New member
Sergio Ramos
@SergioRamos Sergio Ramos
Me alegra que el club recurra mi segunda tarjeta amarilla porque a pesar de que algunos no paren de revolcarse, ni le toco.Buen día senor@s.
"I'm glad that the club has appealed my red card because, inspite the fact that some don't stop diving, I didn't even touched him."
Disgusting club..
@SergioRamos Sergio Ramos
Me alegra que el club recurra mi segunda tarjeta amarilla porque a pesar de que algunos no paren de revolcarse, ni le toco.Buen día senor@s.
"I'm glad that the club has appealed my red card because, inspite the fact that some don't stop diving, I didn't even touched him."
Disgusting club..