although that makes sense with regards to raul, you have to consider, that he would have to do that TO EVERY STRIKER that could put his record in danger!!! it's not just the spanish ones from reals youth.
like beast indicated, the most likely thing is raul will retire after this season. it remains to be seen wether he really would try to manipulate the board and if that, wether the board is letting him manipulate themselfs or if they tell him to go f... himself.
meanwhile, it's claimed by AS, that after the signing of kaka', "operation valencia" is the next priority. with the preverences being (in order) silva, villa and albiol.
anyways, on a more funny note...when raul retires, pérez can make his dream come true by giving CR rauls no. 7 and CRs no. 9 to his 2010 galactico: fernando torres,
"el nino galactico" 

just couldn't resist that "el nino galactico" wordplay