Sergio Busquets


Staff member
Just imagine he plays anywhere else but Barca. Or worse still, for Real Madrid.
I had a short peek a month ago when Spain played vs. Croatia and can see why he's so much disliked outside Barca.


New member
I've heard before that Busquets was not appreciated in Sweden, now I believe it. He might want to avoid vacationing there.

Busquets does this stuff not only to influence the ref, but also to get the opponents off their game. As do some of the other best players in the world, like Di Maria, Neymar, etc. Attitudes towards these acting and psychological tactics vary by country. It seems like in England and Sweden, it is considered to be the lowest of the low. These skills seems more appreciated in Italy and maybe in Brazil. I think it's funny, accept it as part of the game.

Here in sweden they hate it just as much as in every other place but the thing is ALOT of people in sweden are butthurt over the Ibra fiasco and beacause of that they would complain more if a barca player dived just once than if any other player from any other team would dive 20 times. Last night was a perfect example of just that. Nani - the worst offender last night who dived atleast twice to get a penalty and getting one of them - didnt get boo'd at all while Busquets got boo'd because Scholes made a scissor tackle on him.

I'm a Barca fan through and through....but lets not kid ourselves, Sergio exagerates almost every single tackle on him. He is, indeed, a little bitch.

I call it like I see it, whether he plays for my team or not. Still a fantastic player, some people rate him a bit higher than I do, but still good at what he does.

I tell it as I see it as well. Busquets is easily my least favorite barca player, infact I would say that my felling towards him is closer to dislike than like, because he is the worst diver in the world alongside Ronaldo, Di maria, Neymar and Drogba but last night his antics wasnt so bad. He didnt exagerate in the tackle that made every Man Utd supporter starte boo him, infact if it was a competetive match Scholes could even get a red for that tackle. The only time that he exagerated contact was in the one which resulted in both him and Nani getting a yellow card.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
That's as biased a response as they come jamrock. I love Busquets more than most Barca fans, but he dives (again, not as much as say Alexis) and it makes him very unlikable to non-cules. Same can be said for Di Maria being adored by Madridistas and hated by practically every non-merengue football fan in the world.


New member
I'm a Barca fan through and through....but lets not kid ourselves, Sergio exagerates almost every single tackle on him. He is, indeed, a little bitch.

I call it like I see it, whether he plays for my team or not. Still a fantastic player, some people rate him a bit higher than I do, but still good at what he does.

It's completely blown out of proportion by media and sheep "fans" with no basic knowledge and interest in the game. He's not worse than, for example, Cesc, and Alexis or Dani are definitely bigger culprits. It has turned into witchunt, ffs people boo him after he suffers horrible tackle.

Influence of media and stupidity of majority of people are scary. All it took was one than one peek-a-boo image, and he's worst "diver" in the world for the rest of the career. And it wasn't even a dive. People are just retarded.


New member
I'm a Barca fan through and through....but lets not kid ourselves, Sergio exagerates almost every single tackle on him. He is, indeed, a little bitch.

I call it like I see it, whether he plays for my team or not. Still a fantastic player, some people rate him a bit higher than I do, but still good at what he does.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
That's as biased a response as they come jamrock. I love Busquets more than most Barca fans, but he dives (again, not as much as say Alexis) and it makes him very unlikable to non-cules. Same can be said for Di Maria being adored by Madridistas and hated by practically every non-merengue football fan in the world.
But Busquets gets more slack than other players just because they somehow think he's "disgusting"... I believe it's in part due to playing for us, but also due to his non-physical play and to an extent his looks. He doesn't have the most likeable look in the world, although he looks much less like a thug than Alves (who gets more diving-related hate than CR because of it). And the reputations they have mean people are already biased, and fans believe he dives even when he gets a tackle like the one from Scholes.

He also lacks the smile and innocence of players like Ronaldinho, Iniesta and Robinho who can dive and then go up with a smile and shrug it off.

PS: Busquets dives more than both Dani and Cesc


Professor Balthazar
Ehhh, who cares about jealous football fans. Just because they can't hold on to the ball for more than 10 passes. Just like Henke Larson said:

"I sometimes hear comments that say their game or the Spanish team are boring. To say that means you have no clue about football.
This game is based on having the ball and trying to score in the opposite goal. No ball no options. As simple as that. The other teams are boring!"

Ha! Was the football world enterntained when Chelsea beat us in CL? I don't think so! They just cleared the ball and saved their asses for 90-something minutes.
Busquets might be a little bitch. But players like Crynaldo, Pepe, Özil, Di Maria (I know, only Real players come to mind haha) are much worse. Stop hating on Busquets, I even see (wanna' be?) Barca fans hate on him?!
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No person who claims to be a cule should hate this man, he inhales air and exhales awesomeness


New member
My friend was at the game. She said not all the people booing Busquets were United fans, in fact some were Barca fans as well. Not just regular fans, but some of our ultras too who had traveled.


My friend was at the game. She said not all the people booing Busquets were United fans, in fact some were Barca fans as well. Not just regular fans, but some of our ultras too who had traveled.

not worthy to be called cules.


My friend was at the game. She said not all the people booing Busquets were United fans, in fact some were Barca fans as well. Not just regular fans, but some of our ultras too who had traveled.

wow...what a disgrace to the cule family. i just have no words left...


What is ultras anyways? In Eastern Europe they are fanatic fans, who are also hooligans and vandals as well.

What are Barca's ultras?

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