Sergio Busquets


President of FC Barcelona
This is by the way something he does most games. Leaves his position to wander off and press as the highest man for some reason.

I don't know why he does it, but I don't often see other CDMs do it. It makes very little sense. Obviously issue with Frenkie is that he also loves to wander around.

In any case we need to look at CDM options in January and next summer.


Senior Member
Looks bad, but he was "pressing" the Midfielder with the ball up the pitch, tactics would dictate someone would fill that spot, but I guess the DM never leaves the front of the defenders in today's game

But it's bad. He's not the only one at fault there though.


Araujo does look uncharacteristically slow and passive in that situation.

Busi also was quite poor in his passing a had several really dangerous give aways in the first half when bayern were pressing us agressively high up.


Senior Member
Haha trying to defend that.


Absolutely atrocious from the DM and served no purpose whatsoever as doesnt even have the intensity to press in first place.


President of FC Barcelona
The club need to get serious about replacing him. Needs to be priority #1 in the summer.

If they can get someone in January they should probably consider that too. Especially if our salary cap right now is high and is expected to go down again next summer with Tebas and La Liga fooling around.

Question is who? Because Zubimendi doesn't convince me at all.


Senior Member
The club need to get serious about replacing him. Needs to be priority #1 in the summer.

Should have been replaced this summer and years before or playing a different structure where he is not so exposed.

But some like Xavi genuinely think he is 'playing well' in games like these when he cant move to pass ball and is exposed defensively time and again.


Senior Member
If you watch Busquets he actually has a quick look back as if to think "ok my space is covered" and justify not trying to get back. Then Pedri goes to press the Bayern player as he should if he is playing midfield in a trio. But there is nobody covering him.

Then Gavi (obviously coz it is Gavi) reacts and tries to recover the space, and would probably have succeeded had he not run into the Bayern blocker.

You just know that if Frenkie was Busquets in that situation, that he would publicly lambast what happened.

That's called a school boy press. One where the goal is a direct result of a defensive player pressing so far out of position that it concedes a goal through a gaping hole left.


Senior Member
The problem with this club and Spain FC is that they believe the tiki-taka barca can be replicated with him as the center piece. I know Catalans/Spaniards are a stubborn bunch but it seems like the club just refuses to adapt to 2022 and how much football has changed since then. Both Lucho and Xavi speak so highly of him you'd think he is still 2011 Busi.


President of FC Barcelona
If you watch Busquets he actually has a quick look back as if to think "ok my space is covered" and justify not trying to get back. Then Pedri goes to press the Bayern player as he should if he is playing midfield in a trio. But there is nobody covering him.

Then Gavi (obviously coz it is Gavi) reacts and tries to recover the space, and would probably have succeeded had he not run into the Bayern blocker.

You just know that if Frenkie was Busquets in that situation, that he would publicly lambast what happened.

This is true. One of the major points of criticism about Frenkie as a lone CDM is that he wanders off sometimes and also that he spends too much time on the ball not moving it quickly enough.....yet Busquets often runs off in games like these for some inexplicable reason.


Senior Member
He is a glaring weakness in our midfield.
I mean fucking glaring, like making my eyes tear glaring.

Whatever ''strong'' distribution arguments can be made for him are quickly quashed by his physical side and now diminishing football IQ (see his positioning for Bayern's 2nd).
How many more lessons does the club/management need that he CAN'T be trusted in big games?

For all Xavi's positives as a coach, this one in particular makes my fucking shit itch.


Senior Member
Busquets does it all the time and worse positioning than ever.

I swear Xavi probably hooked Gavi as he didnt manage to cover Busi there.

Too much is given up for players that cant do basics and has been a problem for Barca for years.

Busi is just too slow and lacks the physicality/intensity to be a DM these days and it is hampering him big time on ball also.

Making 38 passes is absolutlely pitiful when that is about the reason it is claimed he is there.

He is hiding both offensively and defensively.

In that action on the video you can even see he stops running back... he cant do it.


Senior Member
Looks bad, but Araujo doesn't look any better tbh.
It's irelevent though. With more crowded mid and DM doing his job at tracking back, Araujo migt not have to involve at and this attack would've been killed at it's inception. Which is what Bayern often does with our mid. What the hell i'm even seeing him being on the other end of the pitch and then leisurely jogging back as if we play against Osasuna having 3:0 up. Retired player. Xavi is mad letting him anywhere near these kind of matches.

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