Sergio Busquets


New member
guess which ninja is sneaking around ready to steal the ball :troll:



New member
Busquets is so under-appreciated by the rest of the world due to his reputation of being a play actor. Makes me furious when people don't even consider him at being the best in the world in his position.

I actually think he's just as important to this current side as Messi is. Breaks up up play, stops counters, and is in charge of distributing to the 3 players ahead of him. And does it all, so perfectly.


Calma, calma
Busquets #2 in Barcaforum MoM and OPTA ratings. Dat recognition. :worthy:

Decided to compare a few whoscored MOM rankings vs barcaforum MOMs. The top 3 are really close most of the time. What's interesting, whenever Busi is in the top 3 here, he is atleast in the top 4 on whoscored as well. Should be surprising to people who believe he is underappreciated.
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Decided to compare a few whoscored MOM rankings vs barcaforum MOMs. They are pretty close almost all the time.
Yeah, obviously you can't have perfect function to calculate ones quality or impact on team performance, nor are the fans always right with their assessment. But they are usually pretty close with each other, which confirms that there is truth in both of them.


Calma, calma
Yeah, I still don't think their algorithm and coverage of stats is fully adequate but I think in the future, they (or somebody else) can only improve the analysis. Obviously people need to make the right conclusions from them but over a large aggregate of matches, they are pretty accurate. I remember somebody was upset that Pedro Leon was rated higher than Xavi this season...I don't understand what's so disagreeable about it.


I agree that larger sample size will eventually average out some of the anomalies, but they are doing something right, as Busquets who didn't score or assist, was second only to Messi, who directly contributed to all three goals, which gave the win, and which was confirmed by the collective subjectivity. As for Pedro Leon, yeah I can't say why because I don't really follow him that much, but from Opta ratings you can basically see why he is rated. And I didn't hear any arguments for why Xavi would have performed better this season than him.


the fake pass part is really nice.
and another one.

glad that he picked he benfica game, one of his best games.
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