Sergi Roberto


Active member
I don't think that he will ever get a starting spot in Barca.
At least not in the upcoming 3-4-5 years.

Dr: he would have to wait for Alves to retire, and since we have Vidal, I don't see a starting spot here for him. Just a squad player.
Cdm: Busi will play for years (if he doesn't get a serious injury). No room here again.
Cm: Rakitic, Iniesta, Arda. At least 2 of them would have to retire/get sold for Roberto to get a starting spot. Plus, we couldn't buy any other Cm (Gundogan, Pogba), plus all younger midfielders should stay below Roberto in their future development (Rafinha, Suarez, Samper, xx...)
Rw: Messi. The end of story.

I think that Roberto will be beloved part of our squad, who can (and will) always jump in on multiple positions when needed.
He will never be a starter, but he will be very important part of the squad who will probably play 20-25-30 matches in every season (rotations, injuries, cards).

Not good enough for the first team, but very close to it, and useful on multiple positions.
A guy who will be the first choice (or better to say: the 2nd choice) for more or less every position.

Something like Guti in Galacticos.
Galacticos took his place, but whenever someone was injured or tired, he was a sub for all positions.
And Roberto is even more versatile.

Gabri Garcia was a similar player for us 10-15 years ago.
Never good enough for the first team, but good awesome and versatile squad player, who in the end played 130 matches in 7 Seasons with Barca.
Gabri played at similar positions as Roberto:
-- as an attacking Rb, as a Cdm, as a Cm, as a Amc (if needed), plus he could cover all Rw positions in any 343, 433, 442 and 451 formation back then.

So, imo, Roberto will be Gabri of this era.
There aren't too many videos with Gabri from that era, so I will post this one:

Roberto is an amazing player at almost every position and deserves to be a starter but I agree with you that he won't be simply because we are stacked everywhere.Just shows how good our squad is right now.But I think he will get to play a lot of games simply because he can play a lot of positions and chances of injuries in one of those positions is high.


Senior Member
Sergi knows his role in the team, as does Lucho. I don't think there's too much confusion about whether he should be starting or not and what his place is in the pecking order. The most important thing is he's contributing. That's what i'm happy about and once Lucho is there he'll get the playing time, because he's showing that he can be trusted.

Bran the Greenseer

Active member
I think he's best as a CM, and at CM no offense to Arda/Rakitic he can definitely compete to get a starting spot. Iniesta is the only clear starting cm.


Senior Member
Comparing Roberto with Gabri
At this point Sergi is almost a good a Lucho was in his playing days. I'd say, he is even better at some aspect, like defense (he's nigh flawless at tackling and covering - always feel safe, when he's on the field), but worse at attacking proves, which will or will not improve. I think it will, because it already had. He seemed to have confidence issues, but he's getting braver and braver with every match. Some brilliant moves like that dribble against iforgotwhom or two brilliant passes two Suarez and one to Neymar proves that. I watched Barca circa Gabri era and don't remember ANYTHING even remotely close in terms of quality fro Gabri. But i guess BBZ's gonna BBZ.

Also, one thing to remind general populace. A lot of you seem to think that if a player is not at a superstar level by the age of 20, he can be dismissed. It's such a rubbish. Remember Zidane. He was nobody until late 20s and his best years that brought him into startdom were in his 30s. This is common trend with a lot of midfielders and defenders. Forwards tend to peak early and go under the radar quite early. Greatest mids and defs peak around the same time your usual man peaks in his maturity - late 20s-early30s. I think it's not a coincidence, because both footballing IQ and general intelligence are probably interconnected.

I have read posts from BBZ stating that Xavi or Iniesta were world class at the age of Halilovic, D.Suarez, Samper etc, which is patently untrue as i watched both in their younger days and all they showed was the same that has been shown by the former - great potential. Whether they'll become world class - dunno lol. Only exempt from this is Messi, whom, when i saw in his first first La Liga and CL matches had me completely make WOW THIS GUY IS FROM ANOTHER PLANET right from the get go.

