Seydou Keita


Bomb Dropper
immense performance.

moved all over the pitch, closed down real, shifted it quickly, and really hounded xabi all night long.


immaculately conceived
It was not only his workrate, he was even playing the passing game. And playing it bitchin well.


Senior Member
Lol always funny how people see the game differently. I personally thought he had a bad first half. He didn't really do much- hung around in space and clogged up midfield a bit but I dont think it really takes that much skill to do that. I was more concerned when he had the ball. Made some bad passes and there were 2-3 times where we had players on the last line of defense BEGGING for a pass/through ball and he just lacked any sort of vision what-so-ever to deliver. What I'm saying if this is how he was supposed to be used than there would be other people much better at it.

To me the worst player besides Pedro tonight.


Work rate was excellent and a number of good challenges. His passing was still woeful though, soo many misplaced/badly weighted passes.


I still consider him to be our weakest link on the field, but he's a great backup though. According to Pep the first reason he brought in Keita was for his personality, which off course is a valuable asset to the team.


If Carlsberg did forum members
His workrate and determination was excellent. His passing was sloppy at times but usually good.

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