Real Madrid (old thread)

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The Observer

someone trying to answer the 6 million dollar question

So who will be manager of Real Madrid?

The following question is typical of the hundreds coming in to the site:- “Its so interesting listening to what the world has to say about the current Real Madrid saga...Guillem I want to know from you who do you think will coach RM next season and a possible starting line-up he will have for the season opener?”

These are the six million dollar questions aren`t they?: the ones that everyone wants the answer to.

However, I think it`s important to stress something that we`ve been trying to do for the last couple of days on the site. The situation involving Florentino Perez` search for a manager is fluid and moving very quickly, which means that as we report on one set of circumstances, those circumstances have changed within 24 hours: it doesn`t make the first lot of information incorrect, it just means the situation is moving on.

48 hours ago I wrote that Florentino Perez is pulling out all the stops to try and persuade Arsene Wenger, his number one target for the managerial role at the Bernabeu, to quit Arsenal. I also wrote that Wenger was at least prepared to hear what he had to say, that he had for the first time ever had serious doubts about the progression of Arsenal (how can you progress or challenge Manchester United`s dominance with £10m net spent last year and £13m this year), that he openly flirted with the idea and that according to sources – was seriously considering the move. Some people interpreted that as an article claiming Arsene Wenger s 100% joining Real Madrid. I have never said that.

The problem is, Florentino Perez must have a manager `in the bag` when he formally announces his election manifesto and package next week – so he cannot afford a delay in waiting for a response and applied pressure on Wenger to commit one way or the other within 48 hours. Yesterday I wrote that Arsene Wenger was, so far unconvinced by the sporting structure presented to him by Perez, and that, coupled with a dramatic show of support from his current employers – Arsenal are pretty confident he will remain with them. Some people took that as a turnaround on the previous day`s story and interpreted it that Arsene Wenger is now 100% staying at Arsenal. I have never said that either.

So now, comments are being left asking `who will be the next manager of Real Madrid?`

And here`s the problem: the situation is moving very quickly and unfortunately, no-body can answer that – not even Florentino Perez. All I can do is tell you who, at this moment in time, is being considered, approached and ruled out. Nobody can ever say what will happen 100%; I would never say it; but it makes life very difficult when people constantly interpret stories as being either black or white. The situation is complex, there are no absolutes and the situation will always change.

So, what do we know at the moment?

Florentino Perez would still like to try and convince Arsene Wenger to join him. He believes, rightly or wrongly, that the only thing stopping Wenger are the Frenchman`s doubts as to how the managerial structure will work at Real Madrid. Perez believes that it is obviously not a question of money or transfer budget at Real Madrid, but rather a matter of the level of control that Wenger would have. Perez is still clinging on to the hope that he can convince Wenger that if he were to join Real Madrid – he would be able to work without interference from Valdano and Zidane. Wenger, understandably is not sure...but even now, he is still prepared to listen to what Perez has to say, despite his public assurances that he will stay at Arsenal.

Wenger has been very explicit in outlining to Perez what he would require to be convinced (promises of control beyond the first team, over youth etc, guarantees of non interference etc) and it will be interesting to see what happens if Perez guarantees exactly what he has asked for. I personally doubt that those guarantees can be offered. As far as Arsenal are concerned, they are still confident Wenger will stay and there are plans over the next 24 hours for Arsenal to continue talking with their coach to discuss his transfer budget (there is no more money) and guarantees of support for his project.

Of course, Perez needs to find a manager – and fast. At present, this is the situation regarding the other names on his list, and the names that our readers have been suggesting: names they have either heard mentioned in the press etc.

Jose Mourinho is one such name, but there are people within Florentino Perez` team who are strongly against the former Chelsea coach for a number of reasons. There are also conflicting stories coming out of Italy – including many of their major papers – insisting that Mourinho has just received a good offer from Florentino Perez and that the Portuguese has told Inter that he wants to go. Just to confuse matters further, I know for a fact that Mourinho`s agent, Jorge Mendes has been jetting around between Madrid, Milan, London and Manchester in the last few days. I believe the offer is true, and that Mourinho is considering it. In fact, he would love to join real Madrid. But he is not the only manager Florentino is talking to. (My colleague on Revista, Graham Hunter`s analogy about spinning plates and waiting for one to fall is useful here.)

Carlo Ancelotti has always been on Florentino Perez` list, and there was a time that he was the number one priority, as it was believed that as coach of AC Milan, he had the ideal CV for managing a team of Galacticos. Unfortunately, Perez has moved away from that idea since he discovered that Ancelotti has a verbal agreement with Chelsea and has already begun drawing up plans for his technical staff at Stamford Bridge. However, the agreement with Chelsea is verbal, and if Perez so decides in the next few days – a major offensive for Ancelotti could have consequences.

Of all the other names mentioned – and with the clock ticking, these names may have moved higher up the list – we have Manuel Pellegrini, the coach of Villarreal. However, persuading Fernando Roig to let his coach go will not be easy - and some people advising Perez doubt Pellergini`s ability.

Michael Laudrup has also been mentioned: a former Madrid player who impressed in his short time at neighbouring Getafe.