I followed development of Iniesta right from the start and it wasn't that pretty, really. He only started to show mature football after around being 24 years old. Before that he made a lot of stupid decisions, went on silly dribbles that were 100% going to fail, didn't give passes, when it was obvious, that one should be given.

Xavi wasn't anywhere great in his younger days. Competent players, good La Masia student, but nothing special. He was very similar to early Roberto in that he only distributed safe passes, rarely trying to make between the lines piercing ones. One could argue that Barca at the time, he debuted was far worse team so he had less of chance to show his innate brilliance. On the other hand it is ok to diss kids like Halilovic for weak performances, despite playing for arguably worst team in La Liga. Also, just like with Roberto, team had some world class players like Rivaldo, Figo, Lucho, De Boer, later Riquelme and Mendieta that for much of his developing period were his prime concurrents. But as we see today, both has shown to be very reliable players. I think one thing that makes Roberto and Xavi very similar is their tenacity and consistency, which is the reason Lucho trusts him even though there are rivals with much bigger names around. I have not seen a weak match played by neither Xavi or Roberto in their entire career. Maybe a hyperbole, but close to truth.

Bottom line: great midfielders usually peak at around 24-25. There are some exceptions, but the rule of the thumb is former. There are even more extreme variants like Pirlo, who made his best days after hitting 30s.

One thing BBZ may be right about is that he will never excel at one single ability of the game. He seems to be jack of all trades type of player. But then again, who wouldn't want such a player in their team, if almost every trade this Jack has trained to great efficiency?
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Barçapocalypse NOW!
Let BBZ compare Roberto to Gabri all he wants, but he compared him to the original ladyboy Guti, no less! Now that is the real blasphemy!


Senior Member
You are underestimating Roberto's quality severely IMO, BBZ. Prepare for the rich English clubs to be all over him in the summer if he hasnt been given a starting spot by then.

I actually like Roberto a lot.
But still, since we are Barca, I don't think (in this moment) that he is good enough for a starting 11.
Also, I don't see him there in the upcoming 3-4 years, but again, everything is possible (Zidane was a late, laaate bloomer).

I wanted to say, there will be awesome players, who are just very good, but still not good enough for starting 11 of Barca, especially for our midfield.
I mean, even currently, at least one out of Arda-Rakitic can't be a starter, since we have 3 world class midfielders.
Is Raki/Arda then a bad player?
No. One of them is simply a 12th player currently.

And imo, it wouldn't be the end of the world for Roberto if he becomes our 12the player in the next years.
If I was a footballer, I would still rather be a 12th man in Barca, then a starter in Liverpool, Tottenham or Everton, for example.

This is Barca.
It is no shame to a squad player here.

Was Guti really The Sweet One? (missed the controversy) (he did look quite effeminate though)

There were some rumours, but on the famous picture, it seems that Guti was kissing his short-haired sister (and not a guy).
I won't enter into why he kissed his sister, though :/

But yes, he was slightly "strange" with his looks, haircuts, style and everything...
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New member
And imo, it wouldn't be the end of the world for Roberto if he becomes our 12the player in the next years.
If I was a footballer, I would still rather be a 12th man in Barca, then a starter in Liverpool, Tottenham or Everton, for example.

Honestly, even big clubs like Manchester United and Chelsea would take him. Have you seen their midfield?
And i'd be gutted to lose such a good midfielder because he wasn't given enough playing time despite how good he is.


Senior Member
Comparing Roberto with Gabri
At this point Sergi is almost a good a Lucho was in his playing days. I'd say, he is even better at some aspect, like defense (he's nigh flawless at tackling and covering - always feel safe, when he's on the field), but worse at attacking proves, which will or will not improve. I think it will, because it already had. He seemed to have confidence issues, but he's getting braver and braver with every match. Some brilliant moves like that dribble against iforgotwhom or two brilliant passes two Suarez and one to Neymar proves that. I watched Barca circa Gabri era and don't remember ANYTHING even remotely close in terms of quality fro Gabri. But i guess BBZ's gonna BBZ.

Let's agree that Roberto is a better player than Gabri.
I was also a kid back then, so maybe I am too sentimental about that era (when I started to follow Barca), so it may be that I am overrating players from that era, because they will forever be "my first love".
And everything was "golden" in my eyes, from that era...

