Sergio Busquets


Mike the Knife
Any chance that Marcelo would lie in a statement over racism?...I mean I realize he's a douche, first & foremost, would he really stoop to the Mou depths and lie about racism?

Not an easy question to answer, tbh...Statement is one thing, I'd like to see him admit it in an interview or something...Feels very staged, a lot like RM's celebration of the CDR title 3 weeks after they won it AND on the same day Barca won the Primera Liga

Weak azz club is easy to see so lying hardly seems beneath them

Andrew M

New member
Why wouldn't he lie? It seems Madrid will seize any opportunity to discredit Barca as long as they are more successful. The truth is, we probably will never know the truth.


Mike the Knife
Why wouldn't he lie? It seems Madrid will seize any opportunity to discredit Barca as long as they are more successful. The truth is, we probably will never know the truth.

Well, lying about racism is not something a person who faces racism much will resort to, IMO...Plus, in professional football, and in Spain, those are damning statements to make about another player...You live with statements like that, forever...I don't think a fellow footballer would, in good conscience, give up a player falsely when it comes to racism...Even if it were to gain an advantage, even after the fact in this case

It feels like a Moroninho sideshow but would Marcelo really stoop that low to lie about it?...Honestly, I'm on the fence...If Mou wasn't involved, I'd say it's gotta be racist comments...But

Andrew M

New member
If he does get banned, we will never hear the end of it.

"Oh yeah, Barca, great team. Possibly one of the best ever. Shame about Busquets, the diving racist, though".


Active member
we have a chance to start our full "Dream Team" and we desperately need Busquets to erase Rooney there, such a bunch of shits, it would have been reported like 1 day after match if it was for real, not 2 weeks or did Mourinho watch some videos and told Marcelo that he was racialy abused? LOL


I think Busi certainly said something, I don't think Marcelo would make it up totally given it has a racist element to it. He may have exaggerated what was said though, which is different. Either way it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. Marcelo is and always was a complete twat though.

Adebayor won't be in a Madrid shirt next season, so thankfully we won't have any of more of his disgraceful attempts to 'snap people in half' like in the recent Clasicos.


New member
Okay, supposed Marcelo say it did happen and Sergio denies it? What will they do then? It would be a case of one statement against an other because I hardly believe that lip reading is any kind of prove.

In Germany we have at the moment an interesting judical case: a very prominent person (weather guru) is accused of raping his ex/girlfriend. There are some items involved (knife,..) who can not be interpreted clearly in favour for one party or the other. At the end the only thing you have is the statement of her and the statement of him and a lot of experts trying to find out who is more believable.

I think at the end he will be found not guilty because nobody can be sure which one of those two is lying.
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New member
Interestingly in Germa monkey = Affe would mean an insult but nothing to do with racism, it would be more like stupid idiot. I use the term very often, mostly while driving to trash talk other drivers. And for me it has nothing to do with racism, but it seems in Spain it is seen that way.


New member
Yeah, but that is irrelevant. If Busquets said monkey there is only one possible meaning to what he meant.

Sorry but that is stupid. Like I said for me it has a completly different meaning, so that already contradicts your statement that it only has one. And I can assure that I, decending from a proud line of leftwingers and allgedly gypsies, are certainly no racist in any way


Bomb Dropper
if he called Marcelo a monkey, he did it to wind Marcelo up and provoke a reaction - because monkey is a recognised racial slur in that part of the world.

if proven guilty, he deserves whatever UEFA throw at him (though a five match would again have one wondering how Mourinho only got 3 considering he basically said UEFA were corrupt). we just have to suck it up and move on.

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