And finally, there is always the continuity option – possibly the easiest – and one that may become increasingly appealing as next week`s deadline approaches: Juande Ramos.

Florentino Perez cannot afford to stand on the podium outlining his project next week without a coach stood next to him (although delays in confirming a coach might even force him to postpone the announcement) - and I know he is starting to think that, despite a few embarrassing results in recent weeks, Real Madrid already has a perfectly capable manager at the helm: one who took over a broken team midway through the season and turned them around to push the best Barcelona side in history right down to the wire. I do know that Perez has certainly asked himself: what has Pellegrini achieved that Juande hasn`t?

So, neither black nor white, just shades of grey here: but that`s the reality of the situation. Nobody knows how it`s going to pan out over the next week, but then despite what some people think, nobody ever said that they did....


New member
Why don't they just let Guti Haz be their playing manager.
Real Madrid will fail whatever they do.

Just as well do it the easy way. :lol:


The Observer
Why don't they just let Guti Haz be their playing manager.
Real Madrid will fail whatever they do.

Just as well do it the easy way. :lol:

of course cause we have a long history of under achieving and winning jack shit

brilliant insight we thank you for that


Bomb Dropper
continuing with ramos would be a mistake.

he's so hapless and has such a small-team mentality.

he's not real madrid material at all.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Why do you think so? I really don't understand why people say he has a small team mentality. Someone please explain.


The Observer
cause WITH REAL he defended in big games.. he didn't take it to the other team.. and when he did.. well that's what cule's call a memorable classico


Dr. Raed St. Claire
no he will delay it Warik no doubt.. no way a club to announce a departure of a star while league games are still going.. nothing will be announced till June

what if we don't produce good enough quality ? i don't like manifesto's based on ethnic preferences.. it's not like u have to have Spanish players disregarding their talents just because 50 % must be Spanish ..

he is playing on the socio's emotions

I thought of the same things mentioned between you and Ben. Imagine us going into a deciding match, we need a game changer and we see the likes of Nieto, Pavon and Javi Garcia on the bench. They are good players, they are good squad players, but probably only one of them. Not ones I'd like to depend upon like Soldado (who excelled in his CL chances), like De la Red (who is versatile and scored on his national debut), Negredo and Grenaro who look ten times more comfortable on the ball and in front of the net than half of our squad. Did you see how he looks? Among the most powerful men in football he looks like a barbie doll. I'd take Balouda over him.


The Observer
there is some mistakes in the youth setup.. the way they select them are a bit old fashioned ..
and the transition between the Castilla and the first team is usually overlooked.. i know someone is behind the recent exclusion of youth products but still we got to have better eye for talent then this and someone with enough experience (like we used to ) over see the B-C -Juve teams .. i mean who the fuck allowed a less then crap footballer to reach the Castilla team simply because his father was a Madrid legend !! why David Moreno didn't complete his development as expected and flogged to Almeria ... who made the decision ? why was Mata kept on the bench for that average footballer i mentioned ..
why Javi Garcia was a brilliant DM and yet didn't cut it in Real ..
thanks to Raul & other factors we missed out on a brilliant generation .. and we have one in the making at the moment so we better take good care of them ..

especially this gentleman Alipio


he is so good they don't actually know where to play him.. he keeps moving between Juvi - C & B team .. he even scored in our first team

then of course you have this other gentleman who is doing to Barca what his father used to do



cause WITH REAL he defended in big games.. he didn't take it to the other team.. and when he did.. well that's what cule's call a memorable classico

But some may argue that he didn't have the squad to compete this year? I'm not sure, his record wasn't bad & you did keep us under pressure for a long time :banghead:


The Observer
which is true STO .. there is 2 camps regarding Ramos.. especially that he used to attack both Barca & Real with Seville


which is true STO .. there is 2 camps regarding Ramos.. especially that he used to attack both Barca & Real with Seville


& of course, it is harder to manage a huge club like Real Madrid. Well, it'll be interesting to see all the changes at your club this summer!


Senior member
Holy crap that Balague article is utter tosh, he's just going around in circles trying to get out of a hole he dug himself into.


Ronaldo dismisses Real talk

Manchester United winger Cristiano Ronaldo insists he will remain at Old Trafford next season.

Much like last year, Ronaldo's future is constantly under the spotlight and Real Madrid have again been linked with a move for the Portugal international.

"At the moment I'm only thinking about the (Champions League) final independently of what will happen to me or my team-mates next season," he told Atena 3.

United are adamant he is not for sale but if Florentino Perez wins the Madrid presidential elections he is likely to make signing the world player of the year his number one priority.
However, Ronaldo claims Perez's efforts would be futile.

He added: "I'm sure Perez would create an incredible team at Madrid but at the moment I'm at United and I don't care about what happens there.

"I only care about what will happen next season at Manchester United."


United face Madrid's bitter rivals Barcelona in Wednesday's Champions League final and Ronaldo is relishing the clash but insists it should not be billed as a personal duel between him and Barca star Lionel Messi.

"It's a battle of teams," he said. "Without my team I won't win and neither will Messi without his team-mates.

"It's clear that we are the two best teams in Europe. Not only because we are in the final but also because of the football we have played this season and for the trophies we have won. It will be the match every fan dreamed about."
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