I wanted to say that Gabri back then was a 12th player, the same as Roberto today.
Since Barca is much stronger today, it is logical that our starter is much better than starters back then (I mean, we had Saviola in attack :/).
But also that our current 12th player will be better than our 12th player from those days.

So, in many ways, it's surely: Roberto>Gabri.

But also, you have to slightly open doors to one option also: Revisionism.
I said that Gabri was a very promising player as a teenager, and was one of key players at youth WC in 1999, with Xavi.

My point is:
-- in 1999', Gabri was considered as a great potential, and as a future Barca's starter and future Spanish NT level player
-- now, let's move forward 15 years...
Today we know how Gabri developed as a player and how good/average he turned out to be, and today's opinion about BOTH young player Gabri and senior player Gabri is influenced by everything what happened later in his career (when he was average).

In that sense, Rob is in a huge advantage currently, because currently he is young, he has potential, and people are "dreaming" about his further development. There is no disappointment yet...
My point, imagine a year 2025:
1. if Roberto develops into a Barca's starter over years, people will say in 2025: Roberto, what a player. He was silent (player) in teen years, but he exploded since the age 22, and it was clear already in 2015 that he will be a beast, which he accomplished later...
Anyone who didn't see his potential already in 2015 doesn't understand football...
2. but, imagine if Roberto turns "only" into a forever squad player in Barca, or if he goes to let's say Arsenal/Liverpool/Everton, and he fails there or turns into some Arteta and similar, then in 2025', people will say:
= Roberto? He was a good player. He had some potential, but he was never good enough for Barca's first team. He was good, but not good enough...
Also, already in 2015 it was clear that he lacks "something" to be a Barca's starter...

If you get my point?
Our opinion on player's whole career is influenced mostly by his whole career (when it ends), or more often, with his most recent or final years.
The same as when on Barca forum, each of our players is as good as he was in the last 3-4 matches.
When Mathieu is good, he is a lovable smoker.
When he is a crap, we should sell him and why we have even bought him in the first place, since he is a crap and always was a crap...
When Messi is good, he is a Goat again.
When he plays weaker for some time, he has lost it... He is not the same Messi anymore, we have to accept it.

The same is with youth players.
Majority of current youths in people's eyes have advantage over similarly good youths from the past which failed.
When Gai Assulin was young, he was hailed as the next Messi. Later he failed miserably. People will today use revisionism and say: he was not that good, he had personal problems etc. It was clear that he was not good enough...
Gio Dos santos, media (at least how I remember those days reading internet) were saying that he will be the next Ronaldinho.
-- when he failed, well, it is "easy" to say today: "He wasn't that good. The hype was wrong"
Deulofeu? Again, it is easy to say today (even though his story is still not finished), that he had problems with attitude or something.
Munir, Sandro, Adama? Only 2 years ago, a lot of users here were writing stories how those 3 will be our future Fcs for the next 10 years and how we will field 3 La masia Fcs in CL final. ("Our future is so bright", tons of users though back then...)
Dongou? Do I even have to mention him? Even for him people said: omg, we have 4 awesome strikers from La masia.

So, when someone today mentions Halilovic or Lee, and if someone else would reply (me, for example):
-- but we had tons of similar and equally good players with high potential in the past, and majority of them failed, a usual answer will be:
"Come on, you can't compare Halilovic to Munir, Sandro or Dos santos! Those players have nothing in common... Are you blind, man?"

I will add that each player is different, and yes, maybe some current players (Halil) are really much better than those guys, but you probably get the point what I am trying to say.
Munir was once a very promising La Masia striker with high potential, but after the last 2 seasons, majority will "forget" a young Munir and will form opinion about Munir based on what he showed in the last 2 years (aka, more or less=nothing).
So, if someone says that Halil is the same as Munir in that age, people will jump and say: Man, you are talking rubbish...
The same as if I say that Gio is the same as Halil.
= "No, no. Gio was a much different story. Nowhere near the close in potential to Halil".
Well, yes. It is easy to claim that today... when Gio failed, and while Halil or someone else is still young and with unpredictable and potentially bright future...

