1. What about Unicef? He doesnt get on with Cruyff and it goes both ways. People knew when electing him Cruyff would go. It would have been stupidity to keep him nd have in infighting at the club.
2. What failed promises led to Pep leaving as for Abidal he has no problems with how the club treated him and wants to return.
3. The falsifying of documents has nothing to do with hie time at Barca. Do you have the same feeling towards Messi for alleged tax fraud?
4. 'Interfering in personal relations of Guardiola and TITO Villanova? No he didnt he came out and said what Guardiola claimed was false which was 100% the correct thing to do to protect the club.
5. No CB? There are four at the club and there is no way he stopped any potential CB being signed. That has been down to the manager and sporting director as far back as Guardiolas time.
6. Maybe he has but what specifially do you have a problem with?
7. I 100% agree with stopping anyone becoming members. It is to protect the identity of the club for those that should own it.
8. Barcelona never once claimed that Santos got 57m. So not sure of your point here to be honest.
A very, very weak list.
1. By Unicef, I meant Qatar Airways/foundation deal. It's obvious. Cruyff - He could have sacked him privately. It was a disaster,a public humiliation. Not sure if you follow Barca minutely enough. Anyway, also Rosell publicly denied giving 100,000 euros to Cruyff foundation which was a deal done under Laporta's era. Technically Rosell can cancel it but he still he has to pay the outstandings. Same like player's wages. But Rosell did not and made it a public tit-for-tat scenario.
2. Zubi and Rosell one year ago said they will renew with Abidal no matter what and will keep their promises the moment Abidal wants to renew. It is a done deal. When moment came, they kicked him out. Abidal said thousand times he always wanted to stay at Barca. but Board thought otherwise. Follow his recent pressers.
3.He is the President of a Club and if he is a criminal , it doesn't affect the club??? Not sure if potato or streamed broccoli.

4. Ofcourse he would say what Guardiola claimed was false but he went on to gave an interview to catalan radio and purposefully commented about the relationship of Guardiola and Tito and during tito's illness he could not come etc. (which actually made pep blast off)
5. Not saying it wasn't fault during Guardiola's era either. It is a fault of both parties.
6. No he didn't . Do your research first. Specific problem about statues?? well - • Motions of no-confidence shall require a quorum of 15% of Club members or 50% of delegate members. ( note - For an early election or to remove the current President from office there should be a no-confidence motion moved my the members of F.C Barcelona. It used to require a quorum of 5% of Club members before but now it has been changed to 15% Club members. )
7. Not sure if you have read the democratic constitution of the Club.
8. The point is huge amount of money is still missing and no one from the club bothered to clarify where the rest of the money went. ( ofc neymar's father knows.). Check with point 3 and research on money laundering and Rosell. I have seen court papers also but in spanish.Anyway do your own research.
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