Real Madrid (old thread)

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immaculately conceived
he was in a less decisive role before mate, the more he suck attention the better chance for others to operate and score..
it's IMHO a win win situation.. u mark CR out u leave space for others to score and people like Kaka , (whoever is on the left ) , Higuain-Negredo-Benzema..etc a chance to run riot... if you don't give a damn he will punish u.. and lets face it.. he is not shy when it comes to scoring goals
with Man U u only needed to mark CR.. it's a little different here..even though with all we are saying it's still a talk on paper
that's not the point, beast. what you say has nothing to do with his ego and narcistic attitude.

will he cope with that? not being the superstar of the team? not being the centre point? how will he react? sure he has done that before his superstar status but can he go back to that standard?

it is a very risky thing, regardless what happens on the pitch. it happens in ronaldo's head


The Observer
that's not the point, beast. what you say has nothing to do with his ego and narcistic attitude.

will he cope with that? not being the superstar of the team? not being the centre point? how will he react? sure he has done that before his superstar status but can he go back to that standard?

it is a very risky thing, regardless what happens on the pitch. it happens in ronaldo's head

i guess Gneg we will have to wait and see how he cope , if he will be what his team mates (ex team mates ), managers (ex managers ) described him to be or what the media and rival fans made him to be...
for now i think it will be logical to take words from people who played with him & really knew him and so far i didn't hear a single bad word about his ego, selfishness or disruption to the dressing room


immaculately conceived
Ok, the dressing room disruption, i can agree with. But the selfishness etc ....... come on, you have seen manchester games yourself. Or the champions league final, i find it hard to believe that he is not teh selfish dude as we all can see when he is playing.

I leave it in the centre, i don't think he is as holy as his ex-teammates and company want to portray him, nor do i think he is an absolute asshole as the article yesterday in sport for example. I do think he has an attitude problem and loves himself too much, that's why i don't like him.


The Observer
Ok, the dressing room disruption, i can agree with. But the selfishness etc ....... come on, you have seen manchester games yourself. Or the champions league final, i find it hard to believe that he is not teh selfish dude as we all can see when he is playing.

I leave it in the centre, i don't think he is as holy as his ex-teammates and company want to portray him, nor do i think he is an absolute asshole as the article yesterday in sport for example. I do think he has an attitude problem and loves himself too much, that's why i don't like him.

yes he like to score and shoot more then assist.. i don't disagree with you gneg.. but the question is (from my last post )
are we planning to do like Man United and only give him the ball to start an attack or shoot ? the answer is no .. that's the major difference.. Kaka will be the center of the game by position and by experience.. CR & Ribery or Silva are also playmakers ... so it's not only CR who can make things happen and that's the difference.. he won't get as much chances as with Man U ...

people like Kaka and co make things happen as well ... the ideal is to be shared responsibility in the creation and scoring department.. even if he has an off day there are others who can do it... Man U didn't have that same luxury of cracks


immaculately conceived
yes, taht's hwo it goes at barcelona. mark messi and there is henry, mark those two and iniesta will kick in. but all of them can cope with that and work for eachother. not only our offensive play was fantastic last year, the defensive abilities of the whole team were also quite remarkable.

that is something that Ronaldo will lack. I simply cannot see that dude start defending out of the blue. and you surely need that if you are going to play with those names in your attacking position.


The Observer
yes, taht's hwo it goes at barcelona. mark messi and there is henry, mark those two and iniesta will kick in. but all of them can cope with that and work for eachother. not only our offensive play was fantastic last year, the defensive abilities of the whole team were also quite remarkable.

that is something that Ronaldo will lack. I simply cannot see that dude start defending out of the blue. and you surely need that if you are going to play with those names in your attacking position.

yep it applies to Barca.. but u don't see them defending.. u apply pressure upfront .. that's the best way to defend (very clear in the CL final more then anything )

regarding ego it's down to Pellegerini cause both E2 and Henry had ego issues
it can work and it can't work.. it's down to Manuel IMO
some ego is acceptable (the way u see it with E2 ) some are not...


As I said there's almost never any point of argument with Beast...

According to Beast's logic since Gerrard also has dived, has whined to the ref he is as bad as a diver/whiner as Gerrard. Yeah, right...


immaculately conceived
i don't see a problem with beast. he bends it to his advantage (or feel of advantage) and i bend it to mine. the only obstacle was that i was talking about the ego and he about th eplay on the pitch.

but that misunderstanding could easily be accredited to my english. :D


the reason Raul scored as much as he did this year is due to his movement and forced game time ... no one deny Raul is probably one of the smartest footballers outthere ... he don't have pace, dribbling skills,long shots ..but he is smart and always think a minute ahead of the defenders.. he sneak goals in .. no one can deny him that..
but football nowadays require much more from the forward then this cause the defense improved and the technical abilities of the defenders is much greater now then before..
if you watch Liverpool- Real CL tie u will know what i mean.. he did nothing..

He was offered a big amount from Citeh (Despite City denying it .. there is no doubt Raul is not someone who lies and i do trust that .. and i do see how many times Citeh has tabled a bid and denied in public after a public humiliation from the players -see kaka - )

the thing is Raul like his previous no 7 and before him are a club man.. a one club man it's like saying Del Piero or Maldini will move and play somewhere else...
it's down to Raul to refuse .. if someone put a 20 Million offer for Raul and he agree the club will tell him :wave:

your friend is deluded and possibly influenced by SAF big and public admiration for Raul

Cheers for the good, honest answer. He's not exactly a friend but I'll tell him what you have told me next time I see him :beer2:


The Observer
As I said there's almost never any point of argument with Beast...

According to Beast's logic since Gerrard also has dived, has whined to the ref he is as bad as a diver/whiner as Gerrard. Yeah, right...

and according to your logic.. it's only CR cause he play for Real ..:wave:

I'm happy discussing (not arguing ) with Gneg and other members.. i see you have issues it's ok u can keep your issues and agree to disagree about if Gerrard is as much diver or not

i don't see a problem with beast. he bends it to his advantage (or feel of advantage) and i bend it to mine. the only obstacle was that i was talking about the ego and he about th eplay on the pitch.

but that misunderstanding could easily be accredited to my english. :D

or my bad English :beer2:


Blue Blooded Aussie
Damn, Real Madrid confirmed De La Red won't be returning to the first team squad. That means Xabi is on the way.
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