So, for the end, I agree.
Maybe my memory about our players from late 90s/early 00s is too romantic and biased, because they were my first love.
I love Roberto, I have just offered an opinion that it is HARD to be a Barca's starter and that it is a no shame to be 12th player, especially in the current Barca.
But also, please, after this long wall of text, some of you should open a doors to the revisionism idea, because our opinion of players change from time to time.
(I disliked Neymar in the past. He has "won" me now.
1 year ago I would say that Neymar was meh and a clown in his teen years.
If you would ask me today, I would reply that he was too playful as a teen, but that it was clear that he has "out of this world" potential...

So, you see, I changed my general opinion about Neymar, and now I have suddenly also revisioned my opinion about his whole career.
He is suddenly good in my eyes, from the day 1... Which is lie, honestly...

And I am sure that I am not the only one who's brain plays these revisionism tricks on us, so I only wanted to say: open the doors to that idea also in the future debates when we will discuss some former and current players).
And let's move on from Gabri vs Roberto.
I really had no interest to fight over that.



Senior Member
Honestly, even big clubs like Manchester United and Chelsea would take him. Have you seen their midfield?
And i'd be gutted to lose such a good midfielder because he wasn't given enough playing time despite how good he is.

Again, I love Roberto.
About this part about Chelsea and similar, I won't enter into debates whether Roberto could or couldn't play in Chelsea and similar.

Let's learn something from the history.
Only 2 years ago, people here were saying that Bartra should leave Barca and that he is good enough to play in Bayern or any top team.

Let's calm down slightly with such predictions.

(Again, it is easy to revision Bartra's career now and say: Oh well, he wasn't that good=for Bayern's level.
The opinion was much different 2-3 years ago...)


New member
I agree with much of what you say BBZ. And I also think it is important to keep in mind that talent at youth levels more often than not comes to nothing, while we have players like Busquets as a good example of someone who just burst onto the scene performing at the very highest level from complete anonymity and zero hype at the third level in Spain at 20 years old and almost instantly became a starter and world class and hasnt looked back since. I just looked it up and Busi started close to 40 games in his debut season, which is crazy to think about.


Professor Balthazar
I agree with much of what you say BBZ. And I also think it is important to keep in mind that talent at youth levels more often than not comes to nothing, while we have players like Busquets as a good example of someone who just burst onto the scene performing at the very highest level from complete anonymity and zero hype at the third level in Spain at 20 years old and almost instantly became a starter and world class and hasnt looked back since. I just looked it up and Busi started close to 40 games in his debut season, which is crazy to think about.

We're a little bit spoiled :) I understand the comparison to Busi is close, but Busi is really 1 in a million. So is Messi and half of our Barca the latest 10 years with players like Xavi, Iniesta, Pique and Puyol. Roberto is doing just fine and slowly growing into a very good Barca player, able to play CM, DM, RB and RW - that's crazy! He could probably play CB and striker too if required of him :)


New member
We're a little bit spoiled :) I understand the comparison to Busi is close, but Busi is really 1 in a million. So is Messi and half of our Barca the latest 10 years with players like Xavi, Iniesta, Pique and Puyol. Roberto is doing just fine and slowly growing into a very good Barca player, able to play CM, DM, RB and RW - that's crazy! He could probably play CB and striker too if required of him :)

LOL, yeah, Tata saw Roberto as a false 9, and regarding CB, his heading and tackling is the best among all our mids and forwards so you never know! :D

Just to make myself clear, I wasnt comparing Busi to Roberto in any way, it just made a comment on how randomly things play out for different players in their late teens, early 20s. Roberto for example was actually very highly regarded in his youth and played a lot of NT matches in the youth categories. Busi didnt play any and was completely anonymous. Roberto is a bit of a strange case, but I am very happy he decided to stay after all these years.


Estonian Culé
ESP coach Del Bosque plans to include Sergi Roberto in Euro squad if he keeps current form. Could make debut against ROU in March. [sport]

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