holes under people for no freaking reason.
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I love how people are saying he's 'dark skinned' instead of a black Brazilian because he isn't really black is he :lol:


Racism is Meta's argument more or less though since he says people (non-Brazilians) tend to overhype the antics of dark-skinned Brazilians and light-skinned Brazilians' antics are allowed to pass by or are not hyped by the media as much. Same thing as you bring up, colour of skin never comes into the reckoning. If Neymar was in discussion of coming to Madrid and was a light-skinned Brazilian I would have checked and treated his attitude the same way I would for any dark-skinned Brazilian. I think I've expressed my feelings in a normal fashion, I hate to see any player play for my club and be as unprofessional as Neymar is. I never dismissed his football ability. In fact, I think he is way better prospect than Robinho football-wise, but it's up to his mental strength whether he lets the media affect his career so badly and whether he knows what to pursue (money and fame or typical star-caliber career).

It is what it is. It's more likely that a dark-skinned player goes nuts in this industry than any light-skinned player. I have no idea how corrupted a light-skinned player would have to be up there, without any racist related pressure from any direction, to become what Robinho or whoever else has.

You and your evidence. Where is your response to my last post where I've talked about every evidence you wanted ? Stop digging holes under people for no freaking reason.
Well said...Pretty much sums up my sentiments about him.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
people dont give a shit about Pato altough he is cunt too, it´s not about the color of the skin it´s because Neymar got all the hype in this world

So what if he got all the hype in the world? So what if he has a ballin' hair cut? He is a kid, 19 years old and he rocks his style so well. If there is one thing anyone should be worried about it is his diving, its disgusting but that will be trained out of him.

People these days focus on destroying talents that are a threat to their favorite player, or team, as opposed to seeing it ironed out. They want to take the moral high ground and claim they were right, just so that they have an argument to boast about. There is a lot more to hate about the likes of Gio dos Santos than players like Neymar.

He didn't start a fight against Penarol, he didn't fire his coach, he wasn't caught in clubs drinking out of his mind, or any of that. All he is, is a 19 year old player who has taken S.A. by storm and is taking it to the Europeans whenever he has been given the chances. What pisses people off the most is that he is very daring, he gets picked on and what they find behind a twig and shit loads of talent is a player who doesn't back down.


Since I find no relation between Ronaldinho's case and Neymar's and also the connection between non-brazilians and Neymar's critics here is one comment from a dark skinned brazilian legend about Neymar:

“Neymar needs discipline. He must realise that if he is unpleasant, he will receive the same unpleasantness from others." ~Cafu~
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